
5 days in I want to quit

I started a new position that runs a “customer service” type of inbox that are all very time sensitive, like data entry into 5/6 applications. I began observing on 10/13, it’s WFH we did maybe hour long calls twice per day, some days less, during that time I took some notes but she would fly through everything faster than I could follow. On 25/26th, I started doing items by myself being supervised. We were very behind on workflow and I stopped about halfway through the day both times. On 27th, I focused on “simpler” tasks because I had been struggling. Then the next Monday I was sick and the Tuesday I wasn’t asked to complete anything. Itt was turned over to me completely last week, 100% of everything, however my trainer is still there to ask questions. Since then nothing has went well, I am constantly behind behind and getting…


I don’t want to do this anymore

I don't want to do this anymore. I went to college. I got a degree. I went into stem. I worked at the fast food job and bars. I've never been unemployed. I work hard. I've worked every shift you can imagine. Nights, early mornings, 12hrs, 8hrs, evenings, ect. Nothing seems to be enough. I'm now thinking about trying to trun my biology degree into a nursing program, but I'm tired of being in the same place. I just want to life simply. Why is nothing ever enough? Where did it all go wrong? Is it me or is it just the world? Should I sell everything and try something else? I feel so lost. I just don't want to do it anymore.


Am I wrong to be outraged by this?

This was sent to all employees of my workplace today.


Stifled to nepotism and threatened for asking about pay

Recently found out my coworker, who does less work than I do but is at the same position, has significantly higher pay (~35%). He is very good friends with the boss. I opened up to my other, more senior colleague and they took it upon themselves to say something about it (they were also offended that someone much younger than them had pay very close to their's). It came back to me and our boss called for a meeting. I immediately knew my job was on the line. I was overwhelmed, anxious and frustrated going into the meeting. The boss opened the discussion by saying we need to have better communication within the team and that we should be open with each other. Many of these remarks were pointed at me and the boss implied I was attempting to instigate behind the coworker's back. I insisted on talking about work…


Office politics suck!

I started a new job about 6 months ago. The job is incredibly easy and I was told as long as I got my stuff done, my boss would leave me alone. It’s hybrid remote but I found that I got more work done at home because there were less office distractions/antics. The girls in my office all act like they are in high school & most spend the day complaining about how hard the job was and often fall behind on work because they mess around in the office all day. For the first 5 months~ it was amazing. Then my office mates started to sabotage me. They would “forget” to give me important memos, They threw me under a bus and told my boss I was not attending meetings when I was never told about them, giving me false information about My boss has been riding my a**…


Thank you for teaching me what I’m worth.

Three years ago, I was working at a job I hated teaching sixth graders. I had no support from the administration and I felt so severely burned out I had to get help for my mental health issues it caused me. Fast forward to now and I am working at a hybrid virtual school that I love with a supportive staff, amazing bosses that let me leave early, and working 4 days a week for 10,000 dollars more. This sub taught me not to settle for less and I will always be grateful for the things I’ve learned here.


Gordon food service in Ohio and Michigan are lowering their employee discount from 10% to 5% just in time for the holidays

A nice Fuck you to overworked, understaffed employees to cover for management”s lack of skill. Well We can’t offer better prices or innovative service so we need to take away from the employees just before they are going to need it to reward ourselves for being so creative.


Got told I am being difficult at work, my new manager was moved to my team after being caught masturbating and sending inappropriate messages to women on his old team…

Title says it all really. I have recently found myself in a miserable situation at work (not just me, my whole team) as earlier this year everyone in the department got a hefty pay rise (between 20-30%) while my team didn't even get a raise in line with inflation so we're technically worse off. I did the math and it's around 4% Meanwhile, we have just been told we have a new manager to cover for my manager who is on maternity. This guy has a reputation due to the fact that he was caught masturbating around the corner from the women's toilets a few months ago, not only that, he had several grievances put in against him from female staff on his team saying they have been receiving inappropriate messages from him out of work hours. I have seen these messages and they're disgusting so it's not just some…


Rejected for a job after three interviews and multiple hours of unpaid spec work

As if the three interviews weren't enough, they also required unpaid spec work as part of the interviewing process, which I bit my tongue on. I knew it was a red flag but I went through with it since my interviews had gone so well. On top of that, it wasn't done yet; there were 2 more interviews slated if I went to the next stage. Is the job market really so shit that we have to compete this hard for mid level positions now? Next time I'll be dropping out from any interview process that requires spec work and more than 3 interviews. 60+ job applications sent and this was my only lead. I apologize for the rant but just wanted to see if other people are going through similar bs in their search.


I am not prepared

The company I work for has hired HRPNW as an HR Consultant and they’re starting with ‘confidential’ assessments with all the employees. My meeting is this Friday over Teams. I work from home full time since the big lockdowns and have never been happier. All I want is my same job, the same accommodations to work from home and maybe a cost of living increase…. What should I prepare for? How much do I say, if much? I’ve never done one of these. I haven’t worked anywhere with ‘real’ HR staff before. I’m at full ‘pucker’…