
Has anyone addressed a former boss after termination?

My SO was fired this week. The abuse leading up to it was brutal. My SO stated that he wants to spend some time processing and healing and perhaps in the future, he will send his former boss a letter sharing a bit about how their toxic actions impacted him. I will support my SO as he needs but I’m curious to hear if anyone has done something similar to this and if it’s been helpful or not.


Klarna signs agreement with unions

After Swedish workers threatened to strike, Klarna sings pay agreement with unions.


Job offer withdrawn..

I’ve seen this happen to others on here so I should have known better… I was offered a job with a comfortable salary, which I’ve honestly never had it my life so I was very excited. I went through all the onboarding processes, and because I was feeling very comfortable with my new salary, I stupidly used the little bit of cash I had saved up for emergencies to take care of some outstanding bills I’d been putting off. And then… they had a change in the program and withdrew my job offer. Of course, after I had already quit my previous job and used all the money I had to pay outstanding bills. It took me like 6 months of applying to jobs to finally get this offer. And now I’m fucked. 🙂


Great angle…..


Explained to my boss about workers’ rights today

i’ll start this off today by saying i work in hr (sorry), but i try to do what i can for employees and actually put the human part into my job. i also am us based for the story— anyways, without going into detail as i’m sure some of our employees use reddit, today my boss (leader of global hr team) was complaining about an employee who shared his commission plan/payments with his coworkers. this employee works significantly more than others and his plan reflects that. he is also totally within his right to share that plan with others, and others then have the right to ask that their plans match. our ceo does not like that. he demanded that my boss “fix this” as it is an “hr issue”, so my boss was saying how she would need to talk to the employee who shared his plan, and that…


Not spending enough time after work studying product.

After being with this company 2+ years, i was just informed that the reason I have not gotten a raise was because I was not spending enough time after hours at the office studying on our product. Huh????? Oh, and also my territory is supposed to be well above 9 figures even though the last 6 years have barely broken 6 figures. Where are these imaginary expectations coming from?


This majestic image appeared the week I resigned, I’m now using all my sick + personal days for the remaining hybrid 2 weeks, and they better pay out my accrued Vaca, +12 hours now that it’s November 1


The Arrogance of interviewers

So I recently actively started looking for employment again after being with the same company for 14 years and the one thing that has taken me by surprise is the arrogance and invasive questioning of interviewers. One asked me if I had any mental health problems within 5 minutes of the interview with all the attitude as if he was asking me my shoe size. Another said, and I quote “I hope you have the sense to have been fully covid vaccinated” Is this line of questioning normal in this day and age ? Are they allowed to ask such personal questions ? I also had one possible employee get very annoyed when I had the audacity to decline his job offer after accepting an offer at a different company. It’s kind of thrown me a bit. I get the impression that employers think I should be grateful for their…


Who else didn’t get paid today?

I didn’t. I bank at Wells Fargo. Can we charge them fees like they charge us? After all, they failed to get our money to us. Note- I realize that the issue is with the ACH system and really has nothing to do with employers, but I feel like this is an appropriate topic in this sub. Feel free to delete if not!


HR wants me to sign this salary policy. Thoughts?

I'm a salary employee at this company. Normal schedule is 7am-530pm, Monday-Thursday. Fridays have only been for if we are behind schedule. Having a three say weekend was a big factor in taking this job. Even if we work our 40 hours, if we are not there on Friday, we have to use a vacation day. I only receive 40 hours a year for vacation. This policy is nothing new, but always been unspoken and everyone always looked the other way on it. I'm assuming it's legal, but is there anyway around it? I'm in NC