

It would be a terrible decision but MAN would it feel good. Fbghrybu Someone stop me from obliterating my boss tomorrow. Reason with me. Tell me why having food on my plate and a roof over my head is better than making this cockroach feel like shit. Anyone? Please talk me out of it.


Has anyone actually ever been laid off by their bosses who take advantage of lower-paid immigrants to save a buck? If so, should their be any laws that do something about it?


Has anyone actually ever been laid off by their bosses who take advantage of lower-paid immigrants to save a buck? If so, should their be any laws that do something about it?


Choice between overdrawing my bank account or getting fired

My car is in the shop and what was supposed to be a $300 brake repair job has turned into $1000 because the brake pads literally flew off my car while driving. (I wouldn't have believed it if the guy hadn't showed me. He said he'd never seen that shit before.) I would have enough money in my account to cover it, just barely. But I just recently had a “talk” at work about being out too many days. (I've only ever called out when it's been car related–we only have 1 car–or been sick, but somehow that's too much.) And if I miss any more days due to “non-emergency reasons” (their words, how is car trouble and sickness not emergencies???), I will be fired. So I'm renting through turo because I don't have time to go to enterprise in the morning before I work and I'd be late. And…


Asked For A Promotion. Was Denied. But Given The Work Load Anyway

I was hired as a research lab technician II. I started and proved myself. Everyone had nothing but good things to say about me and my work ethic. Our research associate left so I decided to shoot my shot and asked for a promotion to be the research associate. My boss said he didn’t think I was ready for that yet which is totally fine. I had only been there four months by that point so okay fine. Well the time came to make our smart goals for the new fiscal year and I was given goals that aligned with a research associate job description, not technician. I am literally running an entire experiment on my own. So obviously my boss thinks I am capable but doesn’t want to give me the title or pay. Long story short I’m applying elsewhere. I’m tired of being under appreciated and overworked. I…


What happens when so many people who lives in cities in the US that they can’t afford to live in the city they work?

So prices are rising fast and there's less jobs/good paying jobs. For example, if there comes a point that the bartenders, waiters, and retail workers can't afford to live where they work so they leave their jobs what happens? To be clear I'm not blaming the workers for leaving at all. They should all be getting paid significantly more. I just wonder how major cities will continue to run. Do other people think this may happen or am I viewing things wrong? Seems like it may be a domino effect.


My place used to use the surveys to weed out “complainers”.


How should I call out?

I work at a small business pizza place in my town. I already put my two week in bc of the way I get treated at this job and I’m fed up. I had tickets to a concert with my friend/coworker that we’ve had since probably August/september. At my job, the schedule doesn’t get posted until about 2 days before the upcoming week (I know, stupid). So I gave my boss 3 weeks notice that my coworker and I would be gone Saturday (November 4th) and Sunday (November 5th). We already had the tickets AND we already booked the hotel room at the time bc he has told me in the past that as long as I give him enough heads up, my coworker and I can request the same weekend off. Disclaimer: my coworker and I are “assistant managers” all that really means is that we have a key…


Enployment as a service.

So with all the things being pushed as “aaS” Basically anything that you could own or use setup in a “Subscription” I thought of a funny way to use this as I'm pushing for a raise at work. Example; $21.5 pushing for $25. Boss denys it… -Boss “Hey can you do this thing for me” -me “Sorry, you're paying for the basic subscription that only comes with 5 care points and basic employment. You are out of care points this month and you cannot use anymore care points untill next month.” 🤣🤣🤣


PERA: Legally mandated wage theft for retirement?

I just started a govt job that is heavily unionized, which comes with some great benefits, and at least some of the people want to fight for boundaries, respect and workplace safety. I was hired at X wage with an explicitly laid out offer letter. Everything seemed transparent and honest. Once I got my first paycheck recently, I saw my wages were gouged noticeably by something called PERA. Nobody told me what this was, it was not once mentioned throughout the whole process, not in the offer letter nor in a month of work. I had to do a lot of research online- it wasn't mentioned almost at all in the employee websites, in the union agreement or on the union website. It seems like people either don't care about this, or deliberately ignore it. This is what I found. Apparently all govt employees are legally mandated by our state…