
Where the f*ck is my offer sheet?

So after my third interview with this company they did a background check. Once the report was done, it took a week for them to get back to me about an offer. I got a call from the department head saying they want to make an offer. I said I'd like the salary bumped up about $5k to match my job I'm leaving. He said he expected that and didn't think it would be a problem, he just had to get it approved by HR and would get back to me. It's been another week and still haven't gotten the final offer sheet. I followed up with him Monday, and he said he'd email HR again and call me. Haven't heard from him since. I applied for this job back in August, did three interviews, consented to a background check and all I have is just my dick in my…


Wtf is this? Why do they use these types of pay rates? It looks sketchy as hell. I see it EVERYWHERE.


Need a positive covid test photo.


New job, unsure how to quit

Reddit I think I'm just looking for validation and wording advice. TLDR; trying to decide if I should just quit or offer two weeks So I started at my current job about 6 months ago, I was brought on as “office administrator” and was told I'd be basically the assistant to the Assistant GM. That hasn't happened. What has happened is me doing my job, as well as stock maintenance, and sales (trying to keep it vague but basically 2.5 jobs). About 2 months ago, the GM has a meeting with all of us about how numbers are bad and if we're not careful cuts will be made and all that jazz. That same week while I was cleaning out the stock (something no one else would regular do) the GM came in and told me to get to sales because we need more sales to “justify my salary”. I…


I work for a landlord and it’s awful I’m actively trying to get fired

First the job was described as office assistant. My first day I’m editing someone’s lease. I’ve harassed people about their lawn, rent and other problems. I’ve heard a girl panic over the phone about her rent and it made me feel like scum. I’m 5 days in and I hate these people. The lady I work with is judgmental about every tenant. So is the main boss. Today he looked at an applicants pfp and said “I can tell by the way they look we won’t be renting to them” I hate the atmosphere. I hate the work. Worst of all is I work 7-4 with just a half hour lunch break. Tomorrow I go in at 6:30am he wanted me to stay late until 5:30ish but I said no. I asked the lady I work with today about the extra 2.5 hours I work every week and she said…


Thrivent spreading prestigious art collection to office walls to entice workers back downtown

Come back peasants, we'll show you our pretty corporate art investments.


Is my company violating OSHA regulations ?

Is my company allowed to force me to pay their deductive after I accidentally reversed into a car with company golf cart? Hey everybody! Here’s the tea: So I work in security and I have to drive a golf cart around the parking garage in order to do my patrols every hour. Well today when I was about to drive off in the golf cart, I accidentally reversed into a vehicle that I didn’t see coming through and made a small dent into the car. For the past few months me and my coworker been doing a report about the golf cart headlights not working, the light on top of the golf cart is broken, the tires worn out and it’s just not safe to drive but we still HAVE to drive it. But nobody from my job has fixed it. I know for a fact I wouldn’t have ever…


Called in a sick day, but boss still wants me to come in for a few hours when it’s busy. How do I handle this?

I work at an employment agency. My boss wants me to come in and help manage the phones during “payout” time (when all of the workers come and get their cheques.) This is what I texted him: ME: “Hey [REDACTED], I think I may take a sick day today. I can still come for payouts for a couple of hours if need be, but I am running a fever, so I would prefer not to. I'll be available to text and email. Just don’t want to push myself and get worse 🤒.” His response: “Come in for payouts later. [Other coworker] will need you.” I know that I technically offered to come in, but I feel like if I have an active fever, it's terrible for everyone involved. Does anyone have any advice or support?


Is this normal behaviour?

Is it normal that an older nale coworker (55) keeps on touching my (F22) knee with his knee when we sit next to each other. I thought it was just accidental, but I’m not sure.


I’m a work at home customer service worker, drastic management changes are making me thinking of quitting

Hey there! Pardon the rant. As the title says, I have a remote, part-time job at a small-ish financial tech company. I picked up the job a little more than 2 years ago, and the draw for me is that I can have really flexible work schedules were as long as I work the entire duration I'm signed up for, I can do it any time of the day, and the pay was similar to any waitressing work the college town has. As a college student this was pretty enticing. But a few months in, they no longer allow employees to pick up overtime, or work whenever they need to throughout the day. A few more months in, not only did the company become way more strict on our customers, now the employees (specifically us bottom rung tier CS) are really scrutinized for our punch cards. The job content (because…