
Work made me use a vacation day to care for sick child

I have one week of sick days each year at my company- use them or lose them by end of year. This is my first year there and I didn’t call in all year bc I wasn’t sick plus I wanted to make a good impression. Well my kid got sick so I called in to take care of sick child. My work took a vacation day. When I asked about it they said we told you that when you started and it’s in the handbook that sick days are only for you. I am so behind all the time I cannot imagine using up my remaining sick days plus u need a dr nite if it’s three days in a row. It just infuriates me.


Former teacher said she has made nearly $1 million from OnlyFans in less than 6 months: “She would have had to work for nearly 24 years to make the same amount of money she has made from OnlyFans in less than six months”


A union is fantastic.


I feel like I am being Quiet Fired

I think I am getting fired. I had great performance reviews in the past and have had great feedback and a plan for development. Recently there have been discussions about taking my work and giving it to other people. There was also a conversation with HR on RTO. This has been all happening over the past month. Before that it was all normal and I really liked my job. I am not sure what to do. I wanted to stay at the company and thought I had chances to work my way up the ladder but that all seems impossible right now. Maybe I am just overthinking it but I have started to get worried. Its just messed up because no one is being upfront with me about it. I would have at least appreciated the opportunity to look for another team within the company.


Head Cashier Constantly Picks at me

Writing on mobile so sorry if the format is off. I, 21F, work part time in retail as a cashier until I finish college and get into a full time gig. I’ve been working at this store for maybe 6-7 months now so not for long. I usually only work weekends. I used to not work with this head cashier very often because of this but lately she’s been with me every Sunday shift for the past 2 or 3 months now. Every single shift she’s bothering only me, I’m thinking it might be because we’re around the same age? No other head cashiers, assistant managers, shift leads, supervisors or even the store manager make any complaints about me, in fact I was recently called into the office and awarded for my fast progress and my reviews from customers. But for some reason this one women feels the need to…


Being evicted – boulder, Colorado – CO-OP


Internship culture?

I'm on my way to my second day of internship at a large European company that has become popular as a company that treats their employees well. I'm staying here for 8½ hours a day (including breaks) with no pay (I do get one free meal per day). Realistically that means that I'm actively spending time for my employer from 9 in the morning to 8 in the evening, which grants me no time to attend my regular appointments, namely therapies that are necessary for me as I live with severe disability. Besides, everyone says it's a privilege to have an opportunity to get work experience here. What's your internship culture like? Is that normal?


Screw a ‘normal’ job, I’ve had enough. I’m joining the gypsy fair.

I (21M) work in a warehouse doing order picking (imagine an Amazon worker but with foodstuffs). I've been at my current job for about… 15 months? Ish? And I fucking hated it. But I couldn't even get a call back from anyone, and I don't have a safety net, so I couldn't just quit. So I took a month off in October (full pay), and I couldn't believe the difference. 4 whole weeks away from the bullshit. 4 weeks without almost having a breakdown, or thinking about stepping in front of a train. I got bored, don't get me wrong. But my life didn't suck anymore. During that time I decided to go overseas and see my family who i hadn't seen in a while. They had joined a gypsy fair, so I worked with them for three days at the fair. And I had fun. I wasn't rolling in…


Getting yelled at for wearing a hat but being begged to take the job nonetheless

This has been a few years ago. I was invited to work a probational day at a company that was in charge of fixing all the iPhones in my area. A friend of mine and me went and checked them out on the same day. I was there to phone people and ask them how they wanted to receive their bill and he was there to package the repaired phones and send them out. In terms of work the day went well for me, I got to sit in an office and talk to (sometimes very angry) people on the phone all day. The dude showing me the ropes was very impressed with how I handled angry folks. The problem was that during that 8 hour day three different department heads (not even “my” department) felt the need to have their first words and introduction to me be them yelling…


Want to quit my corporate job

I (22F) have BPD and suffered a major episode where I had to take a month off my corporate job. In that month i had time to focus on myself and still get paid a little bit. Returning back in October I realized just how unhappy I am at my current position. The perks and benefits are amazing. However I work with some catty coworkers. My boss is hard to get along with and I’m struggling to keep up the pace. I feel like I won’t get another opportunity in this field if I leave though. Any advice? I do have a backup job.