
How do I form a union?

Our business recently instituted a new policy that has led to income being cut in half for most public facing workers, just in order for corporate to save a buck. I'm so angry I'm thinking about organizing a work stoppage or a strike or something but I really am just not thinking clearly at all and have never thought about doing something like this before and am very overwhelmed and am hoping I can get some good advice here


Work is so tedious

All I do is make PowerPoint slides (that never get seen) and excel sheets. Work feels so tedious right now. I literally struggle to care. Do other people feel the same?


Confirm my suspicions?

I've worked for my employer for 6+ years, in an industry we'll just call heavy construction/ manufacturing. Unlike many here(and they are right for being upset), I feel like I've been well compensated for my labor. Here's a run up of key events past 3 years. A few years ago, they cut our insurance. We had a “Cadillac” plan where we paid no premiums. I was part of the organizing team to unionize our plant. Upon a successful vote in favor of the union, I sent the GM/VP a funeral arrangement of flowers with a note that said “Sorry for your loss – Local xxxxxxx”. They found out it was me, but no recourse. The union came in and I started focusing on career progression, taking college classes paid for by the union. My supervisor got fired and my lead was promoted to the position. Mind you, at this time…


How do I convince my mom that employers don’t give a shit about their employees and that I’m not putting my health on the line for them

My mom is 46 and she lives in a fantasy where $10/hour to be a daycare teacher is “really good money” and thinks that most bosses care about their employees. She also is the type to insist that someone goes to work when sick and has attempted to guilt me into going while dealing with difficulty breathing and severe chest pain saying “oh you need to at least try to go to work so they can at least see you care” She hasn’t worked at a place that’s payed more than $10/hour in her entire life and thinks that is good pay even if someone went to college to get that job.


“nobody wants to work!” No management doesn’t want to work!!

Last 10 job interviews. No lie. I have been interviewed by the “wrong person” their words not mine. Either some lower management that doesn't normally deal with new hires or some higher employee.. it's ridiculous. Everyone around me is talking about how “nobody wants to work” then they offer jobs where you're changing 200 tires A DAY… For $16/hr…. Straight slave labor… Yeah nobody wants to drive 22 fucking miles for a job that's physically demanding at $15 dollars an hour… How the fuck do these places stay in business… Everytime I fill out an application I go into the place a day or two after and ask to talk to a manager.. more than half of the time there is no fuckin' management in the building…. Florida is pathetic.. no other state that I've lived in (I've been in a few…) Is it so hard to get a job…


Is this even legal????


The Director of Engineering flaked on an interview I was highly anticipating :(

hey guys this isn't really anti-work; but i believe relevant in that companies need to step-it-up =I was driving home from my job (1.5hrs each way commute) on a day i had not gotten sleep the night before. I get a random phone call from a Denver area code (want to move there) and had a 45 MINUTE CONVERSATION with a recruiter. He scheduled an interview later that week and told me if i had any questions to let him know. I didn't have any questions and just had “Friday at 4;30” playing in my head in anticipation all week. I log on to the Teams call and am just sitting there for 45-minutes! Granted I logged on at 4:02pm but like ?????? wut the fuck…. I noticed right now they had sent me a Google Calendar invite and email for the interview but I didnt really think I needed…


Has anyone addressed a former boss after termination?

My SO was fired this week. The abuse leading up to it was brutal. My SO stated that he wants to spend some time processing and healing and perhaps in the future, he will send his former boss a letter sharing a bit about how their toxic actions impacted him. I will support my SO as he needs but I’m curious to hear if anyone has done something similar to this and if it’s been helpful or not.


Klarna signs agreement with unions

After Swedish workers threatened to strike, Klarna sings pay agreement with unions.


Job offer withdrawn..

I’ve seen this happen to others on here so I should have known better… I was offered a job with a comfortable salary, which I’ve honestly never had it my life so I was very excited. I went through all the onboarding processes, and because I was feeling very comfortable with my new salary, I stupidly used the little bit of cash I had saved up for emergencies to take care of some outstanding bills I’d been putting off. And then… they had a change in the program and withdrew my job offer. Of course, after I had already quit my previous job and used all the money I had to pay outstanding bills. It took me like 6 months of applying to jobs to finally get this offer. And now I’m fucked. 🙂