
Why is it we are not allowed to be simply caught up in our jobs?

Why is it, as soon as we get a system down, get a healthy flow going where nothing is missed, mistakes become a rarity because our load isn’t overwhelming but it’s steady, clients are happy with us because we’re confident in what we’re doing and have the needed energy…BAM! Boss gives you another load, or maybe your coworkers tell you “oh you should start doing this extra thing now.” I work as an insurance CSR (my other two coworkers are sales) and I am not allowed to simply be caught up in my work. I’m not allowed to have a comfortable, steady, system down. I don’t want to sit here and watch paint dry. But I am also one person and can only do so much at once, while maintaining my sanity. I go from being caught up to not knowing where to begin, or what I’ve possibly missed, because…


Placed on a performance improvement plan

Yes, as the title says, today I was placed on a performance improvement plan. I don’t want to go into much details as I don’t want a manager to potentially see this and use it against me. The goals detailed in the plan are not incredibly difficult to achieve. However, the attitude from HR and my manager gave me the impression that they are looking for ways to let me go soon. On top of this, there was an announcement about a position opening in our department, doing what I do essentially. I don’t want to lose my job for the sake of income stability and low job prospects in my area. This isn’t a job I enjoy. I have a degree so I guess I have that going for me. But the idea of losing my job is terrifying. Not sure what to do at this point besides cry…


I feel threatened by my job for being out sick

So this isn't that serious but I figured I'd bring it up anyway bc I felt like telling someone. I've only had this job for about a month. I've been out sick the past 3 days with intense flu symptoms. I have a doctors note. I'm feeling good enough to go tomorrow morning, but today I just got a text from my temp agency passive aggressively threatening to fire me over my absence. I really wish there was a way to appease them, but I cannot control illness I catch, and what it does to me. I want to keep this job, but I don't want it to eat me alive. Especially since I had planned a trip to see a family friend in the near future. Looks like that won't be happening at all for at least 10 months or so


The last straw. Im out

A coworker has it out for me. Last week during our meeting I confronted her. Our HR guy gave us the floor to do so. She stood up, screamed at me, quit, then threatened to assault me & made racist remarks. What did my HR guy do instead of protect me & let her go. He went & brought her back. No reprimand for her at all. Instead I am the one being punished. I contacted corporate HR right away. I’m waiting to hear back what they result is then im quitting either way. Im so tired of working in a toxic environment. Im struggling to wait to see this through but I have to.


My shifts got completely cut after telling employer I’m pregnant

I work at a movie theatre, and found out I was pregnant at the end of September. Throughout September my mom went through a major surgery and I had to take time off to help take care of her and clean the house. I made sure to communicate with my managers that I needed time off for that, but they still have me shifts throughout and I went in for them as they were only 3-5 hour shifts and my mom said she would be alright. At the beginning of October after I found out I was pregnant, I got a lung infection and food poisoning at the same time. I also had really bad morning sickness, spotting and cramping. I called out for maybe 3-4 shifts, 2+ hours in advance while actively looking for someone to take my shifts. I did show up for some of my shifts too…


Me and a friend have both got jobs at Amazon with the intention of mischief, gameplan?

We managed to land shift patterns that overlap and start on the same day. So i work alongside this guy as a plasterer. We both work together under our own company. anyway after telling him why my only other job was 15 minutes in Amazon, his reaction is “woah I wanna try that” And after talking about it we decided it may be a good idea to do it with the sole intention of causing havoc. Lunchtime silly talk became real. And after months of effort as it stands, next week, we're both going for that Amazon experience and zero good intentions. Gameplan anyone?


I’m quitting and not telling anyone

Recently found out I'm pregnant. I work at a preschool so a lot of my job entails being on my feet, chasing down three dozen toddlers/preschoolers, and going outside for a few hours a day. One of my pregnancy side effects now is that I'm always freezing. I'll have the heat on 80 and still be in a sweater and under a blanket shivering. We also have a steep hill that I've fallen down a few times. Just today I pushed back on going outside when it's cold for those reasons that I'm literally freezing shivering and I don't want to fall going outside. My immediate manager pushed back on that, to where I text vented to her about it. She then showed those texts to the director who then brought me into her office to scold me for not being flexible. Before I got pregnant I literally would do…


I did it for 6 months.

So I got hired at this company through a temp agency in May of this year to run some machinery. Everything went fine at first, my boss was (seemed to be) cool and the work was enjoyable… Until the time came to be hired on full time. Everyone said that “you're getting a raise going on full time,” and it was put in writing. Well, first full time paycheck comes and it's the exact same rate I was paid as a temp. I asked my boss, ”yo, what's up?” and was told “you haven't been here long enough.” And I'm just standing here mouth agape, “so why did you tell us that happens immediately, as does this paperwork?” No response except “look, you have to have us to survive. Get over it.” Next time it's brought up I get “don't worry, it's coming.” Month goes by and it still hasn't…


Job gave my brother a 35% pay cut while we are taking care of our bedridden mother

I’m so frustrated, I don’t know what we’re going to do. My brother’s job gave him a 35% pay cut due to not being able to work enough over these past couple months. He loses sleep every day because he works overtime but it’s not enough during working hours. MY MOTHER HAD A CATASTROPHIC STROKE LEAVING HER COMPLETELY DEVOID OF EVERYTHING. They said that others have experienced hardships before and overcame them. We were already living paycheck to paycheck. I just don’t even know how we survive. We’re all exhausted as is taking care of my mother. I can’t work because I just graduated from college and have to mainly take care of my mother. Life is so messed up.


A little advice for quitting a job before the probation period is over?

I picked up a job and realized it was absolutely horrid for my mental health, I've been there about a month and I know I can't continue. I already have another job, I just have to give the manager a start date. How do I approach the managers at my current work place? I plan to finish out the rest of this week and be done.