
Code word for “do whatever the hell I tell you to do”


Yet another rejection letter

I've had the worst luck this year when it comes to employment, this economy sucks: My company was bought out and the company that is fucking cannibalizing us is going to liquidate our division over the next six months. I've applied to maybe 50 places and done 9-10 interviews. Applied online to a place in August and the job opening closed up. After three interviews, then an email from HR saying “Congrats Chicken Dinner, you're the final candidate!,” then a background check, I finally got a verbal offer from a department with a December 1 start. I said that sounds good but can we match my salary at my current company. It was something like a $4k increase. I worked at my current toxic job for 7 years without a raise before this summer, so I didn’t think it unreasonable to try to keep what I got. They said they…


Am I legally required to submit work paid for in advance despite being fired right before handing it over?

My bosses were too busy partying and not responding, by the time they became available again they were already ready to let me go. They fired me instead of obtaining the work from me first. Do I still have to give it to them? Personal issues that were (imo) completely blown out of proportion heavily influenced the decision and while it is petty and immature.. I just really don't want them to have my work. I worked hard on it and they made it clear that they saw me as a useless employee. They can easily do it themselves (it's time consuming, not difficult) so I see it as me inconveniencing them. These would have been great work connections to keep but after working with them for so long and things ending like this & multiple instances of traumatizing mistreatment over the years.. I kind of feel like I would…


The Unofficial Anti work Theme Song

Dead on point too!


An 8-5 workday is NINE BILLABLE HOURS, not 8

I don't know how long this has been common in office jobs, as I've always worked 9-5. With remote I had work calls much later at night sometimes but at least I had flexibility during the day. I got unimaginably screwed this past 6 months trying to find work. Literally 1000+ applications and only just now getting responses after lying on my resume. Multiple jobs are giving low hourly rates for 8-5. I just asked the recruiter: “Is this 9 billable hours?” Offended response: “No, hour lunch break, 8 hours, etc.” No. You're paying for my occupied time. I don't give a shit about an hour lunch break. I'm not working 45 hours a week, which is what that is. And you damn well know my position of automating processes doesn't require that much of a daily commitment. You want me to work 8-5pm? You pay for overtime.


Real estate professional with salary downgraded from $74,800 last year to $40,500 currently.

I was laid off in April, and I looked for a new position daily and did not find one until mid October. Real estate in the US right now is only in reach for wealthy people. Example, a $400,000 house with 20% down and insurance and tax escrow runs around $3500 per month without HOA maintenance or special assessments/insurance shortfalls. In addition construction can’t build a home in my county for a square foot under $400- that’s EXTREMELY expensive for a family making under $100,000. Resale homes are hard to come by because no one wants to give up a 2% interest rate for the current 7 to 9% interest rate they would get on a new purchase. So needless to say business is down across our whole country. and honestly, I don’t see this changing anytime soon. I will say my new job is much less stressful, if I…


Sick to death of how the American worker is treated

HR just sent this out. Basically if you have been sick or dealing with a family member who has been or is sick and you have used up all of your available off time…too bad, sucks to be you. Want more, go grovel to your co-workers and see if they will donate any of their hard earned PTO to you. I can't believe we have been reduced to this that we allow ourselves to be treated like this.


It sucks seeing celebrities make so much money without even trying

I recently got fired for no reason. I’m unemployed, no one will hire me and my unemployment still hasn’t gone through after 4 weeks so my savings account is being drained, and even when I had a job (and a college degree) I was barely scraping by making $19 an hour. Then I go on Twitter and see that Kylie Jenner’s new clothing line made $1 million in its first hour of launch. No, I don’t follow her or go out of my way to see this stuff, it just pops up and I want to rant about it because I’m bored, unemployed, and annoyed.


it feels like we’ve stopped trying to make the world better; why all the artificial urgency?

We're all so focused on survival or personal gain – I really don't know how to be there for my family in my current career path. 50-60 hour weeks without overtime, and there's continuing education and all sorts of extra time commitments that I barely have control over. The money is alright enough ($50k, USD) but it's like you either have money or you have time/health. Or you're exploiting someone, scraping off the top, or never home. Even just the constant ads for things I could never afford, the medications I need in order to function at this pace, the overwhelming fear of losing my housing or having another medical emergency. I'm 27(M), the rest of life seems like we're watching everything get shittier, more out of reach, harder to keep up with. I have lost hope for starting a family. “You cannot get blood from a stone.” What can…


HR dismissing severe nut allergy

Our workplace has put in a coffee maker. Its great for other people and thats fine but there are Hazelnut coffee pods. I cant be around nuts at all. I can't even breath it in. I tried explaining to HR this but they dismissed my allergy saying “it couldn't possibly be that bad, why can't you breath it in”. I dont want the coffee maker taken away from others but the breakroom is next to my desk. Even if i never step in that room again, I'll be exposed. Touching a peanut butter chip meant for baking put me in the ER. There argument was “people take nuts in there all the time. I cant hang a sign saying no nuts. People will bring their own pods and i can't control that. You work in a grocery store, honey.” They're right about that. It's not reasonable to do that to…