
The Upstairs – Downstairs Disconnect at my new job is real

I work at a non-profit in animal welfare at a large metro area animal shelter. This particular shelter has contracts with the local city, surrounding municipalities, and the county. This means if a stray, confiscate, or animal involved in a court case goes somewhere, it goes to us. We're also “open-intake” and this means we take in all owner surrenders. To say we're busy is an understatement. On an average day, we'll adopt out anywhere between 15-30 animals. On an average day, that many animals or more comes in through the doors. Since covid has “ended” and everyone is being forced back into the office, we've been inundated with animals. The downstairs of the building is dog kennels, the cattery, receiving and intake, adoptions, the laundry, the vet clinic, and surgery. The upstairs is all offices and boardrooms. In this shelter, the people who work “downstairs” are all union. That's…


My brother wrote a short story about the horror of a White-Collar Performance Review. I think anybody in the r/antiwork community that has been judged by “Corporate Values” should give it a read.


“F**K YOU” – Antiwork’s Song

If you haven't seen Helluva Boss, it's a great web series. This show recently had it's latest episode drop a few days ago and it has a musical about a toxic workplace environment with the singer quitting on the spot a.k.a. “giving his '2 minute' notice”. This song is basically antiwork's anthem and wanted to share. Probably the best representation of every worker out there that's wanting to quit. Credit of course goes to [VivziePop].


Employer running a free training on burnout prevention. Unfortunately I’m not available


Coworker got another coworker fired – is it okay to be guarded with them now?

One of my new coworkers (very new, like maybe worked here a month now) went on a crusade to get another coworker of mine fired. She succeeded. I was friends with the other coworker and she did her job very well and we worked well as a team. I've since been very quiet and only talk to the new coworker about work-related stuff and only in short, direct sentences/statements. Seeing as she's a snitch that will run to HR at a moments notice, is this something I could get fired for? They can't force me to be friends with this person, right?


So I worked briefly as an Amazon driver and quit because of finding a better job.

Who do you guys think is in the wrong in this text thread?


they cut all of our hours and didn’t tell us. i am cold and hungry

i took a part-time position because i wanted to focus on college. they reduced every single part-time person's hours and didn't tell us until this month's schedule came out. i will not have enough money to pay the rent this month. even though we are below zero outside right now i don't ever turn on the heat because i can't afford that. i don't have enough money left over to buy groceries. i share my place with my sister who works full-time and even she struggles to get us decent food. we have no idea how we're gonna pay the upcoming power bill. i'm gonna apply to as many minimum wage places as i can but they can sometimes take months to call back here. i'm completely fucked.


Vent: Supervisor wants me to “make more of an effort” for something I won’t be paid for

Background: I'm a swing shift Custodian for an elementary school (scheduled noon to 8:30 M-F). They held staff photo shoots a few weeks ago for school badges and the staff portraits, but the photographer left by 11am; they did retakes today at 10am – obviously I wasn't going to make either session, so I'm left with just my required custodial badge (school badges are not required). So, my Day Lead (essentially my supervisor) told me today that next year I need to make more of an effort to be here, even though I won't be scheduled for it and I won't be paid. Am I wrong for resenting this remark?


Workers Giving Themselves Stockholm Syndrome to Cope is Worth 200 Upvotes


so is being a dick part of being successful?

I see in the controversial section all the time these people can’t wait to come in and share their “experiences” and offer advice on how to be successful. They don’t do it in a nice way, and it makes me wonder is that what I have to look forward to when I’m successful? Like just unable to control myself calling people losers and whatnot, is that what comes with success when you get it? Genuinely curious.