
Christmas/Holiday Parties Suck

It’s that time of year, your company is like give up your Friday (or Thursday or weekend) night for the company party! Thousands of dollars will be spent, people will get shitfaced and be loud an obnoxious-spouses or partners are not invited…. No one from my office can understand why I am not attending one of the THREE (so far) parties the company (which I really love!) is throwing. Just spread that holiday party money into everyone’s check and let me go home and enjoy my night/weekend without leaving my partner alone, without having to pay for a hotel or Uber to get home. It’s just so much wasted cash. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk…..


Coca-Cola, Danone and Nestle accused of misleading eco claims


Please help – advice needed: my military vet trans friend is suicidal and at risk of losing her job and apartment in Idaho

I wish I could give more specific details but my friend feels like her situation is hopeless and isn't forthcoming about a lot of the troubles she has. She has been told by her landlord she will be evicted in the new year. She is at risk of losing her job after having informed her boss that she is having suicidal thoughts – he then responded by writing her up for being late and not being a “team player.” She is struggling to reach out to agencies that might help her because she is used to bad things happening and doesn't believe help will be given. A mutual friend has asked her to visit an agency in person this weekend but she doesn't seem inclined to do so. She is ex Air Force and has been identifying as trans for more than half a decade now. Any advice, resources, etc.,…


Other unions are now also entering into the swedish general strike on Tesla

According to this article other unions sympathetic to the strike against Tesla are now also entering. The union which controls the swedish shipping-docks have said that they will no longer load or unload Teslas vehicles, and even the union controlling sanitation and cleaning have said they will no longer clean and support Teslas properties and workshops.


Nervous about leaving jobs

Not sure this is the best place to post this, but then again, if anywhere would give me bravery to quit jobs it would be here… I'm a student, just started my masters program this autumn, and during holidays I usually work and sometimes take shifts when asked during the semesters. I definitely don't feel swamped with work, I know how lots of other students work so much in addition to their studies, but I don't get how they do it. Doing well in university is important to me, and attending classes and getting my work done on time is my priority. And if I don't get freetime at all, I feel like it will suck the life out of me. I (kind of) have two jobs, one I've been in for three years and one I started in this summer. I like my recent one, it's in the town…


Finally quit low paying supervisor job

It finally happened! I got a job offer for $24hr with a raise in 6 months. I let my old boss know and he told me to hold off accepting until he got to talk to his boss. They both kept brushing it off and I confronted him and was told “the only way we can offer that wage is if you worked here for 10 years and are a delivery driver” I was only making $19.51 as a supervisor well the rest of my team was around $17-18. I laughed internally and told him I'd be taking the other job. This new job has more responsibilities but otherwise is much better! I do miss my old team but with all the raising costs I had no choice, they cut overtime and started to cut back hours. I could see where that was headed! If I find something better I'm…


Boss tries to make me to work overtime to paint the office, even offered to let my wife help

Sunday morning my wife and I were chilling playing some video games. I get a text from my boss, keep in mind my wife also works in the same place. Also my job has absolutely nothing to do with painting, I work in tooling in a plastics factory. “Just a heads up tomorrow and Tuesday they are going to need help painting so they are asking that if you could stay from 315 to 6. You can have the OT and help them paint before the owners come. If your wife wants to paint and get overtime as well she can do that so she's not just waiting around on you.” I answered him: “I don't really need the overtime, so no thanks.” Then it turns from a request to being mandatory. “I don't think it's an option . I'm just saying they're not going to ask you to leave…


Do I get to keep my Christmas check?

At my current job, it only pays one quarter over minimum wage in my state(Arkansas) My employers do a program where they can take a certain amount of money from your check each week if you sign up and then give it to you around Christmas time. I was recently offered a job that pays 3 dollars more an hour. The trouble is that the Christmas checks don't go out until around Black Friday, and I'll be starting my new job before then. I was wondering if I get to keep my Christmas check since it's money that has been taken out of my paycheck each week, or if I won't be getting it because I'm leaving my job. I love my current job, but the money just isn't good and I could really use my Christmas check for Christmas for my 5 younger siblings and bills .


Quitting with one week notice & retaliation

I (26F) recently quit my toxic boss at a job I was at for 2 months. The whole thing started with an email I sent asking my boss if she could please review my proposals (I worked in fundraising for a university) prior to our 1:1 meetings because when she does it 30mns before our meeting, her feedback is short, crude, and just downright mean. I am not a new employee just getting started in the workforce, I have worked for several companies and was previously a senior at my previous company. And I know how I like to be managed and I know what appropriate feedback looks like. After this request, she proceeded to berate me for an hour at our next 1:1 and said that my email was inappropriate and insinuated that she would like to put me on a PIP to get to my 90 day review.…


Ratings like Uber and Lyft being instituted at our office

I run corporate Travel at a well-known boutique finance company. After a significant layoff at the end of July, I became the ONLY person managing travel (but I'm technically not a manager, have received no promotion or raise).They started talking strategic planning for how things will work going forward. Why that was not planned before letting people go is a mystery to me. We were all required to submit new ideas to help guide us forward. One of the new ideas brought up is that all our interactions will be rated, like Uber. We rate the person we dealt with and they rate us. This will include me, help desk? facilities and events/meeting planning employees. I'm horrified by this because it has so many ways to go wrong and they haven't given information on what they hope to accomplish. Is it me or is this an absolutely terrible idea?