
[Vent] I miss my life. I made a decision and a list.

This is my first year working and I have been in really shitty conditions. It drained my energy so I don't have a life anymore (I lost contact with my friends, I don't go out anymore, I can't even do most basic house chores). I have anxiety, insomnia and depression. My mental health is really bad since I started working. I also have a part-time project besides my main job which I can't leave because other people depend on me. So the little free time I have (usually a few hours once a week or so) I'm just tired in bed. I also made a list about what I'm missing. It includes, among other things: – Sleeping 8 hours/day. – Having social life/friends/plans. Not feeling alone and going out sometimes basically. – Playing videogames (my major interest). – Art/composing music (I feel like work has killed my creativity). – Feeling…


Roped into working for a fortune 5 company when I would have NEVER (story time)

I am an in-house physician recruiter with 5 years of experience. I was offered a position early this year with one of the largest healthcare organizations in my area. The day after I accepted the position, a news article came out that they were bought out by a healthcare monopoly. They didn't mention anything about the acquisition during the interview process or offer, and I was hired by the VP of HR, who 100% would have known about it ahead of time. I was extremely upset when I read this, as I would have never taken the job had I known they had been bought out. They also brought me in below the 10th percentile of the area's salary range for my role. But, they told me I would have a bonus plan, and that it would be discussed once I was on board. This is when I learned to…


im undergoing chemotherapy and my manager doesn’t seem to care?

is this normal? ???? I told him im doing chemo for cancer but trying my best and he just doesn't seem to care and gives me so much work and things beyond my pay grade? I don't get it, i know your boss doesn't care abut you but like as a hujman to human cant he just give me the minimjum things to get by for now? it maeks me sad.


You guys need to be a little more discerning about what you read/upvote on here

Earlier today a post was made by a user who also posted the same wall of text on lost generation, late stage capitalism, etc. While first few lines seem sympathetic there's a sudden curveball thrown in that most people seemed to gloss over. Specifically the post contained a line referencing “Europe being invaded”. Anyone who's paid any attention to fascist rhetoric over the past few years should have immediately recognized this as great replacement/anti-immigrant propaganda. Despite this, the post recieved quite a bit of engagement and very few people seemed to have recognized this for what it was. I feel the need to point this out because this is exactly how fascism ingratiates itself into communities. Many people here feel disenfranchised and hopeless, and while that can be the catalyst that motivates people towards action against capitalism and labour exploitation, it can just as easily be used to radicalize younger…


Boss insists on first dibs on edible gifts from clients

I work in an industry where people frequently bake us cakes, bring us gift baskets, or bring other sort of food-related thank you gifts. Clients are so appreciative of the work that we do, as it is a very difficult and emotional field. The employees make a TERRIBLE wage for the work that they do. They barely make rent, yet the business owner lives in a fancy house on top of a mountain. The owner of the company works 2 days a week (maximum, often less), and makes about 3x the wage of her employees. Yet, when we receive a gift from a client, she immediately claims “first dibs” on any gifts. For example, one time a client sent us a basket of cut fruit (aka “edible arrangement”). It was sent on a day when the boss wouldn't be in for another week. She was mad when none was left…


anonymous accountability partner?

“I'm a master procrastinator! I found the idea of having an accountability partner so good. The problem is, I don't want my friends to know what I'm working on (fear of failure/shame, maybe?). Do you know an app or website that can link me with an anonymous accountability partner?”


Fired with no prior warning or clear reason

I can't sleep thinking about what I could have possibly done so wrong that I got fired without warning. I never had any complaints or talking-tos about my performance, conduct, behavior, anything. I just recently got a raise of $2/hour. I've had nothing but praise about my performance. Yet, Tuesday morning they fired me. I practically begged to know why. All I could get out of HR were vague answers about conduct as a professional. I have put so much into this position and this company and it was all a fucking waste. I didn't like the company anyways, but I really didn't see this coming. They've kept on SO many people that have literally done things like steal money or lie about worked hours. I know I'm a stranger to you all and you have no reason to believe me but the worst thing I've done while being employed…


I just quit my first job in months, after 8 days

Being a bit older than most job seekers and under qualified has always limited my job potential, most my jobs have been some form of retail, food or utility based. In my latest job I started last week as a kitchen steward at a hotel/conference hall. I knew from the first day this job was labour heavy and long hours. After my second half day I was already talking to the chef about wanting to try something else, by the third day I even ran it by someone on their HR team but was told chances were limited during my 3 month trial period. And by today I hit my breaking point, having to deal with all the dishwashing from a full conference by myself, I didn’t have enough time to finish it all by the end of my shift. I entered the lift again and went up to HR…


Lead packager fired by idiot manager

Way back in 1996. I worked at a manufacturing business. It was a worldwide company. Later bought out by Technicolor. We got a new manager. Guy was really trying to prove himself. He fired our lead guy. No real reason at all. Just to assert power. Our entire shift got together, and signed a paper, saying if they did not bring him back, we would all walk. They brought him back. It is the only time I have ever worked with a group of people like that. That would stand up like that. I lead a unionization effort at my last job that failed. I cannot understand how people will not stand up together and not take it. I will always remember that moment in 1986 as the day we stuck it to the manager!


Is my boss WAY under paying me!?

About 2 years ago I got hired (part time) as a remote “admin assistant” role with various random job duties. This is for an e-commerce apparel company. I was going to help w/ various tasks like helping the buyer w Shopify things, create listings, creating website banners, just small things. At the time, I was a SAHM, with my own side biz on Etsy, and moved around a lot (military fam) so I figured it was a good way to get back to the “work force” after 7 years without too much pressure (I previously was an elementary teacher prior to having kids). It was also a good fit bc the hours are super flexible so it worked with my schedule homeschooling my kiddos which I still do today. ANYWAYS what started out as me helping with admin tasks for $15/hr (I get a 1099), has turned into me taking…