
Should I use sick days to travel?

Considering claiming I have Covid in January to take a few days off and see some friends, explore the city they live in (never been there before). My company is pretty lenient and chill, and I don't think they'd ask for proof or anything. But do you guys think this is worth it? I can take PTO if I want (though would rather not waste it) and I don't want to get in hot water at my company if I can avoid it.


Employees dropping like flies. It’s a bloodbath


Not my meme, but fits here well

Bonus points if you know what this is from


My work’s communication sucks

So I first started working as a Busser for this golf restaurant about 2 months ago. When I first met with HR she told me I needed to download these 2 apps. But on my first day I was told by my boss that we don’t use those apps. The apps had been used for seeing the schedule, requesting time off, ect. So now the only time I know my schedule is when I go in on Thursdays (which I usually work). But the last 2 Thursdays I went in I wasn’t on the schedule at all. But I stayed and worked my regular shift. Fast forward to today (thanksgiving) I wasn’t sure if I was working. So I messaged my boss at 8:30 and called my work to check. The girl who answered told me we have this new app NOONE told me about!! Then she told me I…


Mac goes full “Liminal” in the words to the jingle in their new Reddit commercial!


Burning out isn’t worth it

I've been working at a small company for a while now in an office. I've been “on call” without additional pay since July, working almost 70 hours a week. I shared in early September that I was burning out and not able to continue working so much. We have put an after hours answering service in place finally but it took an additional 9 hours on top of my on call hours to get everything set up. I have bipolar disorder (something my employer does not know, he has under 15 employees and I would not have protection or the ability to have reasonable accomodations through the ADA). I do not do well under intense stress or overworking. I manage my symptoms with medication, a strict routine and appropriate time to recharge. Without the ability to decompress regularly I struggle. 2 weeks ago my operations manager mentioned I seemed frustrated.…


The job is above my skills, I don’t think I can do it. How do I tell my new boss?

I ask genuinely. I started a new kitchen job, but I don't think I'm good fit for it. I'm so afraid of messing up the food, I haven't been trained properly. I'm scheduled to work tomorrow. This is my first proper kitchen experience, I was told it was just prep work with some cleaning and it turns out it's not. I may cook at home, but I don't have any line cook or restaurant cooking experience. I'm being expected to learn to make these soups, stews and meat dishes but I haven't been told how. I don't know what goes in to any of them. There's no recipes to reference, no cheat sheets. I'm not told temperatures, how long things need to cook, nothing. Unless it's something I put in the microwave, I just get told to try to not over cook it. I tried to reference the online menu,…


Talking about a new coffee place location opening


I have absolutely no desire to work

I've realized this pretty early on after I got out of school. I got a degree, I got a finished apprenticeship, I worked for a few years in a decent company. It wasn't the worst thing that it could be, but it also didn't bring me any joy. I only went because it was expected of me to work and because I didn't want to end up on the street due to a lack of money. But working didn't make me happy. When I lost my job and I regained my freedom, I realized just how much I despised work. How a lot of my depression, tiredness and general lack of drive went away almost instantly. I actually wanted to do things again. I had time to pursue my hobbies, to create things, to learn new stuff … to actually live. Now I'm horrified with the idea of working again.…


I was at the NY Islanders game last night and I realized the entire team is outsourced. We’re rooting for a team that’s outsourced.

While watching the game, promo footage kept appearing to showcase the players. Out of boredom I decided to do a brief background info check on Wikipedia for each one of the players. Turns out only 5 out of 26 players are even from the United States. 21 out of the 26 players are Canadian, Russian and Swedish. To many this probably seems arbitrary but hearing the audience chant and scream at the top of their lungs as a community to root for nearly an entire team of players outsourced from other countries just seemed strange to me. None of the players are members of the community, the only American players seem to be from Minnesota which at least they are representing the National Hockey League as an American. At the very least. Does anyone else find this a bizarre phenomenon? The NY Islanders might as well be the Canadian/Russian Islanders.…