
Sorry to vent but I’m so fucking exhausted with the way I’m being treated for $16/Hour


My husband was laid off without warning today

Just like the title says. He loved his job and who he worked with. He got great reviews (4.3/5 avg) and he was well liked. So it’s easy to say this was a shock He started his day like normal and then he got a meeting invite from HR and a manager. We convinced ourselves they were giving him a promotion. Nope. They laid him off due to it being a “business decision”. Come to find out, no one knew these layoffs were happening, not even the managers. It was chaos; everyone was scared for their jobs all day. My husband even fought for his job back based on merit but the decision was made by a higher up who couldn’t care less. Can I also add the company is not hurting for money This sucks for so many reasons: We just bought a house and interest rates are crazy…


Core Values! “Be Selfless”

Found this on indeed, companies really just don't give a fuck anymore. First required core value for a highly underpaid position “Be Selfless.” Aka work for shit pay, continuesly and any mistake or grievance communicated = we'll berate you for it! Curious what others think, is that insane to put on the job posting lmao. Did not apply.


Boss/manager shows his true colors when firing me.

I lost my full time job a couple months ago and my room in a house shortly after. So I'm living in my car looking for any job I can get. I apply for a barback position. I meet up with the manager hours before the bar was open, so it was just him and I. I made the mistake of being honest and telling him I have no restaurant experience but lots of service industry experiences from selling cars for five years before the pandemic. I talk him into giving me a chance and he tells me not to tell ANYONE I have zero restaurant experience, so I don't. On my first shift he blatantly tells one of the bartenders about my lack of experience right in front of me. Oh well I thought. Shifts were going well. I was absolutely busting my ass as I was responsible for…


Beware “advice” that isn’t actually advice

Learn to code boyo, it's that simple, the tech job market will always be good bucko 😉 Just learn a trade buddy, everyone in trade (I mean the right trade of course ) makes lots of bank, and also your body won't crack in about 20 to 30 years before you even get to retire! Man you gotta hustle, work a couple extra jobs, work on your goals man do etc, etc at infinitum These posts, I see them on reddit a lot these days, so bizarre. I call them anti-advice, that is, advice that's designed to do the exact opposite of what advice is meant to do, which is actually help you. Let me explain. Let's say you talk about your experiences throughout your working history, you read the latest news headlines, you see everyone you know struggling to find a job, you know you may be struggling just…


Need help with Doctor note.

So long story short, I’m pretty sure work is going to ask me to switch to nights because other employees have either quit or aren’t trained well enough. I did work nights for roughly three years and it was a leading cause of poor health, both mental and physical, and also a main contributing factor to my addiction to alcohol. Luckily I got off nights and I’ve been able to turn myself around. I’m in a much better place now and have been very happily sober for coming up to a year pretty soon. Amongst other things like quality of life, and passtime activities, I’m doing better. What I’m curious about is it possible to get a doctor to write me a note or something to help me stay off nights? I’ve had other co workers who were able to dodge it by claiming sleep apnea with a doctors note,…


Tech company layoff today

After 2 years working for this tech company, 13 roles were eliminated today including mine. It was sudden and shocking. Each manager sent a 10 min meeting invite to each employee. By the time it was my turn I already knew and to add, the company is 100% remote. I had less than 5 minutes with my manager telling me about the decision and thanking me for my time with the company. I could barely respond without my voice cracking. It was so incredibly painful for that to be the last conversation after 2 years. They did as much as they could to handle it with kindness. Everyone received a severance and I was advised I can be rehired and that this wasn't due to my performance or something I did wrong. Either way I'm so incredibly sad. During the meeting they start deactivating your accounts. So you just see…


Suppose everyone was guaranteed a comfortable life without having to work; would you still work?

My friends and I are currently disagreeing over this. Though it seems intuitive that most people would no longer work, it's difficult to create an argument from a strictly philosophical perspective. Essentially, put the fact that working is a societal structure and that capitalism is inherently unfavorable towards workers. I guess it would be important to define what work even constitutes (would certain hobbies or activities not be seen as work?). The only thing I'm able to reason is that working is only instrumental for what we really want (recognition, not be bored, etc.).


Only a .50 cent raise after getting the best marks possible on my reviews.

I'm frankly insulted by this. I'm a CNA, for a year at this point. A year that started out with me working 184 days straight, with atleast 10 hour shifts each day, with no overtime(I did this for the family, as they wouldn't be able to afford the overtime premium, and were unable to find another caregiver to take care of their loved one, as he was a very difficult patient). Then, on top of that, picking up countless shift on short, sometimes literally, no notice. Staying extra hours, when my relief is late or no show, sometimes hours later. And then there was one time where I worked 20 hours in a 24 hour time period. All of this, helped to keep clients, and keep the office people from having to fill in. I've only been late twice in the last year. Once was 10 mins late, due to…


Shift offering at my daughter’s job