
Daylight savings.

Clocked in for 9. Paid for 8.


How not to give a shit?

I'm a male, 40, well paid job (~225k living in Europe), guaranteed (government) job and basically doing little work. Few hours of meetings, rest of time I go to sport all afternoon or in summer in my house by the sea. However, I was passed on for promotion several times only due to gender aspects and this has really pissed me off as this position was my end goal and what I have always considered my professional target where I would not try to move up afterwards. From the way things are going the chances of grabbing that position in the future are becoming slight to none so I'll be stuck where I am forever. I would like to absolutely not give a shit and continue doing my minimum given that I would not leave my golden job and have been thinking about alternatives like to get half-time in a…


Workers comp and a new job

I’m currently collecting comp and cleared to return but things haven’t been going smoothly with my company and the insurance provider “clearing” me to return. I decided to find and new job and am currently going through the horsing process. They are about to pull a background check, I didn’t disclose to the perspective employer that I’m out on comp since I’m clear to return. Can my current employer disclose that I’m currently on comp to my new employer or would that violate HIPPA. I’m guessing all they can say is I’m currently employed and have been working from them since 20xx


Possibly facing retaliation for apply for workers comp.

I work at a restaurant on the ocean in Portland Maine. That season is coming to an end, and I was told by a credible source that if you apply for unemployment, you will not be asked to come back the following year. I know it’s just a serving job, and those are a dime a dozen, but I made it $50,000 there in three months that’s not something I want to give up. Should I just ask straight up and record it? Or ask in an email I’m sure what to do here. The company has been really good to me so I’m not trying to screw them over.


Working Without Pay After 40 Hours

Hello, I am trying to gain some perspective as I know this is wrong, but it's not happening to me. Yesterday, my girlfriend had clocked out and continued to stay at work due to ridesharing with a coworker. However, she stayed 3-4 hours actively working without pay as they are “not allowed” to hit overtime. This has me furious on her behalf. When I asked why she would put up with that, her response indicated potential consequences, being made fun of, or other undefined “nonsense” that she would have to deal with. This has followed her at other jobs prior to me meeting her. I know I can't force her hand on the matter, but I can't help but be pissed at her employer exploiting her for free labor. My girlfriend on the other hand is just used to this and it's the norm for her – it's not that…


Need to Vent About the Absolute Lack of Professionalism from My Husband’s New Job

I just need a moment to vent because I am so pissed off! My husband is upset too, but he's dealing with it in a more quiet way. He processes things in his own way, and I give him space to do that. BACKGROUND: My husband works within a sector of healthcare. He's been doing this kind of work for many years, has several certifications, and he's very good at his job. I'm not just saying that as his wife, people love working with him and request him often. I myself work within that field, but in administration. I do reports, staff schedules, on boarding new employees, and things like that. Within the last few months the company that he was working for that he loved has issues and they had to restructure and downsize a fair amount. My husband transferred over to this new company with a few coworkers.…


Billionaires and shareholders deserve money more than you

So stop being a greedy little money printer and just give them your paycheck, and when you freeze to death in your car be grateful for opportunity to fund their third villa.


Billionaires and shareholders deserve money more than you

So stop being a greedy little money printer and just give them your paycheck, and when you freeze to death in your car be grateful for opportunity to fund their third villa.


Supervisor is too young?

I work with a team of about 15 people with various ages. We had a supervisor but they were terminated. We got a new one who was promoted. It’s his first job altogether. I called in sick (he came in knowing he had COVID and another person came in when they had a cold). I got the cold, thus far I tested negative to COVID. I called in to the night crew person as my shift starts before the store opens. He has a random people running things while he’s gone so it’s haphazard. Their favoritism towards the younger employees on his part and it’s obvious. So the work place isn’t healthy. I get a text from him yesterday asking me if I had called in the day before? I texted back. (See photo). I need the job for the medical insurance and of course the money. The job is…


“Trimming the fat”

My employer is doing that thing where they lower the headcount in order to decrease the bottom line for the benefit of shareholders. We’re a successful and highly profitable business and the workload has not decreased – quite the opposite – they’re just wanting the remaining staff to do more with less. We’re closed on Saturday but I just checked my emails (yeah I know) and there are several colleagues doing work in their own time just to catch up and keep on top of their workload. It’s so depressing to see good people treated like this, just so the people at the top can hoard more of the wealth. Stop the world I want to get off.