
Just watched my Roommate let the company he works for steal money from him to re issue his paycheck that they themselves lost, with proof mind you, a paycheck that is now 4 weeks late.

Long story short Big poultry company (that I can't name or they could fire the person in question (lmao)) had someone cover paycheck distribution or filing and failed to get my Roommates check to him. They even left a weird note about his check like he requested a new one, he never did. HR thought it was weird and of course tries to say it's my roomies fault and you should have your check, case dismissed. I recount his checks for him, verifying that he indeed did not get his fucking check. Still doesn't get his check, a week later he tells his boss, HR says “I'll make a note for Monday” Guess what never happened Monday? God fucking damn if it wasn't already obvious this is pure venting at this point. You'll never guess, he didn't get his fucking check, he talks to them today, they tell him to…


Is there even enough ‘real work’ to go around?

With advances in technology, A.I., and what-not, the only jobs I deem that involve real-work are literally blue-collared jobs. With while-collared jobs, maybe 50% of them are redundant and outdated? Like I don't think there are enough hours to go around to give every citizen 20-hour work weeks let alone 40. Idk, society seems messed up to me.


Just graduated from cybersecurity boot camp and have my security + and Aws cloud practitioner. Unable to get a job because a lot of places require clearance and I have a criminal background in Virginia. Have no experience and I don’t know what to do I am 28F and my criminal past is from when I was18

When I was 18 a senior in Highschool I was not very mentally stable from some SAs that happened and I got into some trouble with the law from stealing from macys with a friend. It was my first time getting in trouble and it was my friends second time. I thought i was being a good friend by taking the whole trouble when we got caught. She was 17 and I was not very bright then as I stated I was not in a good headspace. Anyways, I live in VA and here anything over $200 is grandpa went and both of the stuff we both stole together amounted to $1,200, my friend also had a pair of baby scissors in a purse and those were considered possession of burglarious tools, both felonies. I went through a long process of legal hearings and finally took a plea bargain deal…


My company finally fired my useless coworker, and now they’re not being replaced.

I've worked at this company a long time, and so did this coworker. She started a few months ahead of me and seemed to think this meant I had to do whatever she said. I work on a team and most of us work really well together, happy to lend a hand when needed or bounce ideas off each other, but she was allergic to work and hostile if you dared try to get her to do anything she hadn't been strictly instructed to do. Which didn't make her a great teammate. I'm really big into workers rights, but whenever I had to work with her, it was a misery, and unfortunately our jobs overlapped the most. So I was desperately hoping she'd find a job somewhere else. But she didn't, and she'd keep finding new ways to make the rest of us (mainly me) do her work, and I…


Found at work, is this Mold?


I was given an assignment I’m not even allowed to do

I am a substitute health aide. My job is to assist the nurse in the office and administer first aid, document, take vitals etc of everyone who walks in, sign sick kids out and make sure they go with a guardian, give any instructions etc (yes, I have training in cpr and first aid) I use a specific app to book jobs, as well as accept jobs through my dept. please note, I do not work for any schools. I work for a specific dept called special services. They pay me. Schools do not. My pay comes out of the SS budget, not any schools budget. Anyways, I accept a job on the app because it popped up, and I go to work like usual, wearing scrubs and all because I’m suppose to only be working in the nurses office. Well, I get there and find out I’m going to…


Help me spam this Desantis RSVP list

I’m from Iowa and I want these fuckers to know we are here. The text I got: Hey (name), this is Governor Kim Reynolds. I'm joining Ron DeSantis to open his new office in Urbandale this Saturday and I want to see you there! Doors open at 8:00 AM. RSVP here >> Reply Stop to Stop


How Fascism Serves Capitalism | FULL DOCUMENTARY


3-year hybrid work schedule ending because of … “Department objectives”

Since COVID, my workplace has allowed hybrid WFH. Last year they limited it to 2/5 days a week and did some job share for some positions. It sucked, but I accepted this. It did get me socializing more often, I guess. However, I just got notified that my application for hybrid this year was denied because of “department objectives”. Other departments get job share, hybrid, and even some full time WFH still. But me, who has 80% of my workload in a computer based scenario, doesn't get hybrid anymore. Hybrid improves my physical health because I take walks at lunch time when I am at home, which is when I also walk my dogs. I also have a treadmill desk. This means I also get some crucial vitamin d and sunlight at a time of year when it's pitch dark from 5pm-9am. I also get to sleep in an extra…


We all can relate to this