
Update:(I WAS FIRED)Sent home from work for “sleeping”. I was actually just reclined back in my chair eyes closed trying to figure out a complicated issue.

I was “let go” without cause for incidents WEEKS prior, one incident my car KISSED the chain link fence in our parking lot and one of the warehouse guys who seen it jokingly brought it up while within earshot of my boss. I had to explain there's 0 damage, not even to my car. I didn't think anything of it. The next incident was maybe 2 weeks later, I forgot my work phone at home so I spun my car around to grab it. Sped to work and got there with a minute to spare. Unfortunately when I was parking, admittedly in a hurry to get to my desk on time I didn't see a company vehicle in my blind spot when I was parking. I slowly backed up and made contact with the front bumper of the car leaving some scratches, a paint chip and a slightly misaligned bumper.…


Someone at work lied and told my boss that I already started a new job

I’ve been out sick with the flu since Saturday. My boss texted me saying that someone told him that I already started a new job somewhere else, and if that’s the case then I should resign. I been applying to jobs in optometry and I asked one of the doctors to be my reference so I guess that’s how it got out, however it’s not true that I started a new job, I’ve only been looking. From what I thought, this type of stuff should’ve been discreet or was I naive to think that it wouldn’t get out? Not sure what to do at this point, if I should respond or continue showing up to work? This whole convo left a bad taste in my mouth and now I REALLY don’t want to go in anymore.


Manager Didn’t Want Me to Message Him Through Portal Just to Not Respond

Started this job around last month, and I’d been messaging this manager through the app portal about my availability a few times because he keeps forgetting that I asked for 5-hour shifts on certain days, and I didn’t have his number at the time, but I’d just get left on read. Maybe a week or 2 ago, he finally gave me his number because he told me that even direct messaging sends it to the whole district. I texted him yesterday after noticing I was scheduled 8-hour shifts this weekend and I’m still yet to receive a response. I know it’s only been a day, but I feel as a manager, you gotta be on top of this stuff, especially since managers expect us to be on top of everything. Thought he wanted to give me his number so he could receive it more directly, like he said, but now…


DAE feel like their career isn’t progressing at all?

I'm in my 30s which means I've been working for well over half my life at this point. I have a college degree and haven't been unemployed in nearly a decade. I've been in my current industry for 8+ years now and on average I stay at jobs for around 2.5 years before moving onto something else with better pay. I've never once worked for a company that had promotions on the table in any meaningful sense, and most haven't even offered raises. I like my current job/career path just fine, but it feels like I've been at the bottom of the totem pole since I started working, period. And it's not because I'm bad at my job or anything like that, seeing as I got a stellar performance review recently. It's just weird to hear my friends from college talk about how they're senior consultants at their firm now…


I feel trapped. Are there any companies that allow for better vacation time? My family from the UK gets a month out of the year. America is disgusting as far as work goes.

2 weeks out of a year is not enough. Mentally I cannot handle working a 9-5 forever. Either I’ll make the switch to part time or find a job that allows for better work life balance. Any companies? Advice? I’m losing it.


On probation for not making friends with my coworkers (and other stupid reasons)

I (26 M) work in the non profit sector (I am a music director at a church, I know this might not be popular on here…) and my boss has put me on probation for several reasons, but the main one is that I do not make friends with my coworkers, and use my headphones too much. in my own office. ​ I have a disability that makes it difficult to do make friends, and my employer is well aware, with diagnosis by a Doctor on file. ​ My coworkers are all 40+ years older than me, and have no experience in my field, we share no interests or political views. even without the disability I would not be friends with them. I am friendly towards them, but our relationship is purely professional, and my boss does not like that. ​ the other reasons are that I do my job…


Why Do Managers Get Passive Aggressive When You Call Out???

Called out today for the first time at my new job because I didn’t wanna get other people and potentially even pets sick since I work at a pet shop, and I offered to come in on Tuesday since I wasn’t scheduled for that day, and he was like, “Today’s Thursday, Tuesday already passed.” And he tried to laugh a bit like he was laughing at me, I was like “??? I know, I mean next Tuesday.” I don’t know why you’d assume I’m asking to work on a day that already passed. It felt like he was trying to find a reason to be passive aggressive and make me sound stupid or something. I’ve noticed with all the jobs I worked, even with the pandemic, how managers’ tones would change when I couldn’t come in because I wasn’t feeling well and didn’t wanna get others sick, and how they’d…


What’s all these companies no longer wanting to send you job desciptions anymore?

Increasingly, recruiters are contacting me asking to talk about a position. Unless I see it in black and while, I REALLY have no basis to talk about it. Send it to me; I'll review it; THEN we can discuss it!


Our “reward” for making quarter…

Ten dollars. Oh my god how generous. I can put a down payment on half a tank of gas. I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone watching my manager talk about it to my coworkers and act like we're supposed to be really excited about it. Minimum wage in my state is $13 and you can bet your ass that's what they pay while corporate cuts out hours as much as they can, I was scheduled for three hours total one week. But sure, ten dollars, thanks. Maybe I'll buy most of a meal.


Extremely lucky situation, idk where to go from here

Own my home outright. No mortgage or bloodsucking landlord. This shouldn’t be miraculous it should just be the case that people have housing security, but 99.9% never do, and now I’m one of those lucky people. I inherited it. it is pure luck that I am safe and nothing more, nothing of my own effort or my studies or my labour. Anything played out differently and i’d be back to being in permanent unstable housing. Aka this is not a situation I could have ever got for myself. But now what do I do with myself when the main driver is gone. I realise that my anti work mindset as an abstract that I cheer on for other people is so much harder for me to apply to myself, and I don’t know what to do about it from here. How do you actually learn to let yourself breathe when…