
Give the gift of sarcasm this year.

Ever notice how thin skinned most managers are? They call everything an emergency so you'll work for free and then blame you if it doesn't go well. Call them on it and you will see ire usually reserved for an entitled Wal-mart shopper trying to make an ill-deserved return. I've noticed it so much I wrote a book. It's not a great book but I had to write it. It's called: Targeting Managers: Writing self-help books for the helpless. I've had to read so many business self-help books for some hair brained manager because they think it will change my perspective. It didn't change it, it solidified it. Yes, if you buy this book it will benefit me. But you might have a good time leaving this book on the desk of a manager that really needs it which is most of them (after you read it of course). Thanks…


Omitted From Tip Pool?

Hi, I work in a restaurant and on slower days, whoever works the opening shift is omitted from the daily tip pool and only collects hourly wages…is this legal? The practice started when we had managers only working slower/opening shifts so this made sense since managers cannot participate in tip pools, but we no longer have managers yet the practice continues. Thanks.


Shit part time work

Signed up for part time work at this place. No experience required. I’m over qualified for this job. Manager promised me 10 an hr to start off. Got my pay check, terrible. Im working for $9 an hour. Sucked it up and kept moving along. After a month, they started giving us harder and more taxing labor work. I’m exhausted and am working harder than min. wage. Everyone else on the team makes more and started out with a higher wage. Also I work all the shifts no body wants too. First full week of the month. Late evenings at the busiest time and every weekend. Friday-Monday and then Wed. I only have the singular day off on holidays and they scheduled me at 7am the following day. Literally the shifts no body wants. Went to him and asked if he was aware that I was only getting paid so…


Former employer says I’m on “indefinite leave” and refuses to stop mailing and e-mailing me

My previous employer laid me off over six months ago. They keep mailing me and e-mailing me as if I'm a currently employee. I've asked them to stop and they've told me that I am “currently listed as an active employee who is currently on an indefinite layoff” and have said that they are going to continue to mail me and e-mail me correspondence and that I should disregard them. I have been employed elsewhere for months and have no intention of returning to my previous employer. Any idea how I can get them to stop?


Want to quit job in Texas but handbook states they can withhold wages?

Hello, I'm currently employed with a pet sitting company in Texas. As things are, I'm looking to leave the job since some red flags have been raised and I cannot continue to ignore them, also some personal differences with management solidified my decision. Per the handbook I signed upon my hiring, it states that the company can withhold some of my wages if my leaving ends up costing the company money. For example, if I'm scheduled but then quit and they have no one to cover for my shift and they have to cancel the service and refund the client, then I would be charged for the cancellation and any money lost to the company. My question is if that is true? Can they really charge me and deduct my wages? I have the handbook which states this if anyone wants to see. It does have the company name so…


I’m sick of incompetent bosses

Kinda long rant and trying to keep it somewhat vague to avoid being identified. We had a process already set in stone but I foresaw an issue that might make things difficult. I raised the issue during a meeting to my boss and some other colleagues and my boss said something along the lines of “well if it crops up, just ignore it and do x”. Well, low and behold the issue did crop up and the client is upset about us not following the set in stone process. I shot the customers chat to my work groupchat and asked for a resolution. Boss now claims he never said to ignore it and do x but thankfully the colleagues who were in the meeting backed me up and said that our boss did say it. I pointed out the exact date and time the meeting occured and even said that…


“Take my scraps, Bitch”


Typical Corporate BS

Mainly coming here to vent, because I can’t on the job. For some context, since I have been at the company, they have done some rebranding efforts to try and help our culture. So far as now our HR department is deemed the “people and culture team.” I live in an area where there aren’t many options for my chosen field. Probably 10 companies in total actually have positions for what we do in the area. However they are anything but. Their policies remind me of what corporate America was probably like before I was born.The first step was increasing the amount of PTO we earn. Cool, I am all for more time off, however because of the nature of what we do only so many people can be off at once., otherwise we can’t operate. So now, essentially we have more PTO than we could possibly use. Nice little…


Former employer messed up payroll and refuses to treat me like a human. Any suggestions?

Picture for context, no I don't care to disclose this person. Here's the story: Recently terminated for performance reasons (failed to hit sales quota) former employer failed to submit my time for the week of the 30th, as you all can see, I was professional not offensive or hostile in any means. I'm in Charlotte, NC the company is based in NC as well (I think) the person in context is a “HR professional III” our “HR dept” is literally an operator who transfers you to other specific groups VMs. What do I even do, they will refuse to answer my question, give an ETA, or even call me by my first name. Called NCDOR, Useless. Any suggestions? Sorry if I come off short, I've never been treated like this from any employer.


I’m amazed by how much a bad supervisor can mess up the whole job for everyone

My supervisor is out on a leave, and the department has never been happier and more productive. He's a bossy micromanager with a short temper who's been with the company for years. He stirs up trouble over nothing, even though the job is easy, and the customers are satisfied, keep returning and keep leaving positive reviews. But there's always a problem with him. Almost all the people in the company openly dislike him for being a jerk, but since he's related to the owner, he's not going anywhere. During his leave, the work environment has changed dramatically. It feels like I have a completely new job. Suddenly, my coworkers are smiling and working together. There is no tention. The work days are flying by. Everything is getting done on time, people are giving each other compliments, and problems are being fixed without any yelling, guilt trips or threats. Noone is…