
Fuck you Netflix

nice salary range you got there assholes…


I put in a two week notice two weeks ago. Not gonna work two weeks and a day.


3 interviews with 6 employees and no offer.

I was recently laid off at a tech company. I have 5 years experience in this industry, 10 years in the tech space. Despite record profits this year, my company decided to lay off 10% of the workforce. So I applied to our #1 competitor. The new job told me they had previously hired people with no experience, but wanted to hire experienced people this time around. I literally know this company’s product and customer base from my 5 years experience in this industry. I could nail this job! I spent 3 weeks and many hours of time for 3 interviews with 6 of their employees only to find out they are going with someone else. Their feedback was they wanted me to expand more on one of their questions during the interview. Why didn’t they ask follow up questions if they wanted to know more? The weird thing is…


Can I get input on this letter of resignation?

Some context, I moved to this area for this job after they offered me a salary that would afford me living here. I bought an apartment with that salary expectation, when I got into an accident I took out an auto loan with that salary expectation. However after a year, they changed my position to a broader position that helps the entire company as opposed to just my accounts, cut my pay by $20k/yr, made me hourly, haven't given me a job title or job description to my new position, and told me that they couldn't pay me more because “it wouldn't be fair to everyone else in the department who gets paid less.” They also told me that I can make up the difference in salary in overtime, but that would require over 2 hours of overtime a day, without missing a single day just to barely hit anywhere…


Worked 1 day for a company and I believe I’m getting payed less than i’m owed

I started a job on monday of this week, the pay was $14 an hour and I worked a 9 hour shift not including a 30 minute lunch break. I decided the job wasn’t for me and told my manager I wouldn’t be able to continue in the position, today I received an invitation in my email from the company to an early payment lending service. My available balance is only $63, even taking out taxes I should at least be receiving $100 for my day of work right? My only guess as to why it may be less is I was given a company shirt that I left the job with (it was filthy and sweaty) maybe they deducted that from my pay. I’m in florida if that information helps, should I wait for my official pay day and see if maybe my paycheck will have the correct amount…


Put in my notice yesterday. Last day tomorrow.

Title should say it all. Cheap bastards.


America’s shoplifting problem, explained by retail workers and thieves


Excuses from a 3,250-year-old tablet in ancient Egypt where workers’ “reasons for not coming to work” are written: “His mother is being mummified.” “Brewing beer.” “Bitten by a scorpion.” “His eyes are hurting.” [720×900].


Work schedule that’s 3 days (16 hours for 2 days, 8 hours for 1 day), then 4 days off?

I work as a cook for a restaurant and management brought up to me about a schedule I wanted to look into. He mentioned the following: Monday: 8am-12am midnight with two 1 hour breaks (besides going to the restroom and quick smoke breaks). Tuesday: 9am-1am Wednesday: 5pm-1am Thursday: Off Friday: Off Saturday: Off Sunday: Off The job is really not that stressful since I'm stationed to be cooking pizzas (Neapolitan style) except for the usual dinner rush that's like 5pm-8pm while others do the saute, grill, fryer, etc. We joke and talk a lot at work and time really does fly by quickly when you're focused on cooking. You're getting several tickets done, then next thing you know, you check your phone and a couple hours just went by. I just want to ask you guys here if you would take a work schedule like that? I did double shifts…


I feel like Kroger Bait and switched me.

This is my first job so i'm not sure how common this is or if this is a known practice, but I applied for night stocking at Kroger. When you apply for jobs at Kroger you have to put a secondary position that you could also do. I put Bakery as a secondary position. But I got called in for an interview for the bakery position. And during the interview I asked, “what about the position I directly applied for.” and the interviewer was like “we don't have any openings for that position.” I'm kind of desperate since my loan payments are due soon and I couldn't find anything else, so I took it. The bakery job is 14 dollars per hour, while the night stocking is about 2-3 dollars more. But when I go into work, they have this booth set up for people to apply for…. night stocking.…