
Forcefully Invited to Lunch by our corporate overlords

In the early 80’s at a corporate office we were told specifically! Not! to buy our own lunches and to attend the free lunch that they were providing. “Everyone is welcome! To come and enjoy! We are so happy to be generous to you!” Kind of announcement. FOLLOWED BY our managers telling us in small groups a “Don’t insult our BigBosses, this tea means a lot to them and they Will! Notice! if you don’t come!”, inferring that we’d be in trouble if we didn’t accept the invitation. We arrived to find ONE 6-foot sub for 25-ish people; I and many others each took two pieces because they were I kid you not, TWO inches wide apiece. Also, there were ZERO other items. No drink, no chips, no salads. Just the single long sub. At the time I was certain that they were going to put out more subs and…


Missing pay, what recourse do I have?

Hello! My company didn’t process payroll on time. I was supposed to get paid Friday on 10/20. They told me that they would process it and pay me within 5-6 business days. At this point, it seems like my pay won’t be coming in until this week (basically a whole new pay period). If be tried emailing and calling folks at the company but they’ve basically been telling me that there’s not much they can do. I’m angry and quite honestly frustrated. This is also isn’t the first time this happened. Last time they didn’t process on time I didn’t get my pay until the next pay period. And I lost money due to taxes (my total pay was larger so I got more money in taxes taken out). What should I Do?


Not being able to afford to move out.

I dont know what the fuck to do anymore. Im working 50 hours a week, absolutely busting my ass to the point of exhaustion. I have no time for myself or hobbies. Yet i still cant make enough money to move out anywhere near me. Im stuck in the toxic household im in. How the fuck am i supposed to move out on my own if im making decent money, working 50 hours a week, and i still cant afford to move out. I feel like im losing my mind.


Job gives no bereavement

Personally, I’ve never been at a job that will not give bereavement, and the very least it is given as unpaid. But in my current role they are expecting me to use my vacation days. Is this normal in your industry or at jobs you’ve worked?


Boss takes me off the schedule becauseI called in sick

Yesterday I wasn't feeling well in the morning so I texted my boss saying I couldn't come in. I rarely take sick days. He already knew I was sick since I passed out the day prior at work. Keep in mind I texted him at 6am, 3 hours before my shift started at 9am. (Policy is at least 1 hour before at my job.) I went back to sleep and at 8:15am I called him back to make sure he got my text. He didn't. Long story short he turned his phone off because he was up late the night before. Told me that I didn't give him enough notice and that I'm being unreasonable since he can't open the store now. He blamed me for not giving enough notice and told me that I'm off the schedule until the following Monday (this was a Tuesday morning), and is now…


My company just did a massive layoff

Four of my coworkers were laid off. I heard there were more from other departments. Today is their last day. One recently bought a house, one just moved in with their partner, one got married a month ago, and one has been with the company for over 5 years and during that time, worked so fucking hard and endured a lot of shit from C-suite and other departments. That one hurts the most. He was one of those coworkers you thought would be there till he retired. We’re not allowed to reach out to them either. It’s so fucking shitty. My manager claims this is the last round of layoffs but I don’t believe it. Christmas party this year gonna be awkward as fuck. Time to start job hunting I guess… Just bought a house as well so that’s great timing. I’m so scared Sorry if any typos I’m on…


Destiny dev Bungie screws employees

Massive layoffs with: 1 day of benefits (“end of the month” from 10/30) Stripped their unvested shares from the sony acquisition. If you’re a gamer, don’t support them. I’m gonna get a refund on my preorder.


Seeking advice on how to proceed, tax manager leaving company due to a jerk of ceo

Hello everybody, I am the senior tax analyst in my company who knows the ins and out of the entire department. I was just informed today that the tax manager is leaving, and his last day is 11/10/23. He is leaving because the interim ceo who is the former vp of finance here is a real jerk and does not treat him properly. Also the company would not match his offer. He got a 28k pay raise, title of VP, and found out he was the lowest paid manager in the company by at least 7-10k. My former tax manager will have a meeting with the interim ceo/former vp of finance to recommend me for promotion, as I am the most qualified currently. What my tax manager said to me during my meeting with him is that the ceo could also hire somebody, and not treat you correctly as well.…


I hate the career path and degree I’ve choose.

Bachelors of Business Administration just feels like a degree in how to be a slave. I HATE working with clients, for companies that don’t pay enough, for a job that takes every fucking free minute I have, and for a job that is absolutely unfulfilling. I don’t know how people not only work 8-5, M-F but also be expected to work OT, exercise, have a social life, and (god forbid) have children or a family to take care of. And the worst part is, if I wanted to change careers, I’d have to start ALL over again: education and experience. I’m just tired of this corner I’m forced into and no easy way out. What they fuck do I do?


I’m screaming at my current living situation.

My job in the office as a regular fulfillment associate is making it clear that they don’t want to pay me enough to support myself. I’m 27 and I’m still living at home. I hate everything about it because I’m still paying off my student loans (about $1500 a month). I just want a 1 bedroom apartment and it’s crushing my self confidence. The worst thing about this is everything around me is becoming a trigger for it as people will talk about their places and what they do and which guests hey had over for dinner on the evening. Stuff like that. The worst part is my coworkers, who are really nice, are saying I’m becoming irritable. I’m just really angry and kinda distressed about this and what I’m missing out on. Anyway, does ANYONE have anything similar they’re going through? Sometimes I feel alone in this regard.