
Being laid off again today.

For the second time this year, I'm being laid off. I am yet again having to go through the billion hurdles to access unemployment for half of my pay only for them to deny me each week for reasons it won't explain or because I take on part-time work that saps that benefit. I'm going to buckle down yet again and ask my extremely generous friends for money to get through the next however long while I apply for jobs that won't accept my applications like a black hole would and check out local resources. It's great. I love it.


My boss is fucking deluded – it’s led to me having a breakdown.

I've worked in my current head of department role for several years now. The whole time I received constant praise about what an amazing job I've done and how I've been the best person they've had in this role. That is until this past year where we've had a new MD and it's unfortunately coincided with it being a terrible time for our industry where several similar businesses have been forced into closing. No one is more aware of what a shit time it's been recently and how much our sales have been down and I've been desperately trying to do everything I can to keep us afloat. The MD and rest of the management team do not care about that however, they only see numbers. They've made it abundantly clear that as far as they're aware I'm singlehandedly running my department to the ground. I'm constantly belittled and undermined.…


Check your wage slips

My work realised they have been under paying me for the past year, so they paid me back in last month's paycheck. Unfortunately, this took me over the threshold for student loan repayments for the month, and they gave them £153. I am never going to earn £27k in a year, so the student loan company will pay it back, but not until April 2024, the end of the tax year!


Are my work watching me?

Hi everyone, hope you're doing well. So I wfh full time as the company I work for closed the office as they didn't want to pay the rents. Anyway, we've recently been given a new manager who's not very well liked, let's put it that way. Anyway, just trying to get on with things and keep myself to myself and do my job and keep busy. I noticed recently when I closed down my laptop that it said outstanding things open stopping shutdown such as word etc…. Anyway, that's no problem but it also said 'Remote Support' open. Now remote support is what the company IT use when they want to take control of your laptop to download software on your device etc. I definitely didn't have anybody on remote support on my laptop that day though…. I'm just curious, could this be my employer watching me and what I'm…


This is a red flag, right?

There was no salary listed in the advert, so I email them. They sent me this. This is a red flag, right? They're expecting people to go through the process without them knowing what the salary is, this sounds like something a scam website would do. This is Arup by the way.


Was hired for $16/hr, a few days later I get an email notification of a “wage change” and now it’s $13.25…

Yeah, title says it all really. Offer letter said $16 at my new job, and then suddenly after they did my background check that apparently got held up despite not having any felonies or anything on record I suddenly get a new email saying I have a notice of a wage change on my whatever-they-call-it bogus website portal they're using for their employees. Is this just a normal thing now? I've had this happen once before where an old (almost) employer baited me for a job at $17/hr and then reduced it to $14/hr in a meeting we had when I walked in on my first day. I walked right out after that. Is this becoming a common thing nowadays to bait employees into a higher wage before lowering it?


What do I do? I dont want to be alive

I work a manual labour job loading roofs, i wake up every morning wanting to shoot my brains out. I can't though, i dont want to die, but i cant keep working every morning. I can't find anything else either, i want a stay at home job so i can focus on my life, workout, eat more, and just have a life, but i cant find that. I honestly dont see myself doing this for another year, or my entire life. I genuinely don't know what yo do, i have a hs diploma and thats it. I've been thinking of just joining the military, but thats probably a bad idea. I cant even wake up to eat breakfast anymore, i just lay there until the last second contemplating life and why i have to do this shit. It's slowly getting worse and worse. I really need something layed back or…


1 in 9 New York City students were homeless last year, report finds


The Recession Has Finally Begun, But Only For America’s Rich


Hey Reddit, need some help understanding.

I worked 48hrs normal time at 20 an hour. Then 5.5hrs of over time. I calculated that my take home pay is 976.32 after taxes. I was only paid 777.14 which is almost exactly $200. Could they have simply bought my uniform and taken it out of my pay? I have not received anything in terms of a uniform or equipment. Are they legally allowed to keep 200 from me when I haven’t even received the uniform? (I left the company so I will not be receiving the uniform in the future.)