
My fiancé was written up

These companies are totally wild. He does estimating for a general contractor. He’s been there for a couple years. Pay sucks, no benefits, no flexibility. A sales rep texted his personal phone (he wasn’t provided with a company phone) and he didn’t answer because he was stressed out. The following day, he got called into someone’s office to be “written up”. Never an oral warning. The WRITE up stated it was an oral warning… an ORAL warning in WRITING. Hmmmm He refused to sign the write up. I’m just absolutely baffled at how anyone would think this is okay.


Job told us we can’t hang out

Got pulled into a meeting today with my coworkers/friends because the franchise owner saw a Facebook post of us hanging out 1 person a manager the rest just basic employees. And we were told he wasn't happy and that we need to keep our lives separate from work and basically to not hang out or date anyone at work. I fucking hate this country


Is it illegal for my employer’s employee handbook to prohibit discussion of wages (PA)



How can I have a life? I work for 2 major grocery store and I have no schedule.

I work floral for both Kroger and HEB, and I have no schedule. Both stores in my town are so unorganized, or skeleton crew or management shift that I have no schedule. No hours. Nothing. I've been with HEB for 2 months and Kroger for a week. I've been off for 4 days, gone up there to both store and told “just wait just wait” for the holiday rush and they will find a time to make my schedule. My time is just wasted by the billion dollar companies, like I am so frustrated.


My boss wanted to f*ck me but it turned out the other way

Hello everyone, this is a mini-story about how a CEO should not treat his employees, suppliers, and especially his clients. I worked as a manager in a company selling Hemp Products gummies, vapes etc (without advertising), responsible for most processes in the business such as building a website, filling it, sending stuff, customer support, purchasing stuff, inventory, packaging, and sending to customers. In fact, in my boss’s online business, my work was 99%, and his was only 1%. All the boss did was send emails every day with discounts, drink alcohol, and think that Revenue = Profit. I was always alone in the office, and the boss came for a maximum of 10 minutes. The business was built before the boss and was a happy accident handed over to him; at the time of the transfer, the store was making $50k in revenue per month. I worked for more than…


AITA for being mad that fiancé is letting work bully him into working Black Friday?

AITA for being disappointed that fiancé is letting work bully him into working Black Friday? I’m sick about this. This is a new job for my (29F) fiancé (39M). He’s even there less than two months. He’s a a night shift supervisor essentially for some wine manufacturing. The job is absolutely grueling and he literally broke his back last week and couldn’t even go due to the pain. His schedule is Monday – Thursday 11am to 9:30PM. He is salary. Because he seemed some days last week, they wanted him to do a makeup shift with the day shift tomorrow, Friday. Fine. He asked about clarification on the schedule for next week, Thanksgiving week. Suddenly, they are saying he needs to work next Friday instead of tomorrow. He told them that we already have a family trip to STL to have Thanksgiving with my family and asked if they can…


Fake Jobs

Could we have an economy full of fake jobs? By fake job I mean a job that really doesn’t serve any true purpose other than keeping us distracted and controlled.


i’m a student and my manager is trying to get me to work full time.

I’m 18, Currently on a gap year and applying for colleges. Also taking dual enrollment classes at a CC. I started a job at a cafe to get some extra cash and in the interview told the manager that I can do full time for two-ish weeks and then have to do part time since college apps get closer to deadlines and I start a new semester of CC. I also said my availability on weekends in shaky due to college apps and classes. I got hired within the next two days and started. The first weeks passed by and I did full time. But my manager has me working 8.5 hour shifts 6 days a week. And is even scheduling me for Sunday. It’s past the two weeks and I’m scared about talking to her about going part time and or working less days/hours because I’m new and i’m…


Good excuse to not go to the christmass diner AFTER work?

So so.. I have no interest in going to the 'workfamily' christmass dinner after work.I do not care about the food or free drinks, my personal time is needed for mental health.Driving 2 hours, working 8 hours, 1 hour break AND 2 hours dinner is a bit to much for me. Thats 12 hours in the same clothes, not washing your teeth, piss and poop stains in underpants.Its inhumane. And then taking cute Linkedin pics? No thank you boss Any tips for good excuse to tell boss for not coming to the party? Kind regards


Should I get Overtime for government holidays?

Hi all, last year my company decided to make me overtime eligible instead of paying me the new minimum salary for non-OT eligible employees for companies who employ over 50 people. Instead of increasing my salary by 5k, I’m now able to get overtime. They changed the first day of my work week from Monday to Saturday, even though we don’t normally work weekends, I assume this is so they can avoid paying me overtime if I work a Saturday after a 5 day work week. So if I work a weekend day, I’m required to take a day off the following week. They also claim that OT must have advanced approval. This coming week I’m working Saturday-Wednesday. So a full work week. If it were a normal week I’d take Thursday and Friday off, however it’s Thanksgiving and my company gives the everyone thanksgiving and the day after off.…