
Fired with no prior warning or clear reason

I can't sleep thinking about what I could have possibly done so wrong that I got fired without warning. I never had any complaints or talking-tos about my performance, conduct, behavior, anything. I just recently got a raise of $2/hour. I've had nothing but praise about my performance. Yet, Tuesday morning they fired me. I practically begged to know why. All I could get out of HR were vague answers about conduct as a professional. I have put so much into this position and this company and it was all a fucking waste. I didn't like the company anyways, but I really didn't see this coming. They've kept on SO many people that have literally done things like steal money or lie about worked hours. I know I'm a stranger to you all and you have no reason to believe me but the worst thing I've done while being employed…


I just quit my first job in months, after 8 days

Being a bit older than most job seekers and under qualified has always limited my job potential, most my jobs have been some form of retail, food or utility based. In my latest job I started last week as a kitchen steward at a hotel/conference hall. I knew from the first day this job was labour heavy and long hours. After my second half day I was already talking to the chef about wanting to try something else, by the third day I even ran it by someone on their HR team but was told chances were limited during my 3 month trial period. And by today I hit my breaking point, having to deal with all the dishwashing from a full conference by myself, I didn’t have enough time to finish it all by the end of my shift. I entered the lift again and went up to HR…


Lead packager fired by idiot manager

Way back in 1996. I worked at a manufacturing business. It was a worldwide company. Later bought out by Technicolor. We got a new manager. Guy was really trying to prove himself. He fired our lead guy. No real reason at all. Just to assert power. Our entire shift got together, and signed a paper, saying if they did not bring him back, we would all walk. They brought him back. It is the only time I have ever worked with a group of people like that. That would stand up like that. I lead a unionization effort at my last job that failed. I cannot understand how people will not stand up together and not take it. I will always remember that moment in 1986 as the day we stuck it to the manager!


Is my boss WAY under paying me!?

About 2 years ago I got hired (part time) as a remote “admin assistant” role with various random job duties. This is for an e-commerce apparel company. I was going to help w/ various tasks like helping the buyer w Shopify things, create listings, creating website banners, just small things. At the time, I was a SAHM, with my own side biz on Etsy, and moved around a lot (military fam) so I figured it was a good way to get back to the “work force” after 7 years without too much pressure (I previously was an elementary teacher prior to having kids). It was also a good fit bc the hours are super flexible so it worked with my schedule homeschooling my kiddos which I still do today. ANYWAYS what started out as me helping with admin tasks for $15/hr (I get a 1099), has turned into me taking…


Taking a mental health day

Had an absolutely shit few days at work due to having to work with some folks who are quite misogynistic, to say the least. Taking a mental health day tomorrow but told my boss i had food poisoning because i don’t want him to think im not cut out for this job (he’s a good person, but he doesn’t seem to understand how taxing the issue is on me). It’s frustrating that, while the folks I’m working with (not my boss) are the misogynistic ones, i am the one who has to take the brunt of the mental/professional burden since they’re not overtly sexually harassing me. Just feeling really discouraged professionally and in general so thought this may be a good forum to air my woes! I feel a little guilty for taking a mental health day but I’m just so tired of working like this


HR Vice President was aggressive towards me

My boss made HR call me on my personal cell when I was late to work remotely. He started yelling at me and accusing me of lying about having login issues. I couldn’t take it anymore because I knew my boss gossiped about me because how did he even get my personal number? This manager kept stalking my login times and also never made an effort to get to know me or help train me. I told him I quit and left the company without talking to the manager or coworkers. He immediately wrote up my resignation and told me to log off when I logged into my laptop so I didn’t have a chance to say bye to anyone but the place was so toxic and made me realize I don’t want to work anymore for heartless organizations like this.


I’m currently trying to start up a union at my work and was wondering if there’s any good standards for unscheduled time off?

We currently have a point system of 5 points, leaving mid shift is 1/2 point, 1 point for a day or consecutive days for the same reason I.e. just got over Covid and only used 1 point. It also takes a full year from the day you use a point to reset. This obviously isn’t ideal and I was wondering what a reasonable amount of time should look like. Thank you all in advance and if anyone has any other suggestions or ideas to minmax a work environment please drop them below!


The Employee Handbook at Current Job Says Not to Discuss Wages

Hey all. Just wanted to know if this is something I should report to NLRB. The policy states employees are banned from discussing pay at work, and doing so will result in disciplinary action. This policy is not causing me any issues, as I haven't discussed my pay. That being said, if I can force them to fund my retirement a little early, I'm eager to do so. This is in TN


i cant fucking believe this bullshit


Late 40s coworker finally realized the company doesn’t care about him.

I joined this company about a year and a half ago and this particular coworker was a company man, preaching how employees should go above and beyond and the higher ups will see it and reward you which was always a disagreement point between us. Recently a position came open and he was passed for it in favor of a much younger individual who's only been here for 7 months as opposed to his 11 years and to say he was pissed would be an understatement. A while after that promotion we were working on a project and he told me he won't be coming in Wednesday or Thursday, he went on to further explain that he came in on Saturday and Sunday which are off days so he's making up for them by not coming in, he followed it by saying “They don't care about me why should I…