
Virginia teacher shot by 6-year-old can proceed with $40 million lawsuit, judge rules


My co worker is chronically late and doesn’t come in when they say they are and my boss will not let them go.

Even though this person is on their last write up for it. My co worker is really great, when they are at work. They are helpful and knowledgeable. But they are late so much, and they are not reliable. Last month they were late 14 times. They over slept and been a no show no call but somehow they still have this job. Yesterday, they said they were gonna be late so I had to hurry out of my house to get to work early to cover. My other co worker wasn’t feeling well and was hoping to have our late co worker come in so she can leave. That didn’t happen. My boss finally asked when they were coming in, they said they were on their way. An hour and half later, they didn’t show up. Boss texted her saying it was ridiculous. Then they said they had car…


What specific law prohibits work without pay/defines “work”

I work a job where I am assigned high value tracked equipment. I also work offsite from our main office. Supervisors are wanting me to stop at the primary work location on my way to my work site for inventory. Most other employees in my position don't seem to mind but I'm a little miffed. They are arguing with me that it doesn't break the law and I say its in violation of labor law to require me do do this off the clock. So when I argue again, what specific law prohibits this?


I don’t think I ever felt so empowered !

I was working at a nonprofit, it was great, but my supervisor got fired by the program manager. It didn’t take long for me to realize how little she cares about the clients and how under appreciated I am and how much my work ethic and actually caring is getting me exploited. I just got a surprise check in the mail and well a past employee is a director at a program that I just interviewed at today. I’m definitely putting in my 2 weeks and never felt more empowered in my life. NEVER STAY WHERE YOURE NOT APPRECIATED. it can be hard due to finances and job security .. but right when I was ready to leave I heard from a past employee who moved up to a program director who needed help.


Questions about cobra insurance after layoff

Reddit has been very helpful with me for all the questions and answers I wanted to get so far. I’m new here on reddit. If today is the last day of work, and my insurance is also terminated today and we are waiting for severance package to submit and employer offers to pay their portions of cobra premiums for next two months as stated on severance package. So my question is, we won’t have health insurance until we enroll in cobra until employer approves the severance package or we are still Covered by health insurance such as cobra or Our old insurance since we were under group health plans. I’m kind of panicking thinking we won’t have health insurance for a couple days.


Employer changes offer after I signed.

I interviewed for a promotion and got the position. They offered me $29 and I countered with $30. They accepted and I signed. Now a week later I'm told that the best they can do is 28.50. I would have been disappointed if they had come back and said they could only do the original offer. To come back with a LOWER amount is just fucking insulting. If I knew I could get something better right away I would've been tempted to quit on the spot. The fact that my health insurance, which I need, is tied to my fucking job just adds even more anger to this situation.


This is how smart corporate America is

Big layoff at my Fortune 100 company this month. I reached out to my buddy in IT and found out he got laid off. He's been there 25 years and can now retire and get 36 weeks severance. There is another guy on his team just hired 3-4 months ago they kept. He's a friend of the supervisor that's how he got the job. So they are going to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to lay off the old timer and if they laid off the bosses' friend it would cost maybe 4 weeks severance. Welcome to Corporate America!


Tens of thousands of Las Vegas Strip hotel workers at 18 casinos could go on strike this month


Can we just stop with the “staffing shortages” lies?

I am incredibly frustrated. We keep seeing organizations like Air Canada blaming staffing shortages on clear management decisions, such as refusing to allow wheelchairs on airplanes. I mean, come on. This as been way too much. Every single one of these organizations are receiving 100s of applications per day, and responding to less than 1%. It's like call service. If you are always recieving higher than normal call volume, it means that you don't have enough agents or lines open for normal call volume.


Thought you guys might appreciate this song