
F Minus by Tony Carrillo for November 03, 2023 | Even comic authors know.


I just got threatened by my manager

I work in IT, as a support tech. Yesterday, my manager called me, and explained to me that he just got yelled at by his own boss because of low performance in a part of our job. The issue is: we, support technicians, are supposed to create tickets in order to document every job we do to help out the people needing support; but lately, we have been making fewer and fewer tickets to document those. I'm not gonna lie, that is true. We have had less work lately, which is one explanation, but we also changed our ticket system to a new one, less intuitive and more annoying to use, which doesn't make us very eager to create tickets. On top of that, I suffer from a slight attention disorder, which means I usually do a job and then if I don't immediately create the ticket for it, and…


This question on my husband’s workplace’s benefits survey (he doesn’t opt-in to health ins bc it’s obscenely expensive)


Should I quit and find another job?

I got hired by via staffing agency to a large Canadian Insurance Company formerly known Great West Life they offered new people 3 weeks training and after 3 weeks of training they expect you to know everything about the insurance claims. I've been working here for about 2 months, yesterday my team supervisor made up story and lies about me to make herself look good to her superior she told to her superior that I am getting frustrated to the nesting team assistant when i'm not even showing any frustration at all. She made a lies about me always nitpicking on me and micromanaging on me always watch me when she was working in the office. My stress level went up since working to this company. My anxiety getting worse I keep worrying everyday what will happen to me at work and even outside of work hours I keep worrying…


I just quit a job. Help me feel less shitty about it?

So I have been working at Sams Club in the meat department for close to six months. I start a new job Monday and I went in today for one of my final days. (Was working through the weekend). I show up and get told “X called out and Y is off today, so you are all alone and the cooler is full. You also need to figure out how to fit 4 more pallets in there as well.” I said I forgot something in my car and walked out. I did set a note on the counter saying I quit as well. I feel shitty about it just because I cared for my co workers.


Be a top achieving employee for 15 years, get fired once you have cancer.

It's been 15 years my sister is the only jurist of her company. She works over time, is always available even on her holidays, didn't even take a month of leave when she gave birth and she's a single mom. She gave all of her time and effort to her job and her company. Now she has an aggressive form of breast cancer, and her company doesn't care. She works online from the hospital while undergoing surgeries, from the moment she won't be able to work as well as before, she will be fired. They had no empathya at all, the same people she's been working with for 15 years. Guys, don't sacrifice your life for your work, it gives you nothing at all. You're existence is worth more than being an employee.


Be a top achieving employee for 15 years, get fired once you have cancer.

It's been 15 years my sister is the only jurist of her company. She works over time, is always available even on her holidays, didn't even take a month of leave when she gave birth and she's a single mom. She gave all of her time and effort to her job and her company. Now she has an aggressive form of breast cancer, and her company doesn't care. She works online from the hospital while undergoing surgeries, from the moment she won't be able to work as well as before, she will be fired. They had no empathya at all, the same people she's been working with for 15 years. Guys, don't sacrifice your life for your work, it gives you nothing at all. You're existence is worth more than being an employee.


Be a top achieving employee for 15 years, get fired once you have cancer.

It's been 15 years my sister is the only jurist of her company. She works over time, is always available even on her holidays, didn't even take a month of leave when she gave birth and she's a single mom. She gave all of her time and effort to her job and her company. Now she has an aggressive form of breast cancer, and her company doesn't care. She works online from the hospital while undergoing surgeries, from the moment she won't be able to work as well as before, she will be fired. They had no empathya at all, the same people she's been working with for 15 years. Guys, don't sacrifice your life for your work, it gives you nothing at all. You're existence is worth more than being an employee.


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are all employees legally required to receive tips? (virginia)

hello! so i work at a dog boarding/daycare facility, and something that bothers me is that only some employees receive tips. anyone who works with dogs directly gets them, but receptionists don’t. i thought this was legal but after having glanced over some of the tipping laws now im not so sure. for context though, all of us still get paid minimum wage.