
I hate my job now

I’m a salesman for and industrial supplier. It started off I nice job and everything was great. Then I got “promoted “. Really the manager left to pursue their own dream and the company just needed to fill a spot so I was pushed into his role. I am essentially running an entire business unit by myself. I do everything from selling, delivering, ordering, purchasing, and AR. The responsibility is way too much for just one person to support. I was promised I’d have an employee hired to help out but it’s been over a year. I’ve interviewed candidates that were great and told management they need to hire this candidate and they never do. I suspect they just don’t want to pay another employee. I personally get paid like crap, only 43k per year. Was told I would get commission but the commission structure is a joke. The biggest…


How do I survive?

I'm on disability (Canada), and I have a hard time holding onto work at all, or even doing much in-general. I hate the thought of work, and always thought I was the crazy one because of this. I have a YouTube channel, and am making tons of music, have a mental health show that I'm working on, and am in the middle of writing an episodic radio show that is inspired by Welcome To Night Vale. None of this pays. It's really expensive here. I'm relying on family for my groceries, but they don't have much either. Working is really an issue for me, and not because I hate it, but also my symptoms. I need to make money. Not because I want to live a glamorous life, no. I just can't survive without. Disability is supposed to dramatically increase, but they mentioned that in 2020, and I'm still in…


Here’s [a complete load of bullshit] Mark Cuban would do with just a phone and $500 in cash: ‘That is the best question I have ever been asked [to which I’ll give a grossly ignorant answer]’

I got as far as “advice from career experts, who often say there's no wrong time to ask your employer for a raise” before my bullshit meter reached capacity. Ty in advance for all those sharing their here's-how-that-actually-goes stories.


Is there any rule to stop the Boss doing this?


Absentee Board

I work for a large corporation and I’ve only just started, yesterday I noticed that in staff area (that every staff member walks past) there is a white board that has everyone who has called in sick for the week. That’s very much messed up right???


Unfair employee evaluations

Anyone have any contact information or emails for Kubota management? Have a local company owned by Kubota playing dirty pool.


Fired for garnishment

Yesterday I was fired after 10 years with my company (group of hospitals). I believe I was fired because I discovered policies that HR and CFO did not follow in regards to employee hospital bills. These policies are in place to keep things like my situation happening to employees. Everything has gotten so expensive that living with 25% of my paycheck being garnished was too much to survive. The Code of Conduct for our company says I can address compliance issues with my direct supervisor, which I did. I requested a meeting to discuss a 125% increase in work load with no help, as well as an honest discussion about how an employee falls through the cracks regarding policies and garnishments. The meeting was with my boss, HR manager, and HR director. The HR manager blew a gasket and said, “You signed for a service with the hospital, didn't pay…


Can HR have access to your personal phone number?

I want to ask because HR called me on my personal phone number when I was late to remote work at 9:30 AM. How did he get my phone number and can I report my boss if she provided it?


Treating a temp like they owe you something?

Y’all, this is the first time I’ve experienced this so I need feedback. I was laid off the week before last and started a $18 an hour temp receptionist role last week. All of 4 days so far. I’m a seasoned professional (over a decade of experience) w/ an undergrad degree, as well as an advanced degree. Their previous receptionist was promoted to an account receivable clerk position. I interviewed and was asked to start on the spot because the other receptionist they’d found didn’t show up. This is her first professional job (she was a waitress before) and has no formal education. So I understand that at 22 years old, this job may seem like a big deal for her. But this “promotion” to accounting comes with literally a $1 raise and a slew of duties so I have ZERO interest in that. At any rate, on the second…


Struggling to find work

I've been having a hard time finding jobs ever since I started applying as a teenager. It's gotten so much worse now and all I feel is this tunnel-vision sense of dread. It's always been a little difficult, but I also thought finding work was supposed to require some digging. Not like this though… I have decent work experience, but almost entirely in warehousing, and I can't keep up with labor work anymore because of my back. I have my GED, and my college turned out to be useless. My last (non-spam) job interview was over a year and a half ago. I can't stop stressing about every job application, what's wrong with my resume, this CL doesn't sound right, how am I gonna survive… Just a rant I guess. Any advice is appreciated