
The worst jobs of all time?

Last year, I worked with a government lab to test water quality. This job was pretty good, all things considered. However, it made me aware of some of the worst jobs of all time. The first one was Biosolids. Thank goodness I didn’t have to work in Biosolids because I probably wouldn’t have made it. Basically, you work in a plant that blast furnaces all of the city’s excrement and turns it into fertilizer pellets for non-food uses. Having something go wrong and ending up covered in shit is apparently a regular occurrence there. Every single person who works Biosolids gets sick for their first couple of weeks. The next one, however, I would argue is much worse. In my city, oil companies will keep their tankards on the river, holding pretty much all of their oil for the region. Since it is a requirement, at least one person has…


Take less time off and we will help with your student loans

As it says in the title, my job offeres a student debt repayment option that allows you to convert vacation time into payments on your student debt. It's not like we get a lot of vacation time in the first place. “Work yourself to death even more, take less time for yourself and your own quality of life and we will help you with your debt slavery.” That's how it sounds to me, but am I completely wrong?


Wasting what little time we have left, just to be abused.

But whatever… money is more important than human lives.


I’m so annoyed with my company’s archaic policies

I'm an expat working in tech. I just started my first job a few months ago. I asked my boss if I can work from home for some time during Christmas so I can spend a few weeks with family. He said “no problem, go ahead!”. And I thought to myself, “wow this is a progressive employer, I feel motivated to work here”. Multiple times I was told by my boss that my work was really good, and he was super impressed. A week later he comes back to me saying “actually I spoke to my boss and he is not in support of this. It's too early for you. So you are not allowed to go”. Keep in mind we do have a work from home policy of 2 days a week. All I was asking for was if I could work from office all days while I'm here,…


“Free to work or die”, there’s no slavery quite like American “freedom”


It’s more clear to me than ever that my boss is unnecessary

My annoying ass stress-inducing boss has been gone for the last month on a vacation. Before she left her and the rest of the manager/upper people on my team acted like my coworker and I who are under her would implode and fall apart without her because she treats us like we’re incompetent and seems to have the rest of the team believing we are as well. While she was gone we were technically under the supervision of her boss, who is much more hands off (aka not a micromanaging hawk) and allowed us to work on our shit in peace. We were to handle all of the stuff our boss normally does plus whatever we usually do. And lo and behold…it was fine. Everything got done. No issues. No mistakes. No delays. It was fine. And on top of that, I had my first month EVER at this job…


“We made record profit! Expect to be laid off” – CEO

Just got an email in my mailbox. Here are the exact words : “We continued to see strong performance and solid profitability in the third quarter of 2023, while also delivering record cash flow for the company. While full year revenues are at the high end of our expectations, we are seeing signs of moderating demand in some markets and are taking steps to reduce costs and position the company for success in 2024. I am proud to announce this quarter several promotions on my leadership team to continue capturing the opportunities ahead of us and successfully navigate our exciting and changing future. I am deeply appreciative of your collective efforts to innovate for our customers, demonstrate the flexibility required to meet global demand, and take measurable steps toward reducing costs and improving inventory.” Translation : Record profit! Yay! Btw! I gave a promotion to all of my inner-circle friends.…


My large national corporation just stopped reimbursing for cell phones

I work for a VERY LARGE multi-billion dollar corporation that decided to stop paying for sales people's cell phones. They were originally reimbursing less than the full value of our phones that we use nonstop every single day including apps, teams, outlook, salesforce, etc. I'm June, they decided to stop paying saying: When cell phones were relatively new technology and first became part of the business environment, some companies provided telecommunications reimbursements for certain employees. Since then, cell phones have become much more widely used by individuals, and most providers offer flat-rate unlimited talk/text/data plans versus charging per call based on call length, location being dialed, etc. in line with this trend and in support of companywide efforts to enhance our profitability, (company ) has made the decision to discontinue its monthly Telecommunications Reimbursement. So their logic is that because people use them more, they don't want to pay? Absurd.…


Late to the party. Had an epiphany about “we’re a family”

My sister sent me a Facebook reel where a woman role played a manager asking her employee to stay late. The employee wasn’t having it so the manager pulled the family card. The employee said they were gonna block the manager then. She ended with “toodleloo sis.” And I realized when they say we’re a family, what they really mean is I’m your parent and you will do what I say. I always thought it was a way to guilt trip, saying family helps each other out. No, it is more sinister than that.


Crashed my car and got fired the same week

So I just started a new job about a two months ago after spending 3 years at a job where I was under appreciated, worked to the bone, and harassed by management. From what I could tell everything was going great! That is until this week when we had our first ice/snow storm this year and due to my tires needing to be replaced I lost traction and landed my car in a ditch hitting a sign post in the process. I'm fine but my car had a smashed windshield and destroyed bumper. The first thing I did when I crawled out of the car was call my boss to tell him I wasn't going to make it today. I felt that was an understandable thing to say. I then borrowed my gf's car the next day so she could take my car in to get the windshield fixed so…