
Boss attempted to PIP me via HR, I pulled out the uno reverse card

After a year of battling to get anything significant done I finally had to deal with being pushed out. Boss tried to gaslight me saying it was a me issue but I had emails showing my team actively ignoring my requests. Then started to try and make me report daily knowing he fully had isolated me so I'd have nothing to report in on. I had another legal issue with the company separate from this I decided to take them to the woodshed for. But goes to show even if I lose everything, I'm going to make folks understand you can't dick with people's lives and expect to walk away unscathed.


Boss denied me a promotion cause I’m “too nice”

I work for a plumbing company and there’s a foreman position open I’ve been told it’s mine when it comes up so I’ve been working hard the last few months. The position went to someone else I thought was a weird pick but I figured they had another plan for me. Just today I heard through someone else that my boss said I’m the right pick (work ethic and general intelligence wise) but I’m too nice to apprentices and other trades on sites. That I would be a push over. He’s old school a prefers the rude way to motivate people but he’s always been good with me.. but after hearing this I just feel like packing my things up and leaving that as long as he’s in charge I’ve got no where to go.


I went from making 10.45 to a whopping 13 an hour

I work at a nonprofit company and it's pretty much hell. I started at 10.00 an hour and got a .45 raise the beginning of 2023. Now, our board of rich people/donors decided to “reward us” for our hard work and “really making things a success” by giving a 2.55 raise to everyone. With the amount of pure bullshit I put up with, doing everyone else's work, this “raise” is a slap in the face. I've reached my breaking point and I absolutely need to get out.


Anyone Else Find It Crazy How Much Humans Have to Work Just to Have Permission to Live?

We have to spend huge amounts of our lives working just to pay for a place to live. You have to pay taxes every year as well. No other species has to do this. Sure an animal has to forage for food but atleast they can work at their own rate as long as they don't starve. I know some of these things are neccessary like taxes for defense and roads but still. I guess I'm moreso appalled by the cost of home ownership.


How are you actually financially surviving?

I have a decent job and pay but with the rise in costs of literally everything, we're barely scraping by. Even dipping into our savings some months just to pay bills. It's infuriating that the cost of living has increased so drastically while salaries remain stagnant. We do not go out at all and cook everyday. We shop at Aldi. Have low car payments. No unnecessary spending. Even own a house with a 2.6% interest rate and a $2500 mortgage. How is anyone supposed to afford a house with 7-8% interest? It would make my same house over $4k a month…. I just don't understand how this way of life can be sustainable. We either need an extra $30k annual increase for every working adult or some kind of massive break. How are you surviving and what is something we can feasibly do nationally to relieve this insane financial pressure…


How are you actually financially surviving?

I have a decent job and pay but with the rise in costs of literally everything, we're barely scraping by. Even dipping into our savings some months just to pay bills. It's infuriating that the cost of living has increased so drastically while salaries remain stagnant. We do not go out at all and cook everyday. We shop at Aldi. Have low car payments. No unnecessary spending. Even own a house with a 2.6% interest rate and a $2500 mortgage. How is anyone supposed to afford a house with 7-8% interest? It would make my same house over $4k a month…. I just don't understand how this way of life can be sustainable. We either need an extra $30k annual increase for every working adult or some kind of massive break. How are you surviving and what is something we can feasibly do nationally to relieve this insane financial pressure…


How are you actually financially surviving?

I have a decent job and pay but with the rise in costs of literally everything, we're barely scraping by. Even dipping into our savings some months just to pay bills. It's infuriating that the cost of living has increased so drastically while salaries remain stagnant. We do not go out at all and cook everyday. We shop at Aldi. Have low car payments. No unnecessary spending. Even own a house with a 2.6% interest rate and a $2500 mortgage. How is anyone supposed to afford a house with 7-8% interest? It would make my same house over $4k a month…. I just don't understand how this way of life can be sustainable. We either need an extra $30k annual increase for every working adult or some kind of massive break. How are you surviving and what is something we can feasibly do nationally to relieve this insane financial pressure…


Employers suck the fun out of everything. Ohio just legalized weed last night. They wasted no time on this letter.


Money doesn’t mean anything anymore

Does anyone feel like money doesn't incentivize you anymore? Whether I make 40k or 80k doesn't really change anything. I'll still be chained to a desk at work, still can't buy a house, still not enough to get ahead.


Went from promoting to leaving in 8 months

So I worked for a global corporation and after the pandemic they went nuclear on their staff. I loved my job but quickly learned that it was the shareholder price that matters. Today I was performance managed out because I was not able to make my kpi’s. We are just a numbers on a spreadsheet making numbers. Look after yourself!