
Unionize after your email is deactivated, before you get fired?

Is it possible to initiate unionization, forcing a delay in someone being fired? What steps would be needed to force such an event?


Making up missed hours

Ive been in retail management for over 20 years. Recently, I've noticed that hourly employees are expected to “make up” missed hours. I understand this when you are a salaried employee who is under contract to work a certain number of hours per week to meet requirements. Why is this necessary for those only being paid for the exact amount of time they've worked?


Manager Behavior

Hello! I apologize if this is not the right board to post this in, it’s just the most similar one i can find. I’m trying to keep this vague, to face no repercussions. My store manager, male almost 30, was texting a my coworker, female 16, about non work related topics. They would text good morning and goodnight and text almost all the time. It became gossip around the store, because we thought it was weird. It eventually got back to my store manager, and he is now saying anyone who talks about it will be fired automatically. Is he allowed to do this, or is this just an attempt to cover for himself? I could care less about getting fired, i hate the fucking job. I just have coworkers that are worried they’ll get fired. also, is this texting situation as weird as we all feel it is?


Night shift always gets fucked over with holiday pay

I’m scheduled for one of my company’s recognized holidays but since I work night shift, I’m only gonna get time and a half for the first 5hrs of my shift. It’s just bullshit to me idk, I think I should get holiday pay for the full 12hrs.


Voluntary Employment Separation

I work for a large healthcare organization in IT. We had an emergency zoom this week where an executive announced a voluntary separation program. We can “elect” to leave for extra severance. No more than 15% of us can leave. If not enough of us leave it will be involuntary the first week of December. I don’t know what to do. The involuntary will be done solely based on seniority without manager input. I don’t know where that puts me in the mix, I have 18 months on my team and am the newest hire. But this is across a division and I don’t know how many people or what my chances are. I feel like I’m dropped into the Hunger Games


Sketchy ad on linkedin. Work is performed in the Netherlands but Ukrainian citizenship required. Probably to pay less than Dutch minimum wage.


I took loan from bank and office boss found out so decided to pay late.

Last month i was very low on expenses and house hold stuffs. So i took loan from bank according to due date its after my salary day. I just shared it with a stupid colleague, i don't know what he's gonna get tell those things to boss. Now I'm gonna get paid late. it's not like I'm getting paid millions, I'm working over time, doing everything said, yet i have no value. And I can't see to take another loan to fill that loan as solution for now. and due date passed now. got to pay over due and panelty. this month is gonna be hard again.


Seriously Over Tipping Culture and Fees

I don’t know if this belongs in antiwork, but it’s a worker issue. I am so tired of all of the extra fees companies have been passing on to us because owners don’t want to pay living wages. A fee to provide benefits, a service fee, a delivery fee, very little of which goes to the driver. Pizza delivery people didn’t originally get benefits because they were kids, usually high schoolers, trying to make an extra buck. Now because America is so difficult to thrive in, adults are taking on all these side hustles, and rules are being made that the side hustles have to provide benefits. Pizza delivery was never meant to provide a living wage. I wish we had more power. I’m so over late stage capitalism.


My job is making me to come in on my day off to attend a 45 minute meeting

Title. If I was doing a prestigious or very important office job where I needed some important info ASAP, or it was over zoom or something, I would understand and really wouldn't mind. But this is a retail job that barely pays over minimum wage, supposedly it's just a meeting about how we do everything wrong and we don't listen, and the manager doing the ol' 'there's gonna be some big changes around here' meeting. Of course this is my problem, not theirs, but I live 45 minutes away. Naturally I feel pretty frustrated I have to get ready for work, to spend an hour and a half driving just to get just yelled at for an hour, waste of my time and gas. And on top of that, the meeting is on a day my availability is closed. I have a second job(because I'd starve on what they pay…


Someone please help

I currently am extremely angry… I’ve filed a complaint with the proper agency but I need help getting the pay I am owed. Short story long, I am a director at this company that was hired to fix the previous issues. I am very skilled in my job and show up every single day early and stay late. I am salary paid and a joke of one at that… however being in management I am ‘exempt’. Now, Thursday afternoon my son broke his foot at school. I had to take him to the emergency room, we sat there for 7 hours with no medical attention before we drove home and I called my supervisor (the one that wrote this) EARLY morning on Friday to let him know I cannot come in and I am driving to the town over to the large hospital in the big city (extremely rural community…