
Is my company violating OSHA regulations ?

Is my company allowed to force me to pay their deductive after I accidentally reversed into a car with company golf cart? Hey everybody! Here’s the tea: So I work in security and I have to drive a golf cart around the parking garage in order to do my patrols every hour. Well today when I was about to drive off in the golf cart, I accidentally reversed into a vehicle that I didn’t see coming through and made a small dent into the car. For the past few months me and my coworker been doing a report about the golf cart headlights not working, the light on top of the golf cart is broken, the tires worn out and it’s just not safe to drive but we still HAVE to drive it. But nobody from my job has fixed it. I know for a fact I wouldn’t have ever…


Called in a sick day, but boss still wants me to come in for a few hours when it’s busy. How do I handle this?

I work at an employment agency. My boss wants me to come in and help manage the phones during “payout” time (when all of the workers come and get their cheques.) This is what I texted him: ME: “Hey [REDACTED], I think I may take a sick day today. I can still come for payouts for a couple of hours if need be, but I am running a fever, so I would prefer not to. I'll be available to text and email. Just don’t want to push myself and get worse 🤒.” His response: “Come in for payouts later. [Other coworker] will need you.” I know that I technically offered to come in, but I feel like if I have an active fever, it's terrible for everyone involved. Does anyone have any advice or support?


Is this normal behaviour?

Is it normal that an older nale coworker (55) keeps on touching my (F22) knee with his knee when we sit next to each other. I thought it was just accidental, but I’m not sure.


I’m a work at home customer service worker, drastic management changes are making me thinking of quitting

Hey there! Pardon the rant. As the title says, I have a remote, part-time job at a small-ish financial tech company. I picked up the job a little more than 2 years ago, and the draw for me is that I can have really flexible work schedules were as long as I work the entire duration I'm signed up for, I can do it any time of the day, and the pay was similar to any waitressing work the college town has. As a college student this was pretty enticing. But a few months in, they no longer allow employees to pick up overtime, or work whenever they need to throughout the day. A few more months in, not only did the company become way more strict on our customers, now the employees (specifically us bottom rung tier CS) are really scrutinized for our punch cards. The job content (because…


Unhinged Recruiter trying to give me major FOMO


Is it illegal for a company not to supply cleaners for employee restrooms?

We all know what's ethical here. Provide the products needed to do our job. Sure, my title isn't “bathroom cleaner” or “janitor” but my job does require all of us to upkeep an employee bathroom. I read OSHA laws and know they require clean restrooms to any given employee at any time. As a store manager, they require you to go buy cleaners to clean our restroom. Not to mention all the slaving ee do for minimal salary but required 45 hour minimum.. It is not orderable thru ordering system we use. Why? I also have found out from other managers in the area that they will not reimburse you. What do I do next? Besides quit as I'd love to but need replacement first.


My boss definitely hates me. I need to a way to minor-ly inconvenience them.

So I work in an office-corporate-like environment. One of those ones where we sit in joined cubicles per department. Ever since I started working here I’ve had a problem with my now current boss. Her attitude sucks and I’ve never gotten along with her. She talks to everyone in a condescending tone and is a classic narcissist who only cares about talking about personal things if it has to do with herself. It seems as though every time someone asks her a question about our job it’s met with attitude like we should know what we’re doing and it’s a bother to ask her any questions. It really bothers me when she does this to fairly new people that really don’t know the job fully yet. She did this to me before she rose to the position she’s in now. It got to the point to where I had to…


Uber And Lyft To Pay $328M To Settle Wage Theft Lawsuit


Called in during vacation

So I work in retail and I got called in to work while on my vacation. I work part-time in a store that has several stores around the country. Two days before the start of my vacation my manager told me that I’d be working on my first day of vacation in a store that is about 1.5 hours away by train. Normally they ask, but this time it was really no debate or question. And I’m extremely pissed.


Beware of Scam Marketing Jobs on Indeed and LinkedIn

I’m a Digital Marketing Specialist and I’ve been looking around on Indeed and LinkedIn for fun. Applied to a few listings that were titled “Marketing Associate”, “Sales & Marketing Representative”, “Marketing Assistant”, etc. Red flag number one, heard back almost immediately. I got on a call with the recruiter and scheduled an interview. Did some research on the agency and upon seeing their website I immediately knew they were an MLM (maybe I’m not using this correctly but let me explain). Red flag two, their website looked like it was built by a third grader using the early 2000s version of Wordpress. How are you going to call yourself a marketing agency and not have your website be somewhat visually optimized? Red flag three, their website mentioned nothing of basic marketing or digital marketing services. Nothing about web design, development, SEO, social media management, etc. I obviously did not proceed…