
The Recession Has Finally Begun, But Only For America’s Rich


Hey Reddit, need some help understanding.

I worked 48hrs normal time at 20 an hour. Then 5.5hrs of over time. I calculated that my take home pay is 976.32 after taxes. I was only paid 777.14 which is almost exactly $200. Could they have simply bought my uniform and taken it out of my pay? I have not received anything in terms of a uniform or equipment. Are they legally allowed to keep 200 from me when I haven’t even received the uniform? (I left the company so I will not be receiving the uniform in the future.)


My new job is hard on my back and I don’t know what to do

I started a new job at a cake store chain, but on my first day I had to be sent home and can't come back until I get a doctor's approval to work there because when I tried piping the cakes, the squeezing in my wrists caused excruciating back and shoulder pain. I don't want to work this place because of it but I need the money and I haven't gotten offers for a better job yet. The doctor might not even clear me. I'm not sure what I should do, if I should stomach it and ask for pain meds to get through, or just suck it up and quit after one shift and keep job hunting. It's not even great pay, but it's the only job that's reached out and wanted to hire me near my house.


More bullshit working for a landlord

I’ve posted here before so if you want the low down you can view it on my page. I work for a landlord. Originally the job was described as office assistant but somehow I’m managing properties? They never stated that in the interview. They were very withholding of a lot of information that would’ve determined if I took this job. Today I’m working with a man who started leasing an apartment from us this past June. His rent was originally $950 a month for 2 bed 1 bath. He told my boss he’d be out this November months ago. My boss is refusing to edit the lease and I can’t until he gives me permission. The lease ends May 31st of next year. My boss told him if he can find a tenant to live there he could let him out of it. The guy found someone only to find…


Am I the only one paycheck to paycheck right now due to inflation and raised rent? I can’t keep up. I pay rent and have nothing left in my account. How much longer will it go on like this?


No PTO for holidays. Or days ending in ‘y’.


WFH during FMLA

Not me (I’m retired), but a friend who works in a medical office pushing heavy equipment around had major surgery two weeks ago. Her surgeon wants her out another two weeks. This morning her job called her and asked if she would do scheduling from home. She’s the type of person that feels bad saying “no” to anyone. I think at the least it’s inconsiderate and at the most, illegal. What do you all think?


Coworker I’m close with just got sent home and had her job threatened because she was discussing how poor the wage increase was. Isn’t this illegal?

I’m in Canada, Ontario. I looked it up right quick because I’m fairly certain it’s true, you can’t be threatened or intimidated by any employer over discussing pay. I looked it up but I’m getting mixed messages because you can talk to your coworkers sure, but she complained to the production manager – not sure how different the rules are with that in mind. I wasn’t there for the encounter but she texted me the details. He comes over all friendly and such, she complains about the pay increase, they get into an argument because she says she can’t barely afford food, he says “Go home if you don’t like it, or go work somewhere else. You wanna keep your job? Go home right now.” She informed me she will be calling the labour board as soon as they’re open. I work in a metal shop plant. It’s true by…


Why do so many people put work apps like Teams, Outlook, Slack etc on their personal phones?

I don’t get it. Especially if you’re hourly and not salary, why would you want these apps on your phone? Does it not bother people to see notifications for work emails and stuff on their off time?


Be aware if your headed out to Las Vegas the local hotel union, Culinary 226, goes on strike Nov 10…