
Do you get weird when you’re about to start a new job?

It’s as if highschool never ends! I was laid off this summer and am about to start my new job in an office on Monday. I should be preparing mentally but all I can think about is what I will wear and if I should keep my lunch bag in the car so I don’t look silly bringing it in. Anyone else resort to being a kid again during times like these??


Don’t say you train if you dont

Recently been let go from a job on day 9 of 30 of my initial training due to “unsatisfactory work performance”. Basically I wasn't doing all that I could've, or wasn't conveying what I had to convey perfectly. But I wasn't aware of that, as I had only just started. This seems to be just “how it is” since post-covid. How are you supposed to feel secure and confident going forward if you can't just go to work and do your work without feeling like you are going to lose it out of nowhere? You'd think they'd want their employees to succeed in the hopes that would cost less and make them more overall, but continuing to get worker after worker and stressing both parties out when the conclusion is you throw away someone who you told you were going to develop two weeks ago. Don't fill my head with…


My husbands job is having a “team bonding” today

A team bonding that they planned, paid/prepared the food and snacks for, are bringing entertainment, alcohol is not allowed, and is off the clock. My husband won’t be attending but it’s insane to me. He works for a N*stle company so I’m not shocked.


I think my boss set up my badge wrong

I started a new job in July on a hybrid work schedule and my commute is about 2 hours each way since I rely on the train. My manager very much seems like she got promoted because she’s outgoing, but not based on her knowledge of the job. On my first day I basically had to onboard myself, she couldn’t figure out any of the instructions she was given on setting stuff up for me so I figured out how to install the software I needed by myself. Once I started training she said “oh I forgot to give you a laptop charger” and threw one in my purse that was on the table. It wasn’t the right charger for my laptop and I had to go into the office an extra day to get the correct charger. Now it’s months later, and our company sends us an email every…


My old company just followed me on IG, I’m uncomfortable.


Job’s new call out policy

I figured I'd re post this to an appropriate sub. My job was really good with covid and calling out but this last year they implemented a new policy: more than three unplanned absences and we're reviewed for termination. The reason is a couple of people took advantage of calling out sick.  Now everyone keeps coming into work sick and getting each other sick because everyone is afraid of getting fired. I started wearing a mask again. It's getting ridiculous.  It's like we learned nothing from the pandemic.


It should be EASY to get hired

I always thought if someone wants me to work for them, sending my CV and saying I'm available and interested in working with them should be enough. It just occurred to me though. If they need people to work for them, shouldn't they be the ones jumping through hoops? Isn't it us who dedicate most of our time to the point of that our whole lives revolve around it and we neglect our families emotionally? If they need people to work for them so badly, why add all that BS? Oh right because it's part of the smokescreen and psychological con game. To distract from the fact that they need us to make a living off our backs.


Holiday “parties”

Back in the day, holiday parties used to be pretty good. However as the years of gone on they have become more and more disappointing. This year our management asked us what we wanted to do. Actually, they told us what they want to do and said “We know you will all like this.” So here is their plan. We all meet out at a video game arcade. They do not have food there, except sometimes there is a food truck outside. We don't get money to play games. They don't pay for any food for us. No drinks. You have to pay for parking. Oh, and it's mandatory. Happy holidays!


Feel like my time is being tampered with

So I have tons of pics. Here’s a few. But it seems like the first couple of months I started my time was perfect accept that first day I started. The HR head forgot to put in the time I arrived to work and had my first check off, even though she was aware she didn’t put me in the system until around 12:00. I didn’t notice then cause I didn’t know how to understand the app yet UKG. But now it’s been past 3 months and the new manager started along with the retiring manager. He has been acting weird… y’all I go in everyday and check my time and now it seems like my clock in ,clock out times are missing or my clock in from lunch or out are missing. And also some days barely even have anything. And yesterday I talked to him about it through…


Was told I bring a unique element to the team last week and praised. Fired this week and email deactivated within one hour.

I've never faced such quick deactivation, they were so quick to rid of me. Everything deactivated and filed within an hour. No one is safe, now I have no job with a disability in a housing and inflation crisis, in Canada's job shortage pool. Be careful and don't do this like I have. I'm royally screwed.