
Shift offering at my daughter’s job



How to deal with a manager who micromanages me to the max and uses me as her personal therapist?

I work with a manager who micromanages me to the max. I have twice the number of years of pharmacy experience as her. I work as a pharmacist and she does she. Some of the things she has micromanaged me on include: -Berating me for asking for the patient’s surname before their first name when they request for their prescriptions or repeat prescriptions which I need to look up on the pharmacy software system. I look up the surname first because the software asks for the surname first before the first name. I find that asking for the surname first narrows the results down to a few patients whereas if I input the first name first, there’s way too many results, i.e. there’s heaps of Peter’s or John’s. Her reasoning was that patient’s know their first names first so I should ask for their first name first. – When a…


Misclassified as non-exempt employee and I should have been exempt

Hi, HR recently contacted because I was misclassified as a non-exempt employee but was hired under the assumption I’m exempt because I’m paid a salary. This was also in my contract. I’ve never filled in a time card, logged lunches, OT, etc. HR wants me to come back to them with a number of hours of OT that I think I’ve worked. I’ve been at the company for 2.5 years. I feel like on average I work 7hrs (prob higher) of OT a week. My question is, can they come back and deny this number or how can I/they prove it’s wrong/right? I can look at invites, repeating meetings, etc but not sure what they might come back to me with if it’s denied or needs to be reviewed. Any advice is appreciative.


Promotion with a $60,000 pay cut

Last year I was making good money as an individual contributor at a staffing firm. Our commission plan is vague at best, but it appeared that anything I had booked would be mine to be paid out for for the duration of the contract. I was offered a promotion to a leadership role in September of last year. The on target earnings would have had me taking a $60,000 pay drop for the year. I was not going to be paid out for any of the bookings I had done. It would all be transferred out to those who would become my subordinates. So I was sacrificing $60,000 in 2022 for the title had I accepted. I declined the position. Leadership couldn’t understand why I wasn’t open to taking such a huge hit to my pay. I had just bought a house, gotten married, and was pregnant. Eight months later…


Self-described “advocate” business manager advocates for employees in the strangest way

I’m a musician in NYC, and there’s not a lot of security in the work, so I try to be tactful about requests and concerns when I interact with a business that employees me with regular work. One of these places pays bargain basement rates and generally prioritizes every other class of workers above the musicians there. An important detail is that musicians work as part of a two-person collaboration with a teacher, so relationships are important. A number of months ago, I asked for a raise from this employer, outlining my reasons, offering the industry standard as evidence to why this isn’t just an arbitrary request, and was met with “we aren’t entertaining raises at this time.” Fine. It’s not that bad, and I still work with a teacher where respect is mutual. That teacher had to miss a few weeks of classes recently, and no one at this…


Human Resources is a company liability mechanism to preserve capital. It doesn’t give a shit about victims.

Sexual harassment training, religious accommodation, equal employment opportunities. These are legal terms that when proven to be violated are guaranteed million dollar lawsuits in favor of a complainant and ensures losses for a company. The laws to protect actual worker rights as opposed to those individual rights are worlds apart. There seems to be no piece of HR that deals with theft of wages, denial of sick leave, hazardous work conditions and comparing wage and salary compensations. It is specifically designed to prevent lawsuits and loss of capital. The grift is nearly perfect too because Human Resources sounds friendly, compassionate and reasonable. Try going in there for being worked overtime or not getting paid on time. Good luck with that. I'm a human God dammit! This is human resources!


Pay discrepancy?

I work a minimum wage job at 17, but I didn’t realize my pay on my check says 16.995. Is that a real discrepancy? We use ADP


I work in the service industry and just had a question to anyone who understands more than I do about work being “shut down” for 2 days with a weeks notice, then getting messages from managers saying the close is going to be a little longer than expected

My restaurant let us know that we’ll be “closed on Halloween for renovations, enjoy Halloween!”. Then the 3rd day comes and renovations weren’t done. Now the 4th day. Most likely a 5th day. And i don’t even want to keep thinking it’s going to extend further, but per one of my managers before we closed, “they’re trying to do in 2 days what should be a couple weeks”. Obviously this is affecting my money situation being a server. I try to budget as well as possible but considering 4-5 shifts is about $500-700, that’s a big chunk of change. I’m getting anxious thinking it’ll last longer than 5 days. But alas to my point, is this even legal? Just to shut down and not offer compensation? I don’t wanna be the person to make a stink but it’s the end of the month and I’ve got bills on bills. They…


I never had a “big career” and I am envious of those who do

I've worked hourly my entire life in different scrappy kind of roles, settled on trucking where I now make 100k working 70 hours weeks. I have a geology degree but was never able to successfully translate it into a career. I have an anxiety disorder and was always just invisible around other louder more confident people. I'm not blaming anyone except myself but I wonder how many others feel their life and career never really “started” at all, and their life story will be working invisible thankless jobs and then dying without leaving any type of trace. It makes me feel so envious hearing people taking about their salary and corporate jobs or working from home. My brother and father are both salaried helicopter pilots and people basically get down on their knees and suck them off when they hear about what they do for a job and I'd be…


I just deleted my instagram account where i added my bosses and colleagues – i am done

I am done with feeling. anxious about people checking every single off my story and regretting adding people to my instagram. Whats ur take on this? I am just going to have one private account going forward. And it's nice to take a break from socials anyways.