
Be aware if your headed out to Las Vegas the local hotel union, Culinary 226, goes on strike Nov 10…


A unique situation

Buckle up because this is a doozy calling all HR folks or anyone who has been in ANY type of similar situation I was around 15 weeks pregnant when I told my boss and my director I was pregnant but didn’t inform anyone in HR yet. Around 2 ish weeks later my company did a lay off of our team and a good amount of people got canned (fun, right?) My company (HR called) was kind enough offer me a temp role on a different team that would last until around January/Feb (Side note, I’m due in February). Remember no one knows I’m pregnant, only my old boss and old director (who by the way was also laid off) They said hopefully something permanent will open up, but if nothing does I will take my severance and go come January/February. I said sounds good. Now in this new role, my…


Got fired from a temp job after political speech in context of a mass shooting

Yesterday, I got fired from a temp job, and the only evidence seems to point to me blaming my supervisor for being Republican for last week's mass shooting. While I had apologized and it seemed I was forgiven, I was suddenly let go this week. I'm told the firing was likely legal, so beware that some places may not tolerate liberal speech.


My job gave me a raise 4 weeks ago. Still haven’t gotten it.

So back in the end of September my job told me I was getting a $2 bump in pay. Like cool great, I deserved it. So the way the pay periods work I should’ve seen it on not the next check but the one after (they pay two weeks in arrear don’t like it but it is what it is.) so anyway fast forward to mid October when I should’ve seen it. It wasn’t there on my pay stub, I went to my manager he reached out to HR and said it was all straightened out and it should be on the next check. Today is pay day and I STILL haven’t seen it. I spoke with management already and told them there’s $500 between both checks I’m missing, smh


My experience as a gym lifeguard

What's up gamers. So I have worked for the past seven or so weeks at a high end gym that we'll call Solstice. It's a mess. For one thing, our AED isn't hooked up to anything, it just sits under a table. No alarm on the door or anything. For another, the tiles in the Jacuzzi are… Missing. To my knowledge, we don't have a CPO(certified pool operator, they mix the chlorine or bromine or whatever chemical a given pool uses to keep the water clean), and we certainly don't have a way to contact them. The pool chemical levels have been generally fine but still. And our first aid kit isn't well stocked at all, it's embarrassing. For emergencies, we don't have a copy of our emergency action plans. We don't have a radio, and nobody ever answers when I call using the on deck phone. They are severely…


Got scolded for taking sick days

Maybe I’m in the wrong here, but I think the whole situation is ridiculous. For context: I started a new job 3 months ago, where the first 2 months were training. I have actually been in office in production for about 5 weeks now, so just getting started. The second week in production, I get a stomach bug or food poisoning. Not sure exactly what it was, but it was coming out of both ends. I even went to the office this day, but around noon my coworkers were like “you look really flush, are you okay?” I said honestly no and they told me I should go home. Which I did around 1, so I took a half sick day. Fast forward 3 weeks, it’s Saturday morning and I wake up with a nasty cold. I rest all weekend, but only get slightly better. I then go into the…


Management changed my schedule and gave me 12 hours’ notice— I end up getting 2 weeks paid vacation

So I work at a job right now with very set schedules for employees based on the teams they’re on. I was told that my schedule may be changing to one that better suits my family’s needs— great, right? As I waited to hear news of the change, I end up going on some scheduled time off, and then to a family member’s funeral. The evening I get back to work, I check my email. In my inbox is an email that says my schedule is changing….tomorrow. The day I came in, I was supposed to have off and I was supposed to start my new schedule in 12 hours. That obviously can’t work for me or my family, so I send an email back saying that “sorry, you need to give me notice before changing my schedule.” This is where it’s important to know your rights. In my contract,…


I took my car in for service and they disconnected my dashcam without telling me. My dashcam is now corrupted. I left this review and the guy is threating to sue me if i dont remove it


My boss made me take paid time off for taking a shit

Yeah you read that right. I won’t get into too much detail but because of something I ate at work for lunch that day I had to use the toilet after and it was… well, not good news. I was on the shitter for longer than normal, around 30 minutes. So anyways, I get back to my desk, and my boss had been looking for me for the last half hour. He asked where I was and I told him that I was using the bathroom. “For the last 30 minutes?” He says to me. Like… yeah buddy, I was taking a shit, who hasn’t taken one that long before? Does he really want me to go into graphic detail about it? Anyways, he then scolds me for taking another 30 minutes off right after my hour long lunch break. I tried to tell him that it was an emergency…


So. How do I form a union?

What are the steps? Who do I call? What information do I need to gather? Let's say I work a federal job in the US. A college campus. It has a building nearby that is also part of this campus. Who would I need support from? My department within the first building? (100% of us are in favor.) The whole first building? Both? How much “yes union please” do I need?