
NY Attorney General announces $328 million in settlement funds from Uber and Lyft for ‘stealing earnings’ | CNN Business


Job Opportunity

So the story goes that I applied for a position as a data analyst for a company back in mid August of which I got to talk to 2 of the senior managers, one of which would be my direct report. I got the final interview at the beginning of September and then got the email a week later that they are passing. 2 weeks after that, I got another email saying that I am be reconsidered for the position. It is now November and when I email the recruiter, they just tell me that the process is long and to be patient. Should I wait or just let this one go.


Cost saving? really.

Well.. they finally managed to get me to polish up Ye Olde CV Keep yapping about 'needing to save cost' and 'we are not doing well' yet i see announcement after announcement of 'manager hired' for some weird role (the BS bingo card does fill up rapidly0 But now . Outside office needs new IT hardware. A server. Management gets a quote .. around $8000. No big deal. But, Management is in US, and office in UK. I have a good working relationship with the account rep of the provider and ask him to review the requirements and see what my price would be. He gave me a quote for the SAME box – US$ 6200. Of course, install needs to happen – total cost (travel/hotel) around US$ 850. Request denied, they expect a random person in that office to do it.. First application for elsewhere has been sent.. they…


Going into the arts? I can’t stand software dev, it turns out

I chose a software dev degree for job stability (coming from a low income family during current economic and housing circumstances invokes quite a few concerns), but having reached the internship stage, this just ain't it. WFH makes it comfortable, which was one thing I wanted, but the work itself stresses me too much and only the design portions of it keep my interest. It affects me mentally to the degree that it feels pointless and I too often lack the energy to pursue my own interests properly. My actual background is far more creative, which I explored extensively during my gap years, and I'm thinking of finishing this degree and hopping to an art school or something. I only foresee misery going down this software/tech path, cushy pay or not. Maybe there's another alternative with more stability. A friend proposed that I might struggle with any job like this,…


Do American workers look at countries with worker rights?

Hi all, As a union type of guy I am horrified with posts often from American workers on their conditions and way they get treated. It made me wonder. Do American workers ever look at countries with worker rights, paid holidays, sick leave ect? If they do what stops them from trying to get these basic conditions? Lastly, this is not an America bashing post more trying to understand the culture of work.


How am I ever supposed to hold a job with medical/mental health issues that don’t qualify for disability, but also inevitably make me sometimes miss work/be late?

I can't get SSDI as far as I can tell. I'd love to just do freelance work from home, and I only need 25+ hours a week to get by because I split expenses with my partner and we're pretty frugal. But so far haven't really found a way to make that work because I'd need a lot of free time in the beginning to build a portfolio or something, get clients, etc., and end up with enough work to live on. I'd love to do something where I could just make my own hours and work whenever I'm able, but I also do not have a car or a license, for that matter, so things like Uber aren't an option. Every traditional job I've had is pretty strict on punctuality, and after almost a decade of being an adult, that shit just isn't how my brain or body is…


Am I stupid for this

Lately I’ve been hating doing maintenance, money is good and all it’s just everything that comes with it is dragging me down both physically and mentally. Starting to think I’m just not cut to be a mechanic which isn’t a bad thing but onto the post. Would I be stupid for leaving a job at $25 an hour for something a lot less technical and demanding at $15~ an hour. I would still be able to afford my bills, albeit I would have to have a tight budget, I just don’t see how much longer I can keep it up, I’m staying until Christmas for my vacation but even that seems like years away.


Job listings are lying

6 months ago, as a recent graduate, I applied to this one company. On paper everything looked great, had a great interview and we were in the process of getting a contract set up. The downsite was, I couldn't start until September. It sucked but fine. I still hadn't seen the contract at that point but thought everything would go well. I thought I was lucky. However. The moment I get my contract the amount of hourly pay was way off and as I called them to renegotiate, they couldn't. I, as every person should do when a company lies, declined and kept looking. I'm now 6 months away, stil haven't found anything but I keep seeing that company reposting the job listing. I laugh about it inwardly, either they can't keep the people they hire or, people aren't falling for it. However, I just now saw they reposted again…


Changing multiple supervisors in half a year

Within the course of six months, I have changed three supervisors with each lasting about two months per supervisor. These people are seconded from HQ, and I am supporting them. It gets super tiring having to adapt to a new working style of that supervisor, and having to rebuild trust and relationship again! Am going to quit because I've been told another new supervisor will be coming in two months later – I've had enough. Am I overreacting or is this just plain bullshit company practice?


I worked as Embalmer for a Major Funeral Service Corporation..

I'll never forget, years ago I was the top embalmer for a Funeral Service Corporation when COVID went off like a fucking bomb in funeral service. I was embalming 5 to 8 decedents per day, my prior average was 2 per day. I worked near 40 days straight, being called in on every single day off, massive overtime, tackling the worst of cases while my younger and some older colleagues were scared (COVID had no vaccine and we didn't know much about transmission) and just didn't have the experience to keep up. In the end after seeing these corporate fucks through a very difficult time and even embalming many of my neighbors who succumbed to COVID, I was questioned about OT, why I was embalming hundreds more decedents than the next most experienced embalmer and was rewarded with some Snickers. That's right candy bars. To anyone who thinks that any…