
US needs new way to measure and advance economic fairness, according to a new report released on Thursday by the American Academy of Arts and Sciences


How do I ask for a consistent schedule in the most passive agressive way.

For context. My entire team was told that we would have a 4-day work week where we would work 4 10 hour shifts. They cut or days down to 8 hour shifts where I'm losing 16 hours of pay every check and are now putting us back onto a 5 day work week. I mean I like having my hours back but I don't like the extra day. To top it off I used to come in at 5AM every shift and now they have me staggering between 5AM and 7:30AM start times due to “business needs”.


Not paying? Threatening me when I ask for my due paychecks? Enjoy your $4k/mo shortage.

I am a music teacher. I do drums, guitar, piano, ukulele, bass guitar, and classical percussion, along with partwriting, music theory, and solfege training. As such, I have a LOT of students. The store I was formerly working for had recently changed ownership, and the new owners had taken it upon themselves to dodge paying the teachers as much as possible. After the amount owed ran over $3000, I started making noise, which was met with a letter from the owner that my actions could be construed as harassment and threatened me with legal action if they didnt stop. Oh my…fuck you with a cactus. That momebt, I group-messaged every single one of my 42 students and alerted them that I would not be returning to the store or continuing lessons with them through the store because they werent paying their teachers. I encouraged them all to book me privately,…


Apple suffers setback in fight against EU’s $14 billion tax order


Brazil readies 15% minimum tax on multinational profits ahead of G20 presidency


What do you do to get your mind right before heading off to work everyday?


Appealing disability denial with long-COVID before PIP


Hiring managers keeps asking me if I have kids or planning to have one

I don't know if its just us women, but I've been thru 3 job interviews lately and all of them ask about if I have kids and each time I answer “no”, their immediate response would be “great”. Isn't this some sort of discrimination on women? I'm not planning to have kids anytime soon but why is it any of their business?? Just because someone has a kid then I'm guessing they wouldn't proceed with the application.


We can get any decent applicants. Nobody wants to work

Borrowed from another group


Protect the wealthy.