
I don’t want to come in to work anymore

I’m a graphic designer for a jewelry company I do the packaging. I’ve been having some really bad mental health issues for months now. Constant anxiety the second I get in and at one point I was off my antipsychotic for a month and had to work through the withdrawals as I heard them talk shit about how I couldn’t stop crying on the phone when trying to get my meds. I just found out that I’m making about $11,000 less than my coworker that I’m friendly with. She does sourcing, whatever that means. She told me that her job is so easy and there’s no way I should be making so little. They’ve really piled on the work recently it’s become so hard to keep up with everything. I have autism and adhd and asked for accommodations to be given due dates that are more than 24 hours in…


Big Data + HR = Bad for Us

I am a middle manager, I am high enough to be burned when things go bad but not compensated like it and low enough to do actual work. I get to see things from both sides often. I abhor corporate culture but I also under that sometimes manager are just trying to get by with what they have. Anyways, I ran into a meeting with my department head and the conversation was about succession planning. I really thought it was a good idea, in our department we have quite a few employees looking to retire and hiring has been a nightmare for a lot of reasons. I myself will be hit a few times by retirements soon so I do want to avoid any major delays in getting replacements. What I quickly realized for the first time is that the new HR system tracks how valuable and likely an employee…


We should all boycott Black Friday in protest of poverty

This has been one of the most devastating years in American history for the economy, especially for working-class people. The wealth inequality gap has soared to new heights this year, inflation has skyrocketed, groceries are unaffordable, Layoffs left and right so executives can be paid absurd salaries even with record-breaking profits from the company…… Here's what I feel we should do. Completely boycott black Friday entirely. Yep, they want to try and starve us, to try and force us to live in a dystopian poverty hellscape? That's fine, we will completely boycott on Black Friday, and they will get little to nothing. In order to support this, on Black Friday or that entire weekend, do not go to the stores and buy deals. Do not shop online from retailers like Amazon, Walmart, etc. Any big company out there that is directly tied to funding and contributing to poverty on a…


Worst Commission Structure

Took a job in the field I wanted- was fun until it wasn’t. Had to front all travel expenses- get them reimbursed after 6 weeks. Oh! And a diminishing commission structure… so the more you sell, the less you get. How did someone think that would motivate a sales force? It doesn’t.




I wish employers has the same sense of urgency they expect from workers

I just started my first day at a new job yesterday. It's working in a lab. My recruiter told me to arrive at 9, bring my I-9 documents and they would get me set up for everything else. I arrive early to make a good impression. Didn't know what to wear so I dressed business casual only to find out theres nk real dress code and everyones in jeans and t shirts. This guy from HR gives me my training folder and has me sign some stuff. Gives me a tour of the lab and most of the tour is “this is X lab, I don't really know what they do here because I'm HR”. After that they sit me down at a computer for a ton of training modules. Couldn't log in for the longest time because they spelled my name wrong. Brought it up to my super visor…


Coworkers screwed me over

Hey everyone. Need some advice and some tough love and a place to vent all at the same time. So LONG STORY SHORT, as this was months of non stop mental torture, I work as an administrator… there’s 3 of us at the front with me being a lead admin. Well both of my coworkers texted me at different days last week that they have quit. One found a new job and another is leaving the country. They both gave me 1 week notice. I’m pretty fucking pissed cuz I’ve been nothing but a good confidant for both of them and even helped them out when they both started becoming lazy and incompetent at their job. One of them has severe emotional issues and the other started withdrawing/silently quitting. They both changed dramatically after their probation ended. And stupidly I just took on their workloads onto mine cuz I couldn’t…


Why are managers such Dickson?

I was sick all weekend had a fever of 101.8 chills the whole 9 yards. So at 345Am I texted my manager to tell him I wasn't coming into work on Monday. So today I get a talking to saying where he came from we call out sick no text mesg he said text him only in an emergency or if I'm gonna be late. Honestly what's the difference if I text or called. He also left the text unread all day until about 330 asking how I'm feeling and will.i be able to come in


Office Musical Chairs

My boss thought it would be a good idea to CHANGE EVERYONE'S DESK EVERY DAY THIS WEEK. Technically, we don't have assigned seats, but come on. People are getting pissed and confused first thing in the morning. 1 person spent a solid hour trying to get her laptop to connect to the screens at a station she's never worked at before. 1 station doesn't even have screens set up. This is so fucking stupid, annoying, and unnecessary.


Italy to seize $835m from Airbnb in tax evasion inquiry