
Endless issue

Current issue I’m facing Can’t get a job because Not my interest Toxic work environment Not experienced Not many shifts Too many applicants and always getting “We regret to inform you” emails Only good at one thing but dont want to rush into doing a job that’ll fire me within weeks. Paying the prices for not “studying” and getting low end educated job positions like “warehousing”. Pretty much a punishment in society, not educated, shit job, educated, good job. Unemployed – bored, depressed, broke, lazy Lots of time and freedom Employed – no time, tired to start ones thing, draining, paid. Rich – financially free, no restriction to a job. I’m currently unemployed. Endless applying and calling, lied twice about open positions only to say they “never said there was a vacancy”


I got fired and I feel great about it

I got fired from my overnight job 3 weeks ago and I have never felt better. My mental health has improved, I feel like my qol is better, I have more motivation to find something different and feel more like myself. I never thought a job could affect my mental health so bad and didn’t even realize it, then I got fired and I honestly think it was a blessing.


Rant on being unemployed and demotivated in todays American hell scape

I have a college degree. I got good grades. I worked in big corporate, I worked at a non profit, I worked at a smaller company. They all were incredibly dis-functional and poorly ran. I quit my smaller company job 6 months ago as it was so toxic, it was either take a leap into the unknown or feeling like I wanted to hop in front of a bus daily. I’m so traumatized by the sexism, favoritism, low pay, harassment, power trips, and more. I’m lucky enough that I saved up enough to be able to take some time for myself but now I’m trying to get myself back into applying and finding another job. Every time I look at my resume or picture myself at another job it’s like I get overwhelmed and can picture how rat racey the next thing is going to be and I avoid it…


Am I right to be skeptical?

Hello all so here’s the situation. A couple of weeks back I applied for a photography/sales job. It’s different from what I’m used to but one where I could apply skills that I’ve learned so far as a college student and during my time working in food/customer service. I heard back yesterday but missed the call and didn’t see it until after hours. So I called the woman back today and told her my name, that I was returning her call from yesterday etc etc. She asks if I’m still interested in the job and I say yes. There is a pause as it appears we were both waiting for the other to say more (I’m thinking since she called me first she would have more to say/questions to ask me). After a couple of questions about what hours I’m looking for, she asks me if I’ve done a background…


Is two timing worth the risk under NDA?

I don't know if I this is too much. I WFH from another country for a company in the US (at will), when hired I signed an NDA which included a clause that does not let me work for any client of the company for several years, even if i stop working for them. I am basically subcontracted to other companies to work for them. One of these I worked for a good time but there was a fight between the heads of the companies and terminated relations, this was more than a year ago. Recently they contacted me and offered a part time job. I know I can do both but I also know it can be a risk. I don't know how risky is it or if its even worth it. P.S. They pay me below the average for my profession in the US but above what I…


Heard my boss talking about replacing me. I have no other job prospects, and none of the other jobs in my area pay a living wage… what do I do???

I'm seriously gonna have a panic attack because if I lose this job, everything I have saved is just gonna be depleted in no time and I'll be on the streets even quicker… This is fucking hopeless. Even unemployment wouldn't be enough to keep the lights on or food on the table. What do I tell my family? I'm getting so sick of this. Oh yeah, and if I actually do get sick I'll have no health insurance, so I guess I just die?! Fuck this system. It's not set up to help anyone but the rich and powerful, and I dont want to play this fucking game anymore…


What would be the consequences of finding out your boss was recording work conversations without our consent? In Canada

What type of consequences would a boss have if they were found out to be recording conversations between employees within the work place? I'm in Canada and not sure of the laws about this but there was a very private discussion today in the back room of my office place where an employee confided to tell me very sensitive things that were happening within the work place and we have concerns about the possibility that our boss may have sound on the video surveillance he has. If they or I were to be let go because of a private conversation (coming to me as I am assistant manager in regards to upper management for a legitimate reason, no gossip) what would the outcome be?


Manager gave my job to their friend

I’ve worked at this company for several years and found out today that my manager is giving my job to their friend. I’ve done so much for this company and I’ve been glue to hold things together, I’ve worked extra when I needed to, I’ve helped grow the company revenue several multiples. All of that so I can be rewarded with an “I don’t really like you” and giving my job to his friend. Corporate America is shit. /rant


How do you look for work without wanting to die??

I got laid off last week so now I’m forced to look for work so I don’t starve or get evicted and I honestly wanna climb into a hole and die. I can’t tell if it’s burnout, depression, or full disillusionment from our capitalistic nightmare of a job landscape. But I… don’t want to work. I don’t want a career. I want nothing to do with any of this. I sound like a brat but I can’t help but think “there’s gotta be more to life than endless cover letters for 100 jobs I don’t want!” What am I contributing to? Who am I trying to impress? What good am I trying to do when all there are is project managers and content managers and analytic support and customer service? This feels so fucking bleak. I wish I could just run away into the woods and my work consisted of…


I bought some lip balm and a bag telling me to get to work

The Body Shop is owned by at least one conglomerate. They hold assets and provide no services. Just hoard. Next i predict we're going have a campaign lodged at us with the other 3 corporate conglomerates who own everything. We'll be offered similar messages at first indirectly and in politics and the media but at the end we will all be singing hymns about how virtuous we are and blessed we will be in the afterlife if we get to work. But they're on the path if not successful right now in making us feel wanted for the expense of our labor. Let's Get To Work! This is what we do and on our deathbed we will rest knowing our hard work will noted when we are finally dead.