
Americans are upset about surviving a pandemic and paying for the privilege: ‘They want these prices to be back where they were’


I left my job after a week

Started a new job that paid well for me and had great benefits and bonuses. Seemed promising. Worked with two other people (manager and coworker) and had a regional manager training/rating me for the first week. My immediate manager was standoffish and seemed like he didn’t want me there right away. Instead of showing me around he pointed and referenced locations I’ve never seen to get to where I needed to be. If you go to A and make a right at B you will see C… My coworker found me lost in E and took me around to show me where things were. He was friendly and almost immediately gave me his phone number and sent me a message saying if I needed anything to let him know. Throughout the week he checked on me and if I needed anything he would show up later with it, very professional…


Isn’t it your job as my employer to know the law

I had an issue with my boss yesterday. I work for a landlord and he’s currently using a service that charges $40 per application fee for each tenant applicant. Our state changed this fee requirement to $20 but he’s not sure when it goes into effect and neither am I. (NY) So I told him unless I know the application process is 100% legal then I don’t feel comfortable sending the applications. He tells me 1-i need to find the law and send it to him. 2-i need to find out when the law goes into effect. 3- I need to find another service to fix the problem or tell the tenants that they have to send us a background and credit check themselves. He said “be a solution for me not a problem” I’ve never worked in property management. This was not on the “office assistant” job description. I…


Free uniforms are something to be excited about.


micromanaging power trip manager

Throwaway here. Sorry this might be a long post but I need to know if I’m overreacting. Im fairly new in the corporate world and I met my manager in my previous workplace and he made a few comments the few times he came to my old workplace which made it look like he fancies me and told he only dates black women, he even made a comment about my body. He told me his office is hiring and a few weeks later I ended up losing my last job and applying to his because I didn’t have anything lined up. I got the job at his office about 4 months ago. I feel like I’m being micromanaged by him (my manager) and my coworker at the same time. I’m still fairly new but it seems like they nitpick everything I do. When I do the tasks they give they…


Advice for construction industry

So for context I’m a third year apprentice with a training org, I’m moving rural and the training org has failed to find me any employers. I found 2 by myself and gave one’s details to my training org but the other has offered me a car and work that I’m more interested in, however they seem like they want to pursue private employment which is fine by me. However it kinda seems like the RTO is trying to throw the book at me and make me stay with them. In short can they force me to stay? Like surely I can just bounce and ignore them, like they’ve sat on my file more months and made my family suffer in a situation I can’t afford and I found my own employment, surely they don’t have a case right? I live in SA Australia btw for context.


New boss cut pay in half

My buddy has been working at this place for a few years and recently their CEO stepped down and in came a new one. New CEO is changing the entire structure up. One of his coworkers, who has been with the company for over a decade, was told his pay will be cut in half and his schedule will change to include weekends. Is there anything he can do or is he SOL?


“If anyone wants to come in early” is code for me to come in early, but saying it indirectly.

I am taking my little stands now against the corporate machine. Such as this morning with a big delivery. The people pleasing stops here. I was on here bemoaning the company the other day, and you guys told me to dial it the hell down, and if I can, cut and run. I am looking for something that I can cope with better.


Possibly going to get fired for “appearance and grooming”… due to a stain on my skin

Literally don't know where else to go but I work nights shift at a hotel. When I first got hired I had multiple facial piercings in ans a funky way of dressing and doing my hair. They originally wanted me to be clean cut but after some back and forth they've let me keep my piercings in so as long as I dress business casual. Fair. So I wear plain button ups and pencil skirts with tights. No biggie. At one point I had dyed my hair (black) and the dye I used changed their formula so it stained my skin like CRAZY. I soaked my hands in hot water for almost 20 minutes, tried dish soap, tried rubbing alcohol. Still stained. Whatever. I go into work and a girl that had recently been promoted to manager (1 month ago) saw and was like oh! Can you get that off…


After four weeks of ghosting company called to tell me i didnt get the job.

Basically the title. I applied for a job in late August, had the interview almost a month later. After not hearing of them i called and HR told me she was about to call me. (As if…) They told me that they want me to come in asap, meet the team and learn more about the work i would be doing. This was on Oct 12. They told me, they have two others and will tell me Oct 17. To no ones surprise, they didnt. On Oct 23 i wrote a Mail and on Oct 24 i called. HR told me they havent decided yet and it might take some more days as she cant tell. After that i decided i would try to contact them anymore. HR then called me Nov 15 to tell me i didnt get the job. Which was 4 weeks after the supposed date and…