
Work schedule that’s 3 days (16 hours for 2 days, 8 hours for 1 day), then 4 days off?

I work as a cook for a restaurant and management brought up to me about a schedule I wanted to look into. He mentioned the following: Monday: 8am-12am midnight with two 1 hour breaks (besides going to the restroom and quick smoke breaks). Tuesday: 9am-1am Wednesday: 5pm-1am Thursday: Off Friday: Off Saturday: Off Sunday: Off The job is really not that stressful since I'm stationed to be cooking pizzas (Neapolitan style) except for the usual dinner rush that's like 5pm-8pm while others do the saute, grill, fryer, etc. We joke and talk a lot at work and time really does fly by quickly when you're focused on cooking. You're getting several tickets done, then next thing you know, you check your phone and a couple hours just went by. I just want to ask you guys here if you would take a work schedule like that? I did double shifts…


I feel like Kroger Bait and switched me.

This is my first job so i'm not sure how common this is or if this is a known practice, but I applied for night stocking at Kroger. When you apply for jobs at Kroger you have to put a secondary position that you could also do. I put Bakery as a secondary position. But I got called in for an interview for the bakery position. And during the interview I asked, “what about the position I directly applied for.” and the interviewer was like “we don't have any openings for that position.” I'm kind of desperate since my loan payments are due soon and I couldn't find anything else, so I took it. The bakery job is 14 dollars per hour, while the night stocking is about 2-3 dollars more. But when I go into work, they have this booth set up for people to apply for…. night stocking.…


I may have been turned down a job over my personal political beliefs.

I don't care which side you're on. But I've been trying to move jobs. In support of Palestine I made my profile pic I stand with Palestine. My dad told me that he got a message from a friend where I'm trying to get a job and he said my profile pic got me turned down for an interview. I feel like that's illegal and discrimination.


My GF was just fired because of a “Business Change”

As the title says, she worked as a Veterinarian Technician and was just fired out of the blue. The only reason she was given was “It's a business change”. She will be receiving two weeks pay from this which is the silver lining, however, I am wondering if this is a valid reason for being terminated seemingly out of nowhere.


Not wanting to work is trendy

Recently hung out w a friend & they were talking about how they don’t want to work. Which I completely get & agree with. But I feel like now it’s just a trendy thing to say. Bc really who wants to work? My thing is then what? Start a business, marry rich, rob a bank? I feel like ppl just stop at the not wanting to work part, to the point it sounds like a fantasy. If they were like they don’t seek material possessions & will live modestly then ok, but they don’t say that. I thought the fact that most ppl don’t want to work was common sense. We want money. But then I’m thinking of the fact that maybe some ppl really are just now realizing that they don’t want to work yk? Like I felt the “I don’t want to work” thing when I had my…


No pizza party

In lieu of a pizza party we got home made apple crisp. And this is a “good” thing. Apparently. 🤦‍️


You’re “Overqualified”

This one took the cake. Applied to a full-time position with a company where I would be doing merchandising and warehouse type work. Initial phone interview went great, then had an interview with that person and another over Zoom. That went great too, but at some point they mentioned the original full-time position had been filled with a current employee and that the role I was going for was part-time. I was okay with that, in truth, because I also do ride-share driving. So, they want to offer me the job, pay would be $17/hr with basically no benefits. Told them thank you but I would like an offer letter and then I will respond back. In the email responding back I note that the pay is not in the range I thought it would be (somewhere between $20-25/hr). He reminds me that this isn't for the full time role…


I’m a manager who just got assigned union busting training

I got a new required online training assigned to me out of nowhere, and it turns out to be about how to make sure our employees never unionize. I know this is legal but im horrified. Is there anything I can do? I know this training is perfectly legal even if it’s very misleading (like saying unions are for-profit billion dollar industries who don’t actually care about workers). I support workers fully understanding all options to protect their rights. I don’t want to support this bullshit but I also don’t want to get fired.


Are Millennials/GenZ never going to experience a decade of prosperity ever in their youth?

It just seems like the whole 21 st century has been utter trash. The 2000s came in with the 9/11 attacks, the dot-com burst and the GFC which expanded throughout the whole 2010s with its aftermaths and people never really recovered. War on Terror escalated and Europe was getting invaded and at the same time going through a very difficult economic pain and then 2016 comes up, Brexit happens, politics become very divisive and then COVID is the final nail in the coffin. For a while it seemed like the economy was going to go well around 2017-2019 and then things bounce back to again… Past generations have had it fair enough where they at least got to experience a time of peace and economic prosperity after tough times but it seems like in the 21 st century, every decade gets worse and worse as it passes on..


Gig economy: Underpay staff, tell customers it is their fault for poor service