
my company allows me to “buy” pto

i brought this up in the comments of a random post recently and a few people seemed to be mindblown by it so i thought I'd bring it up here. as the title says, my company allows us to purchase pto. it's expensive as hell, basically an hour for however much you make an hour. 40 hours total purchasable so in the end, you're paying out your own pto for that week you take off. i haven't seen it often in my 10+ years of working so i thought I'd see how yall feel about it. imo it seems cool at first but the more you think about it, the more predatory it feels. even so, i sure did buy 40 hours this year because time away from work is worth it.


Company negging people for wanting to leave

Our company was bought out by a competitor. Some people were let go and others were made offers. Everyone who came over immediately saw how shitty it was going to be. There was a culture of arrogance there from day 1. People who were managers with supervisory authority lost all their direct reports and were made understudies to the new company's existing staff. There were not given official job titles or descriptions. Projects were put on hold. Policies that have been in place for years were being audited by people who knew nothing about our software. They were kept out of important meetings. The meetings they were invited to seemed to serve no purpose and mostly consisted of the new company's staff bragging about what a great play it was to buy us out. It was obvious that they were only keeping us on to train their employees how to…


Yesterday it was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

I work in hospitality (not a hotel, but I'm keeping details vague) and I have a laundry list of complaints. Unsafe working space, long extra hours with no compensation, no meal breaks (mandated by law), poor training, added unwanted responsibilities with no higher pay… Then yesterday. Yesterday. My manager had the fucking gall of of scolding me because I refused to provide free labour. I had this sudden realisation that I deserve better than this. I deserve better than a place where I get constantly made to feel like I am not as good as everybody else because I don't provide free labour and make mistakes when information and training come in bits and pieces and I am constantly asked to perform above and beyond. I'm fed up and I have a (perfectly legal) plan in place to make them regret their behaviour.


IBM scraps 401k

This is crazy. I’m sure more companies will follow.


About to quit my job

Im a single female that makes decent money in management. I definitely know that I am able to afford my place bc of my current job, but honestly I have been so miserable there, I cry after and before work because I just don’t want to be there. I hate my boss and the way she is, the whole company and HR won’t do shit bc 3 other people have quit this past month and no one cares. I don’t have a backup but at a point where I just feel in my body it’s time to go. I’ve never quit a job without a backup and as someone who hires people I know it looks bad on your resume when you do that. Please help me out and tell me why I should just fucking suck it up and go.


Abolish Reference Checks!

Follow-up to: What is a “reference check”? It's a process in the pre-employment phase where your potential employers speak with your professional references and employers. One of the fields of work that checks references is the school district. I learned that all school districts check references when I was passed over for an Instructional Assistant position with a nearby high school district last October. All schools check references, not just my desired ones. Why should “reference checks” be abolished? It takes time away from the professional references and employers just to talk to their employee about their work habits and whether if they are going to be a perfect fit for their potential endeavor. They either have to take time away from whatever they are doing just to answer a phone call or respond to an email from the school district in regards to the employee who is looking…


“No Compete” Clause I Didn’t Sign

Alright, so, to start things off, I live in the state of Georgia. I currently work (and have worked) for my current employer for a significant amount of time. It is a small, privately owned machine shop. I have never signed a “no compete” agreement, like many machine shops require, when I started working here. However, recently, it has come to my attention that the current owner had a potential new employer sign a “do not hire” contract mentioning me and another employee by name, without either of our written consent to do so. The other company called to inform me that they may no longer be able to hire me, or the other guy. I guess what I’m asking is: 1) is this legal? And 2) should I be concerned with how many other places this owner has got other companies to sign? I should also add that I’m…


My boss just posted this up in the shop. How about pay is more?


Pretty accurate assessment of the current state of corporate America tbh


Where do you draw the line?

5 months ago my brother accepted a lower paying job, for a non profit, for the sake of being able to work remotely and work less, the deal was that the organization doesn't provide equipment (laptop, headsets etc) which he was fine with and agreed to. They also dont provide the phones so hes been using his private cell for occasional communication with the team etc. Now he was told that he will have to start texting some external stakeholders and members from his private cell (we're talking about something like 70 people) and while he has unlimited texts with his plan my issue is with the privacy. Hes supposed to make his private phone number to a bunch people who going forward might start contacting him on that number with work related bullshit. He thinks its not a big deal and doesnt want to be inflexible but I think…