
An ode to being overworked

I do not have a fuck to give I gave them all away When I had some fucks to give I’d hand them out all day For if I had a fuck to give Maybe work would be more fun But since I have no fucks to give I can’t wait for it to be done Fuck.


Boss Unhappy I Quit, Withheld Wages

TL, DR is at the bottom. This is a long one, so buckle up! I worked for the same job for almost four years. During that time, I moved up to become supervisor of my section. I was on good terms with the director of the program, as well as the owner of the business. I helped them out of a lot tough situations, and up until the day I quit, the owner (we will call him Dr. Kong) would sing my praises. About five months before I quit, a new employee started at my workplace. We will call her Abby. Abby seemed nice enough at first, a little rough around the edges but nothing alarming. As the first month moved into the second, that started to change. I was Abby’s supervisor, and I noticed that she would often undermine other employees in our section, including me. She would make…


No more overtime for me

I work a pretty back end job and we essentially work on claims all day. Everyone on my team typically does 20-30 a day, some people doing less depending on the complexity of the claims they’re working on. I started in July and typically do about 8 hours of overtime a week just to pay my bills, rent, etc since my wage is low. On Wednesday my boss emails me saying I can’t work overtime that day since I didn’t do 38 claims and that’s our “benchmark”. We use share-point to monitor things and you can see how many claims someone does per day. I had done 25 for the day and worked more claims than 4 people who all got approved for overtime, who are also all friends with the manager. It feels like my wage has just been slashed for not being besties with a woman twice my…


I have more workload than the person in my position before me and make 25k less

I’m at a loss because I’m not sure how to go about fixing the situation I’m in. I am the business and marketing operations manager for a small company. I have been at the company for 6 months and started in shipping. Over the 6 months, through luck and tenacity, I got the opportunity to take over for our old business ops manager. I spent 2 years as a line cook and was trying desperately to get into an office setting and I was very excited to finally get my foot into the game. I consider myself an intelligent individual who can handle a lot of stress, so when I was offered this position, I was more so excited to prove what I can do and less worried about my salary. Now the workload has gotten way out of control. I’m doing more way more than the previous person, and…


Management says I have to answer co worker texts (Rant)

TLDR Management acting ugly because I didnt respond to a coworker asking to cover a shift last minute. I need to rant about this and I couldn't think of a better place to do it. I work a small retail gig. No corporate, family owned type deal. If I must work making other people money this is the best case scenario for me. Recently they've rolled back our hours cause the company is under performing. This has resulted in them keeping us “on call” (uncompensated) this was explained to us as if it becomes busy and they need more hands, they'll call us. Nothing in my work contract mentions being on call and certainly not at the behest of my peers. Today one of my co workers texted me and my other co workers in a group chat asking to take her shift. Only one of my co workers responded…


Controversial leftist opinion: Billionaire net worth is not the real concern. Corporate profits are.

Billionaire wealth is speculative and imaginary. Made-up numbers floating around in a digital and mathematical ether. It's the total value of their holdings as determined by capital markets. It's what investors think their shares are collectively worth. The real act of theft is profit- the actual money that corporations run away with and stash in tax havens, pay out to shareholders, etc.


Partner makes way more than me and works way less than me. Why do harder jobs pay the least??

I work 40 hours a week as a custodian. I make $16/hour and live paycheck to paycheck. I’m exhausted from the work and use my weekend to regroup for the work to come. I recently started dating someone who has a salaried “adult job” and they told me that they work roughly 10 hours a week, gets paid every two weeks, and each paycheck is $1.8k. They said that their job is mostly sending emails. Wtf?? That doesn’t feel fair at all. I want to clarify that I’m not upset with my partner in the slightest. I’m upset that we live in such a backwards society. I work my ass off every week and get little reward, while my partner does hardly anything and makes a ton of money. Make it make sense. Smh. I hate that if I want a better paying job that my best option is to…


Left a salaried job and saw the posting for an hourly rate

I recently started, and quickly, left a salaried job for a small company. I was super stoked to apply and get the interview but there were some red flags that went off during the in-person interview, which consisted of them basically bragging about how great their company is and them making sure I’m going to show up and do my job. Like saying something along the lines of “we just want to make sure you’re not going to show up just because you don’t feel like it”. It had the same energy as when you see a job posting and it looks great until you get to the end where it says something like “only apply if you can show up on time!” “Hard workers only!”. You know those jobs are going to be rough specifically because of management. It seemed like they’d had a really bad experience with previous…


Resigned – Sign on bonus question

Hi all So I recently quit my job and they gave me a sign on bonus at the start, they told me that they would take out the amount on my last check but they did not, now this sign on bonus has been subjected to tax deductions. When they ask for it back am I supposed to give them the full amount even though taxes have been paid on it?


Do some of y’all really work 7AM-7PM, 7 days a week?

So for my work I have to call up a bunch of insurance adjusters/field inspectors etc. Some of them have it in the voicemail recording that they work from 7am to 7pm, and even on the weekends. What kinda schedule is that?