
being the lowest paid coworker

I have just been informed that I am now the lowest paid supervisor in my store. I am paid $14.50 an hour after a yearly performance review (started at 14.25) and all new hires are starting at $15.50-16. Of course i bring this up to my manager and he says that there is nothing he can do to raise my pay. I have been at this store longer than the entirety of the staff (1 yr 6 months) and have truly tried my hardest to be the best at what I do. I’m absolutely devastated. Where do i go from here?


Coworker kissed my head…

Okay, so I (45F, happily married and always wear my ring and talk about my Husband) try to be friendly to everyone I work with. If I pass a fellow employee in the hall, I’ll smile and say “Hi! How are you?” or “It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!!” or something similar as I keep walking. One guy would always stop and chat – I always kept it very very brief, never ever personal – just a “glad it’s Friday – gonna watch the game this weekend” thing – couple brief sentences. He started hugging me – I’ve noticed he does it with other females at work – and it never really bothered me – I always made sure it was one of those quick side hugs where you kinda pat the person’s back – I never went fully in for a hug, even from the side – I intentionally kept distance…


Promises broken – how to respond?

After two years of very good and problem-free cooperation, the company decided that the company would be handed over to a third party to run. My line manager broke down at this news and I assured him without hesitation that I would handle everything with him and switch off together the lights. I kept this promise. ​ Since then, almost two years ago, I first heard from my line manager that he was only available in a package with me. He forgot that just a few weeks later and quickly secured a C-level job in another company in the group. The air has been thick between us ever since. Months later, I also got a position, but only because there was an internal reshuffle and a position had to be filled at short notice. It was clear that this position had an expiry date, and I kept hearing the line…


Age discrimination case? Two week notice or not?

Needing some advice… I've worked for a non-profit organization for 31 years as the assistant manager in my department. I never had the chance to apply for the manager of my department until August, when my boss retired. While I was gone for two weeks of scheduled vacation to help a family member, someone in my dept. complained to the COO about me, because she was unhappy with how my boss and other departmental staff had treated her. When I returned to work, I asked when interviews would start and I was given the cold shoulder from HR and the CEO, who also lied to me about why the interviews were delayed. A week later, there was an “investigation into the work environment in my dept.” I, along with other staff, was questioned by the COO, HR Manager, and another person in HR about the supposed behavior of other staff…


Boss Demands Proof of Bday Party

My husband works in shipping and receiving in a warehouse setting. It's not at all a regular thing, but it's sometimes expected that they come in on weekends. Today his boss let everyone know that they needed to come in on the weekend of the 18th for inventory. My husband let them know he wouldn't be able to, because we're celebrating our daughter's birthday. Instead of his boss just flat out telling him it would count against him, he demanded proof that we would be celebrating her birthday. I don't feel like it's really their business, but we don't have invites or a Facebook event or anything as we're just inviting her BFF to join us for festivities. His boss says he'll need to see receipts, then, from taking the kids to Chuck E. Cheese and a movie. Anyone know the legality of this (United States – Kansas)? Husband asked…


5 months at new job and it is toxic

Just venting.Two stories here. Story One: I am part of a four person team doing administrative duties except my role is geared more towards Finance. I do have administrative tasks. Three team members work the front desk and I am located in a ‘quieter’ area because the nature of Finance. We all get along with each other except for one, Brittany. Brittany has been there the longest, a little over a year. The rest of us all got hired within a few months of each other. Brittany does not have administrative background, very little computer skills, and no people skills. Brittany is rude, hovers over the other two team members, is very chatty and loud with clients, and micromanages. She believes she is the face of the company and is important. She is quick to jump to bosses rescue and the bosses don’t see her toxicity. The new hires, Jane…


Rant is it bad that i dont want to work full time

I dont know man i have no interest at all to work 40 hours. I am currently working 21 and its been great but i accepted 12 hours extra so i can make more and im not happy at all. I feel so bad though because my boyfriend and mom both think i need to work more. But i just hate it. Right now i work 4 hours a day and i really like it because i leave early and so i have the whole afternoon to myself. But now on saturdays i will work that 12 hour day i mentioned and i am so sad. Just even thinking about being there all day makes me want to lay down and forget about it. Especially on sundays. I go to church and i spend the day with my boyfriend and its so nice i wish it was like that everyday.…


Tired of being tired (Rant)

Been bouncing around between retail and fast food work for my whole work life and I'm just over it. My first job I worked for a local pizza shop for a couple years. I'd still be there tbh but it unfortunately went out of business last year. Since then, I've worked 3 separate jobs, all of which have been more or less the same experience. Start off strong, feeling good, feeling like I might have actually found something good for myself, management starts taking advantage (giving me more shit to do, higher expectations, worse hours etc…), taking it on trying to be a good “team player”, get burnt out, work declines, management gets upset I'm not upholding the same quality as I started, I get pissed, I quit. It takes a lot for me to convince myself I'm not the problem. Hell, most of these jobs have people who've worked…


Employer might be committing entrapment against the entire shift… Any advice?

For a little background, we're the only store in a decently sized company that has an overnight shift, so the employee handbook and the policies are explicitly wrong about a lot of stuff that goes on compared to the day shifts. The doors are locked and we're not allowed to leave, even on our breaks with very few exceptions where a manager deals with the security code to let us out. The employee handbook says we should be allowed to leave but the managers all talk about how we're not allowed to do so overnight, with one manager threatening to fire people who don't take lunches despite not being able to leave. At another point a manager (apparently) said if we clock out and try to leave, were technically trespassing. I've looked into it a little, and holding us here might count as false imprisonment, and threatening trespassing like that…


Finally landed an interview with a better company but…

My old job was paying me pennies (15/hr in OR) for 7 years experience at the company + AA in design. I got laid off this week after almost 8 years so I need the work. Only problem: It's part time. I need a minimum of 40k to stay afloat and not struggle. I'd hit the mark if i did 30hrs a week and asked for decent pay. I'm tempted to try and negotiate for at least $26.50 but that seems asinine to me, like a ton of money after living paycheck to paycheck for 7 years. But I also have almost a decade of professional experience + 14 years contract experience. The hours and wage weren't listed but its a government job so itd be a good opportunity. Should I ask or not? I figured this reddit would know what's reasonable to ask for living wages and what's crazy.