
Company acquired- Want to know my rights (Canada)

Hey guys, So my company is in the process of being acquired. LEC (Legal Entity Change) is taking effect Dec 1st, and they’ve sent over new contracts (from the acquiring company) which include a pay cut. For scale it is about a 5% cut. This cut means that I can no longer afford to buy a house in my area, which my fiancé and I were actively working on doing. Mortgage broker said our affordability drops to Y instead of X (which I’m currently on), so that puts me in this predicament. They’ve given us 7 days to sign this new contract. If we refuse, we’ve been told it counts as a voluntary resignation from our existing company. At this point, I’m thinking about just signing the new contract and immediately looking for a job elsewhere that pays me what I’m worth. Any advice on if I should pursue any…


Unionize everything

I organized a union at my workplace, and have become a firm believer in the idea that we should unionize everything. Company owners always have legal structures which allow them to consolidate their power to bargain; workers should level the playing field. I've been thinking of putting together a FAQ and how-to resources. So, for those of you who want a union, what information or resources would you need to make progress on one? ​


Unionize everything

I organized a union at my workplace, and have become a firm believer in the idea that we should unionize everything. Company owners always have legal structures which allow them to consolidate their power to bargain; workers should level the playing field. I've been thinking of putting together a FAQ and how-to resources. So, for those of you who want a union, what information or resources would you need to make progress on one? ​


Unionize everything

I organized a union at my workplace, and have become a firm believer in the idea that we should unionize everything. Company owners always have legal structures which allow them to consolidate their power to bargain; workers should level the playing field. I've been thinking of putting together a FAQ and how-to resources. So, for those of you who want a union, what information or resources would you need to make progress on one? ​


Was let go, impart because I did not submit a trip.

This happened a lot of years ago, but, I saw a recent post that reminded me of this story. It's not relevant enough to post for me to make a comment there, but I kind of want to b**** about it, so here we are. I was a truck driver, and my first company sent me mostly up and down the Eastern seaboard. I have pretty bad adhd, and paperwork is definitely not my thing but my company came to me several times with notifications that I had forgotten to submit a trip. How they figured this out, I don't know, it might be due to the mileage on my odometer, it might be due to them having access to my dispatchers, but whatever method they used seemed pretty fool proof. Every time they told me that it looked like I missed a trip, I found the trip. I was…


Someone in my company was promoted only to dissolve their prior position across the country

As the title says, someone in my company was recently promoted to a very high level position. They in turn were instrumental in dissolving the position they were promoted from across the country. In turn, those former counterparts are given a choice of taking a demotion, reapplying for another position, or severanced out. In other words, this POS washed their hands from anyone that could in turn call them out on all their bs.


UNIONIZE! May 2028 is the time that many unions can strike together.

The UAW just had a colossal dub, and the president of the union called on other unions to end their contract in May of 2028. It seems far out, but this gives unions an opportunity to coordinate. This could be a REAL general strike. Not the reddit BS. A Union if unions, striking together. If there’s any way that we get a 25, 30, $60 minimum wage, and a 20 hour work week, and making the weekend 3 days, this is how it would be done, by a union of unions, coordinating for labor rights for everyone. It might not come with that strike, but if we want good working conditions and to get to a post work society, where we live more than we work, this is how it happens. Let’s show some capitalists some shit they’ve never fucking SEEN before baby.


Sick of being expected to be passionate

I interviewed for a position at a debt collector agency where I’d be making outbound calls to people to try and collect debt. They asked me what about this position that I’d be passionate about… I literally said I’m not going to be passionate about calling people asking for their debt. Who would be passionate about that? !


Seeking help please

The basic story without boring you.. I worked last week Thursday and Friday with no assigned breaks or lunches in a very difficult industry that demands high levels of labour. I was given no training, I was mostly spoken to in multiple languages I did not understand, despite everyone being fluent in my language. Despite not being trained for the position at all, I did everything asked of me with absolutely no regard for personal safety because of the structure of the group and all of the yelling. I believe I am now being quiet fired and here is where I need advice I am being asked to send my driver's license, insurance info, social security number, and address via text. I asked for an e-transfer for the work, but was denied. Can anybody offer insight into this? I don't want to text my personal info to people who have…


Ran a marketing agency for 5 years

I ran a marketing agency by myself with 2 or 3 contractors doing minimal work for about 5 years. Originally I was hired as a graphic designer when the agency was a normal work environment. All in one office with multiple employees. But the agency was “bought out” and the owners asked me privately if I wanted to continue doing the work for the clients at a significant increase in pay. I continued the work I was normally doing for clients with the addition of numerous tasks and ALL front-facing communication with clients. The money was a bit better than my salary so I figured it would be worth it, but for it to run smoothly I had to dedicate most of my weekends to it. I was paid through an LLC and never had anything in writing from a contract perspective so I was putting a lot of trust…