
Not Antiwork But

Picking up substance abuse (cigs, alcohol, weed) and having to become dark triad (Machiavellian, Psycho, Narcissistic) to get ahead in this industry…lol!


How do you sell yourself?

Disclaimer: not based in the US, I'm based in Belgium. I don't know if my autism is related to this. But I don't know how to sell myself during job interviews. Been out (burn out) since March last year and lost my job. I have been looking for another job that would fit me. For years I worked in supermarkets (got in trouble for my resting bitch face which is my neutral expression), call center (really can't deal with open office environments and mini deadlines all the time), and flex desk environments. I feel typecast since the majority of my work experiences are short (less than 2 years) and in menial jobs (supermarkets etc). I know my strength lies in administrative work, but I can't seem to sell myself. Everytime they turn to my resume and ask why I have so many jobs and some for a short time and…


Terminated while on medical leave.

I am currently on medical leave for an ongoing medical issue. I had surgery in May, was on FMLA and ADA. Went back to work last month and was there for three weeks while my body wasn’t responding well to me being so active. Later in the month, after a follow-up with my doctor, he put me back on medical leave so I can go and see a specialist. Tomorrow, the 7th, I’m supposed to go back to work. I got a call from HR that stated “your leave ends tomorrow but there is no need for you to return.” No reason was given for my termination and there is no other reason why I would be fired. I live in California. What should my next move be?


Quitting my HR job with no notice.

Incoming rant because I don’t have many people in my life to listen. My company has 650 employees. HR is a team of myself (HR Assistant) and my boss (HR Director). I’ve worked here for 4 years and haven’t received a pay raise since 2021. Which was only $1 to begin with. Despite so many promises from the owners and HR Director. I’m paid less than $25 an hour. My boss makes six figures. My boss is HARDLY here. I would estimate she works 25 hours per week while I regularly work 40-55. She also gets to work from home routinely. I was told I cannot because technically it’s only for high level execs. The abuse of power by my boss is crazy and the owners shrug their shoulders and turn a blind eye all because she’s married to one of their sons! I’m basically doing what should be at…


Job wants overpayment back.

So a job I quit 4 months ago just contacted me saying they did their financial audit and found out they double paid me for a check they messed up on. Thing is, I notified them twice. I talked directly to the president and told him directly that they paid me in a check then direct deposited the $1400 2 weeks later. He talked to me like I was an idiot both times and said it was them making things right. Second time I asked if I'm good to keep the money and he said yes. My dumbass didn't get it in writing. Just got the text today that they want it back. I know I'm supposed to pay them back, but I went 2 months without work and am flat broke since starting my new job. Anyone know if I could find a way to avoid paying them since…


This has to be illegal. I think one of these is to weed out disabled people


Cramer, DKNG, Pottersville

Just watched Jim Cramer talk about being bullish on DKNG, and about how young people “love gambling” on sports, and “even on cricket”. Just bugged me how oblivious that statement is. Money for “young people” today is anything but easy — it's really hard. It's nearly impossible to make enough to buy a house, and for the few who can, what happens when the furnace goes out or the roof leaks? Crippling debt. Boomers have enjoyed a life of financial security that no generation in this country has ever experienced. But instead of establishing a system that extends that opportunity to future generations, they've passed law after law to protect their own safety at enormous cost for us to inherit. And the carrots they do dangle for us (e.g. Draftkings, gambling) follow that same design — security for them and total risk for us. It's not lost on young people…


That disappointing feeling after losing out on a job

You get far in a job you want. Pass the resume and cover letter scan. Pass the skills test. Pass through the first round of interviews. Get to the final interview. Think you nailed it. Then. The disappointing call. This was a good employer: straightforward job application process. No BS. No run around. Just disappointment. Alas. We try again, tomorrow, I guess. Just want to be paid a living wage.


How to cope with the feeling that I’m missing out on living?

I'm just starting to really feel that yearning for life instead of being at the office 45hrs/week. I have it lucky for sure to even have a job that pays ok and semi stable living situation. I'm young too. I feel like I'm doing what's necessary for my future right now (even though it sucks that its necessary). But Lord I feel sapped. My time at work is spent being bored and pushing papers, then the second I get home it's almost always work work work to fix things and get chores done and just doing everything so that I can keep this job sustainably without falling behind. But I miss out on everything it feels like. I have no social life outside of my house. I don't go to events, I don't do anything spontaneous because it would require weeks to pick up anything I missed getting done or…


If I leave, my department is screwed

My nboss has worked maybe 5 days since the end of July. I’m carrying the team and it feels like my responsibilities just keep mounting from people that aren’t carrying their weight. I know we are all tired. I want to leave so bad, but I can’t afford to. I’m so deep in debt from my manic episodes (I’m BP2) and I suffer from adhd and CPTSD. It’s really a miracle that I haven’t been hospitalized yet. If I leave, it’s the end of my entire department. I know it’s not my job to ensure job security for my team, but I care for them all so deeply. But it’s truly a matter of time before I implode. I just can’t do this anymore. I’m honestly shocked I’ve been able to carry the weight for so long, and I’m done. My relationships, hobbies, and health have all taken a hit.…