
Not the hero we need but the hero we deserve


Every year


“Economics is an ideology masquerading as a science.” -Herman Daly, former senior economist to the World Bank

We need to stop lying to ourselves, there is more to life than economics, yet every aspect of life has been commodified and there is no escaping it other than isolation and self-deception. Yet we are communal creatures. No individual can effectively go back to an agrarian lifestyle by themselves. Oppression happens at the collective level, not individual. We participate every day. Social shame for thinking differently than what has been shown to lead to success and power (wealth). WHY DO FOLKS ARGUE IN FAVOUR OF CONTINUING IN ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY? This is fact, not opinion. Greed does not justify homelessness and child poverty. So many people think collectivism based societies means giving up; personal freedoms, being able to contribute in their own way, ability to be successful, being themselves, ability to self-express or foster a unique personality etc.. That viewpoint is so far off the mark. Competition does not bolster…


Leaving a job, do you complete an exit survey? Why or why not?

Company was a mess and wanted me to fix it. I notified everyone the problems and none of the problems were fixed. I put in notice. Problems include legal (harassment and discrimination) and ethical issues, all which have been addressed resssed with supervisors but no follow through. I am meeting with equal employment opportunity center in the future. I received a exit survey and unsure if it’s worth filling out. Part of me thinks they weren’t interested in what I had to say when I was there so why waste my time on my way out. Love to hear others thoughts


Want to do data entry, don’t have a degree

Title. I’m actually in school for an associates in computer programming, but right now I’m working at a warehouse (important: it’s an Amazon warehouse) 40 hours a week. I absolutely despise it. I do the work and I do it well, but, I’ll admit, I am a lazy fuck. I would want nothing more than enter things onto an Excel spreadsheet all day, but I don’t have a degree and would like some advice. Please help!


As we experienced in COVID19


Considering learning a trade, but don’t know what exactly

I'm considering becoming an electronics technician, but I would like to know how stressful it is and how much interaction with customers it requires? I'm looking for a job with the least amount of interaction. I'm also considering becoming a software technician, it might open doors for a tech job, but I'm afraid I'm not actually going to even get my first job because they only look for university graduates. Where should I go? Electronics or software?


Daylight savings time sucks for night shift workers

They need to abolish daylight savings time, us night shift workers get screwed over every year having to work an extra hour (we do get paid for it though)


How much do you make in a day?

I know how this sounds, but I don't wanna know your salary. I wanna know how much you create. For example, at my job, I make shocks for vehicles. They sell for about $50-$80 or even much higher depending on the model, and I make about 1100 of these a day, so I make about $55,000.00 a day, at the lowest. Wanna guess what I bring home per day? What do you make?


How much do you make in a day?

I know how this sounds, but I don't wanna know your salary. I wanna know how much you create. For example, at my job, I make shocks for vehicles. They sell for about $50-$80 or even much higher depending on the model, and I make about 1100 of these a day, so I make about $55,000.00 a day, at the lowest. Wanna guess what I bring home per day? What do you make?