
That disappointing feeling after losing out on a job

You get far in a job you want. Pass the resume and cover letter scan. Pass the skills test. Pass through the first round of interviews. Get to the final interview. Think you nailed it. Then. The disappointing call. This was a good employer: straightforward job application process. No BS. No run around. Just disappointment. Alas. We try again, tomorrow, I guess. Just want to be paid a living wage.


How to cope with the feeling that I’m missing out on living?

I'm just starting to really feel that yearning for life instead of being at the office 45hrs/week. I have it lucky for sure to even have a job that pays ok and semi stable living situation. I'm young too. I feel like I'm doing what's necessary for my future right now (even though it sucks that its necessary). But Lord I feel sapped. My time at work is spent being bored and pushing papers, then the second I get home it's almost always work work work to fix things and get chores done and just doing everything so that I can keep this job sustainably without falling behind. But I miss out on everything it feels like. I have no social life outside of my house. I don't go to events, I don't do anything spontaneous because it would require weeks to pick up anything I missed getting done or…


If I leave, my department is screwed

My nboss has worked maybe 5 days since the end of July. I’m carrying the team and it feels like my responsibilities just keep mounting from people that aren’t carrying their weight. I know we are all tired. I want to leave so bad, but I can’t afford to. I’m so deep in debt from my manic episodes (I’m BP2) and I suffer from adhd and CPTSD. It’s really a miracle that I haven’t been hospitalized yet. If I leave, it’s the end of my entire department. I know it’s not my job to ensure job security for my team, but I care for them all so deeply. But it’s truly a matter of time before I implode. I just can’t do this anymore. I’m honestly shocked I’ve been able to carry the weight for so long, and I’m done. My relationships, hobbies, and health have all taken a hit.…


HR gone rogue

Applied online for a state job in August and the job opening closed up after an open recruitment period. After three interviews, then an email from HR saying “Congrats Chicken Dinner, you're the final candidate!,” then a background check, I finally got a verbal offer from a department with a December 1 start. I said that sounds good but can we match my salary at my current company. It was something like a $4k increase. I worked at my current toxic job for 7 years without a raise before this summer, so I didn’t think it unreasonable to try to keep what I got. They said they didn’t think that’d be a problem and just had to get the salary approved by HR.   I've kept in touch with the guy who will be my boss, we are both just waiting on HR to finish its thing 10 days later.…


Constructive discharge

My job tried to get me to quit by not scheduling me! I got the memo it was obviously constructive discharge and sent this email after not receiving a call back for clarification on my employment status. I have since filed for unemployment and used this email as proof of termination, which I’m assuming is why they had not responded to the email until today when I asked if they had received it. They kept it short and said yes they did. The most fucked part of it is my EBT was taken away (food stamps) and I’m in the process of getting them back and appealing. All of this because they didn’t want to pay? I reported them to unemployment for trying to get out of paying but who knows if they will do much. Also thank you to the previous person for lmk I had information out


Too demanding

I ran a conference on Thursday. No one helps me, I do it solo but I get requests and expectations from several people. So now, today, I have two different people asking me for the data. They want to know if I have it. It’s been less than two business days and I said in an email on Friday that I would work on it the following week. WTH makes you think that would mean Monday by late morning/early afternoon? Gtfo my back. Sorry…total rant but I’m exhausted. I’m actively job searching but it’s tough out there, especially when you have financial obligations and a certain salary need. Is it too much to ask to have a couple of business days after you’ve worked so many extra hours to do wrap up when that’s not your only responsibility?


Why does every company I work for have people who throughly exist to be petty?


Never work for a company that doesn’t reward loyalty in some form.

The administration at my current job doesn't feel the need to give me juat TWO additional hours of work per week, totally my part-time job up to 29 hours instead of 27. They say there isn't enough budget to pay me a grand total more of $49.54 per fucking week. But they just expanded the business, and they're making more revenue than they did last year. I've been with this company for now just over 8 years, and this is what they do to reward me. PART TIME FOR 8 FUCKING YEARS. FUCK YOU. I'M LEAVING. Just as soon as I find another job that can pay the bills. sigh it's how they've kept me for this long. That and hoping they'd eventually change their minds. It's never gonna happen. I'm so done.


Hanging In There

I have been holding back the desire to quit since I joined this company. From my previous posts, the problem is my boss. He's a terrible man and every day I put up with belittling and outrageous expectations. Thankfully the sexual harassment has stopped after I threatened him. My job includes hefty end of year bonuses from profit sharing and that's my finish line at this point. I am told to expect it around February by my coworkers that have already been here a few years. I would quit before the bonus, just to save my mental health, but I've already suffered almost a year and feel I might as well make it valuable. My job is 8 am to 6 pm ON PAPER. Really it is 24 hour on call and I work overtime about 3 days a week, except with no overtime pay because the incentive is that…


“Why isn’t this generation buying houses?”