
Where is my offer sheet?

Applied online in August and the job opening closed up. After three interviews, then an email from HR saying “Congrats Chicken Dinner, you're the final candidate!,” then a background check, I finally got a verbal offer from a department with a December 1 start. I said that sounds good but can we match my salary at my current company. It was something like a $4k increase. I worked at my current toxic job for 7 years without a raise before this summer, so I didn’t think it unreasonable to try to keep what I got. They said they didn’t think that’d be a problem and just had to get the salary approved.  That was a week ago and I am still waiting on that official offer letter. Emailed the manager and he said “I'll email HR again and get back to you”. That was Monday and no word yet. I'd hate…


“He WILL be taking his bonus this year”

Got pulled in to the office. My boss explains that budgeting meetings have been happening all day and everyone is going to get a hour cut from their timetables. Found out through one of my managers that the reason from our CEOs is that one of them is taking their bonus, no questions. So 160 people in my work bracket is suffering, so is the 300+ staff in the rest of our company. I think they forgot they sent some of us to specialised training where they told us we made 370 million this year. Fucking assholes.


The economy added 150,000 jobs in October as hiring slowed, report shows

I’m glad to know it’s not just me who’s unemployed, and hasn’t been able to find a professional job yet in months. The economy really has been fucked lately and might continue worsening. This isn’t intended to be political at all, I’m sheerly talking about unemployment, high quality job availability, wages, etc.


How to quit…..

I've been at this sales job for a month and a half. I hate it. It's predatory. They exploit their customers. They atraight lie and tell them everythingbthe customer wants to hear and none of the truth. They trained me on the sales process for a week but not the products. My problem is I genuinely like my only coworker. He's a good guy. And if I leave it's all on him. Starting Black Friday we are open 7 days a week. That means he'd have to be here 930 am to 630 pm Monday thru Sunday, until they opened hours to 830 to 830. I feel awful that I'm leaving all that to him. But I have a new job already. Better pay right off the bat. More laid back. Not sales. I have to quit I just don't know how. Help please.


Being shadowed by superiors again

So I work for company A. Company A works to consult and create for company B. In turn, Company A delivers to Company B's clients which I'll called customers. So I have basically “bosses” in each company – my employer, the client, and the clients customers. That's said, I've already been shadowed by superiors in Company A. Next week my boss from Company B will shadow me to “spot inefficiencies”. I have never had a write up or any formal complaint. I've been here 6 months and am doing a job that was done by no joke 7 people before me. I have international help of 2 people somedays but I am forced to send their work to the customer's with my name so we can develop a good working relationship with the clients. Which means I get hit with any mistakes but my job tells Company B who did…


taking some time off working after layoff?

hello friends! this is my first time getting laid off. i'm getting a lump-sum severance package of about ~$6K and plan on filing for unemployment today. my last day of work is in 3 weeks. i'm curious if there's any reason why i shouldn't take a week off from the working world after my last day? theoretically i'd be comfortable for a few months with the severance alone, but i don't plan on not working for that long ! thanks 🙂


Coworker wants me to compare duties with them

I work for an organization, and there are two of us that have identical titles – it's essentially a desk job but both of us are WFH hybrid. I've been there for a few years and we just hired another person who is replacing someone who got a job somewhere else. This other person has a lot more duties than me. I basically keep my head down, do my job (well, I think) and try not to incur more work than necessary. I've been in situations where I've worked for “family” companies and I've since realized that I just want to do the bare minimum of what I'm required. Since they got here they've insisted on trying to get me to share every single thing I do to try and compare it to what they do. Recently they sent me an email literally listing every single thing they are required…


Just layed off in Illinois; need tips & tricks on how to ride the unemployment benefits train as long as possible

Hello, fellow anti-work friends! Longtime lurker, first time poster. Just got layed off in Illinois, when our small company got bought out by a bigger one and we got downsized. It doesn’t seem like they’re going to fight us on getting unemployment benefits, so I’m looking to ride this gravy train as long as possible. I’ve never gotten unemployment before – usually rage quit after about three years, it seems like – but I know there are requirements for “actively looking” for work. Wondering how to achieve the requirements without actually fucking up and getting a shitty job. I was making $14.50 an hour, at a desk-type job with pretty specific skills, but it was easy, close to home, and I liked my co-workers. I might be able to get a doctor’s note about not being able to be on my feet for long periods of time, if that would…


Probably a basic and dumb question but how do I submit a 2 week notice?

My job hunting has paid off and I'm ready to get out of this high school hellhole. This is my first professional job and I don't want to burn bridges. Pretty embarrassing but I need a few tips.


You wanna tell me what vga looks like?

Gotta laugh. Taking my work pc in for replacement, my 22 year old team lead is like “they want you to bring in your tower and the monitor that uses a vga input as our systems no longer support vga. IF YOU DONT KNOW WHICH ONE IS THE VGA, HERE IS A LINK EXPLAINING IT” And all I could think is bitch, I used ps2 adapters and scart connections, it's more likely YOU don't know what vga looks like.