
Why does every company I work for have people who throughly exist to be petty?


Never work for a company that doesn’t reward loyalty in some form.

The administration at my current job doesn't feel the need to give me juat TWO additional hours of work per week, totally my part-time job up to 29 hours instead of 27. They say there isn't enough budget to pay me a grand total more of $49.54 per fucking week. But they just expanded the business, and they're making more revenue than they did last year. I've been with this company for now just over 8 years, and this is what they do to reward me. PART TIME FOR 8 FUCKING YEARS. FUCK YOU. I'M LEAVING. Just as soon as I find another job that can pay the bills. sigh it's how they've kept me for this long. That and hoping they'd eventually change their minds. It's never gonna happen. I'm so done.


Hanging In There

I have been holding back the desire to quit since I joined this company. From my previous posts, the problem is my boss. He's a terrible man and every day I put up with belittling and outrageous expectations. Thankfully the sexual harassment has stopped after I threatened him. My job includes hefty end of year bonuses from profit sharing and that's my finish line at this point. I am told to expect it around February by my coworkers that have already been here a few years. I would quit before the bonus, just to save my mental health, but I've already suffered almost a year and feel I might as well make it valuable. My job is 8 am to 6 pm ON PAPER. Really it is 24 hour on call and I work overtime about 3 days a week, except with no overtime pay because the incentive is that…


“Why isn’t this generation buying houses?”


Same job, from 20usd/hr to 32usd/hr.

So I work in logistics, and literally get an offer from other company paying me more 12 bucks per hour. I am literally telling everyone. Don’t let your current employer take advantages from you.


Underpaid for risky work

I’m a ground service worker at a “small” airport. We don’t have any airline flights so it is mostly small airplanes all the way up to large business jets. Ground service workers are the scum of the earth to most people I work around. I’m the lowest level position at my company, we’re always understaffed meaning things don’t get done as fast as people want. Boss is frequently mad about things not getting done on time, mechanics always mad things aren’t done on time, pilots always mad for the same reason because it took a extra 2 minutes to get the fuel truck for their plane. I’ve been verbally harassed by pilots frequently swearing and screaming at me. We are always working in hazardous environments ex large quantities of fuel, towing aircraft worth more money than i’ll ever see in my life, near running aircraft engines, always in hazardous noise…


What happens if AI is ‘successful’?

I'm not talking about the Terminator or the Matrix here. This is more about the near-term. Let's say AI does help (mostly office workers) eliminate 30% of their work. Do we think big corporates will let their people use that 30% freed up time to learn, innovate, have better work-life balance? Or do you think they will cut 30% of the workforce and keep the remaining people doing even more work? There's always been this 'promise' that with each innovation, that we'll have more free time. We are at the peak of innovation and technology for our species, but most of us are busier than ever. There are growing rates of burnout across the board. We work harder and longer than during any period in history. I'm not against innovation or AI or technological improvements, but we need to make sure that corporations don't use them to just cut their…


I applied for a law job. They sent snail mail to let me know I didn’t get it.

I was left in limbo for over a week before the letter got to me. After 4 interviews, one including a recording, you’d think they’d have the decency to give me a call or at least an email. Luckily, I have a good paying job now. Imagine if this was my only option.


Employer wants me to make up sick days…

To make a very long story short, and I’m leaving out a lot but trying to be succinct… I tried leaving my job months ago because I was going through some health stuff and the hours were too much. They created a new part time position in order to keep me. Then because we are so short-staffed they kept having me work days/times outside of what we had agreed to. So essentially I was still working close to full time or actual full time hours but without benefits (because they took them away when I became a “part time” employee). After a while I just asked to be full time again since I was working those hours and at least I could have benefits then. They said no, then the next week asked me if I would work even more hours than what I had been working as a full…


Everyone Deserves A Home

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