
Any Organizations Fighting all this BS?

I live in US as I'm sure most of you do. Are there any Organizations I can join Fighting our good fight? I want to be an active participant in enforcing change.


so do you uusally use up your vacation days before the end of the. year or do you carry forward?

write below


Leave me alone to do my work

Seriously. I’ve been in various roles in healthcare since I was 19. From level 1 traumas to managing multiple hospital complaints. I wiped ass before that as well. I sit in front of a computer summarizing visits for doctors. Does that mean I type all day! Yes and I love it!!! Now you want me to change the job description and be in rooms with patients. Yes I’d like to say I’m a full blown introvert that did my duty working with people of all personalities and I’m ready to settle down. All I want to do is sit at home and enter data without people around me that want to move up, want to gossip about what coworker did, etc. Don’t even look at me. I’m literally here to make money. Everyone else is just background noise. Leave me alone. I have two kids, I’m happily married, i own…


My job is demanding my jury duty pay

Im paid 35 dollars for jury duty, and my district is demanding that from me. They're paying me for that day, but can't let me keep my money I get from a separate entity. 35 extra dollars. ​ I'm really irritated because theres no reason for that, besides them not wanting me to have extra money that has nothing to do with them?


Was told not to discuss wages as that apparently “prevents people from getting raises.” How should I progress?

So budget meetings are happening now and prior to them, our boss said in a staff meeting that now would be the time to make requests such as more vacations, benefits, etc. A few weeks ago, I learned a newish coworker had 14 days of vacation outlined in their offer letter. This only came up because I was explaining how all hires get 10 vacation days, as outlined in the employee handbook. They showed me their letter and it indeed says 14 while mine says 10. I brought this matter up in my budget meeting, expressing that if my coworker's offer letter was indeed correct, that I would like my yearly vacation days to match. I've worked here over two years and have not requested any change in my benefits until now. My boss was shocked at this and expressed that the 14 days was an error, and that it…


Saw an employee I used to manage

So I got laid off in 2021 due to a reorganization. It was a really toxic workplace. I worked really hard and helped people with their projects. I shielded my staff from the politics. I was disappointed when people were suddenly not really there for me. They sure wanted my help when I was there. So I see someone who I used to manage and did a nice drive by hello. Kept walking. I figured if they didn’t reach out after I got laid off I wasn’t going to make an effort. In fact I deleted people off of LinkedIn, Facebook etc. I have no motivation to stay in touch.


Am I being paid my overtime? In CA

I worked 14 days in a row. The 2 7th days are overtime. Here’s how I’m understanding it; I get the 7th consecutive day as overtime Then on the 8th day it resets regardless of having worked 8 consecutive days?


A recent interview story

Interviewed for a company that had a 2 stage interview process… first was with admin/HR. Second with the operations manager. Didn't know how the first round would go as when I asked about the pay bracket (as it was not mentioned in the job description) the HR person replied in an annoyed tone that they haven't arrived at a definitive number yet. Thus, was surprised to get a call for second round interview, where I again asked the same question to the ops manager. She said that she didn't know and it was a question for HR. Recieved an email saying I wasn't successful. But how are you interviewing for the position without revealing the pay? 🤔 Please tell me this a weird anomoly lol. What a time to be alive.


I’m so sick of looking for work when all my effort is going nowhere

I got laid off from my last job about 2 months ago. It was seasonal, but my last employer misled me to think that if I did everything I was supposed to do, I would likely be kept around, so the title “seasonal” was “nothing to worry about”. Well obviously that was a bunch of shit, and now I've learned to never trust something like that again from another employer. Since August, I've been trying to find another job, but I've either been rejected before even getting an interview, heard nothing back, got ghosted through text by a hiring manager, or got as far as an actual interview, only to be rejected (a whole day after in one instance, and that was for a dishwasher job). These aren't professional jobs either, I'm only 22 and haven't finished college yet, and I'm getting ghosted by Walmart. And just to add to…


I’m jealous of fields that aren’t over saturated

I work in a field (Parks and Recreation) that is so over saturated with folks that a lot of advice from these forums doesn’t really apply and it’s so frustrating. I just had to pester a county government after they ghosted me for three months and then when they final told me they went with another candidate I asked for feedback and ghosted again. Normally I understand most people would say this shows how the company runs and to avoid them in the future but when they’re one of four options it’s hard to avoid them. Just kind of a rant at this point thanks guys