
How do so many people afford to live alone working menial jobs?

Especially males. 63 percent of men 18-29 report as “single / not in relationship”. 25 percent of men between ages 30-49 report the same. This figure is 34 percent for women 18-29 and 17 percent 30-49 State: Illinois If you work 40 full hours per week, your monthly take home pay would be $1744/mo after tax. Cheapest 1BR/Studio I could find in my town was $500 per month. $200 per month allotted for food. $140 per month for electricity, $50 per month for gas, assuming gas heat, electric stove, and water heater, otherwise $190 month total if “all electric”. $60 a month for WTS (water trash sewer). $100 per month for internet and cell phone, a bit low, but doable. We are left with $694 monthly. This is all dependent on where you live, and a bunch of other factors, but assume a reasonable $100 a month for employer provided…


Work. – A video that explores how work eroded free time to dominate our lives over time


Work. – A video that explores how work eroded free time to dominate our lives over time


Taxi Driver, Purposeless Jobs and Alienation


Promoted to a new team without a change in role name or pay

Can’t say the word title in the title but I meant job title when I said role name. I’m with a company in California that I generally enjoy being at. My team’s responsibilities were pushed off to another team and everyone on my team was promoted to a critical operations role. We have been training for two months and started actually doing the job a few weeks ago. Despite doing the same work, our titles and pay have not changed to match the current team’s. The company keeps telling us it will happen and then pushing the timeline back again and again. It’s frustrating.


Free pizza party at McDonald’s!


Thought this may fit what seems to be going on in the current employment world.


When Your Employer Finds a Way to Delete 20 Bad Glassdoor Reviews


Get a Boring Job.

Work sucks. Don't try to find a job you love. A job is a job. You do it for money. By that standard don't try to get a job in an industry you love. Video Games, Fashion, Sports, Show Business, Medicine, Teaching and Finance all have LOTS of people who want the job so they will treat you like shit on the assumption they can always replace you if you balk. Get a kind of dull job. Work for Ford instead of Tesla, be an actuary rather than a finance bro. The management will be better because they tend to be more experienced and they won't assume you have to throw yourself under the bus to keep the companies “Dream” alive. The workers will be better because everyone is working for money. You'll be more productive because the lre will be less drama and you'll probably be better paid. Necessary…


The rat race is absolutely exhausting.

My wife and I have have done all the “right” things. She went through school debt free to get a good job, I started a small business, we have a couple of kids etc. and it seems like we’re constantly in the same position. If we were making the amount of money we are now about 10-15 years ago, we would be doing very well. Thank god we bought a house nearly 10 years ago, because I’m not sure we could afford the same house at these prices and interest rates. We have a modest home, a single paid for vehicle, and it seems as if financial independence creeps further away with the constant rising costs of everything. Grocery store prices are constantly going up, all the insurance costs are skyrocketing, property taxes going up. Then someone needs a doctor, or an appliance breaks, roof needs redone but that expensive…